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Results 67801-67830 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
Passy, 22 Sep. 1784 . These letters are virtually identical with the Commissioners’ letter to De Souza, 9 Sep. 1784 , q.v. for variations in the text. FC ( DNA : PCC , No. 116); at head of text: “On the 22nd day of Septr. the following communication was made to His Excellency the Count d’Aranda Ambassador extraordinary & plenipotentiary from His Catholic Majesty the King of Spain at the Court...
ALS and transcript: National Archives I return you enclosed the Letter addressed to you by John Jackson Pilot of Hull, dated at Hull the 16th. of October 1780. The Certificate joined with that Letter is (at least in substance) a Copy of the one I gave him at the Texel after his Arm had been amputated and he had recovered. It does not however I observe take notice that a second Pilot Boat came...
67803[Diary entry: 23 September 1784] (Washington Papers)
23d. Arrived at Colo. Philips abt. five oclock in the afternoon 16 Miles from Beason Town & near the Mouth of Cheat Rivr. The land thro’ wch. I rid was for the most part tolerably level—in some places rich—but in general of a second quality. Crossed no water of consequence except Georges Creek. An Apology made to me from the Court of Fayette (thro’ Mr. Smith) for not addressing me; as they...
The situation of my affairs on the Western Waters in the State of Pennsylvania & Virginia, requireing a Superintendant; & you having been pleased to accept the appointment, I must beg leave to point out to you the performance of such duties as are particularly necessary. These will be to settle Tenants upon my Land; collect the rents which will arise therefrom—the Debts which will proceed from...
Com̃e le contenu de l’incluse ne m’a été confié que sous le Sceau du secret, vous voudrez bien, ainsi que Mess. vos Collegues, ne témoigner à personne, hollandois ou françois de l’avoir vu. Du reste, quand vous l’aurez cacheté, vous aurez la bonté de le faire acheminer par l’Orient sous couvert de Mr. Barclay. Mes respects S.v.p. à Mad e. Adams & à Mess. Franklin & Jepherson. Vous avez bien...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’apprends de Mr. lambert, Banquier á paris, que pour être payé de la dette dont les êtats unis me Sont redevables, depuis la retraite de leurs généraux du canada, il ne me reste plus, que la voie de m’addresser personnellement au Congrés, par l’envoi des piéces originales qui la justifient. J’ai des idées trop relevées de la probité et de la justice de Mr....
67807[Diary entry: 24 September 1784] (Washington Papers)
24th. And crossed it at the Mouth, as it was thought the river was too much swelled to attempt the ford a little higher up. The fork was about 2 Miles & half from Colo. Philups, & the ground betwn. very hilly tho’ rich in places. The Cheat at the Mouth is about 125 yds. wide—the Monongahela near dble. that. The colour of the two Waters is very differt., that of Cheat is dark (occasioned as is...
It is an age since I had the Pleasure of Receiving a line from you altho’ several Vessells have lately arrived from New York. By the Mentor Captn. Lawton I sent you address’d to the Care of Mr. Nathl. Shalor a Machine for the Purpose of copying writings with Paper Ink and every Thing belonging to it, I wish you may find it of Use to you. Mrs. Church has spent six weeks at Yarmouth and bathed...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Yesterday Evening I had the pleasure to receive your Packet covering some Letters which shall be taken care of, I am much obliged to you for those for America for Mr Borrowes. Give me Leave to take this opportunity to thank you for your very obliging & polite Reception, and to assure you that I am with the greatest Respect & Esteem, Sir Your most obedt &...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Since I had the honor to answer Your Excellencys Letter of the 26th Ulto. from St. Ildefonso, this Court has judged proper to adopt a measure which it has had in contemplation for some time past, by finally concluding to send Mr Gardoqui late Consul General in England, to represent his Catholic Majesty in the Character of Chargé D’Affaires to the United...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Le Nommé Thomas Dunlop, de Newyorck, agé de 30 ans, a été arrêté dans une écurie, où il s’étoit couché pour passer la nuit, n’ayant pas, de quoi payer son gîte. Cet homme, venant d’angleterre pour s’embarquer sur quelque navire américain, étoit dans la Ville depuis 12 à 15 jours, et sâns doute faute de travail il s’est trouvé dans la détresse. Comme il...
67812[Diary entry: 25 September 1784] (Washington Papers)
25th. Having obtained the foregoing information, and being indeed some what discouraged from the acct. given of the passage of the Cheat river through the Laurel hill and also from attempting to return by the way of the Dunkers bottom, as the path it is said is very blind, & exceedingly grown up with briers, I resolved to try the other rout, along the New road to Sandy Creek; & thence by...
The last evening we were all made happy by the reciept of Letters from you and Cousin Nabby, How happy, you may more easily concieve than I describe; 8 days since we heard of the arrival of Captn. Lyde, but not particulary from you. Mama recieved a few Lines from you dated London the second of August. She has been at Haverhill these 10 days last past, and we sent the Letter to her. She is now...
LS and copy: National Archives ⟨Paris, September 26, 1784, in French: I received the letter you had the honor to write me on the 22nd of this month, concerning a treaty of amity and commerce that the United States of America wishes to make with the king, my master, for the good of our respective subjects. I will forward it to His Sicilian Majesty and as soon as I receive a response, I will...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Having just now learnt by young Mr. Alexander, that his Uncle purposes setting off for France tomorrow Morg at 5 a Clock, I set down to acknowledge the rect of your kind Letter of the 13. Inst, and to return you my sincerest Thanks for your acquiescing so readily with my Request of a longer leave of Absence: I found hower that I should not be able to get...
LS : Library of Congress; draft: Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangéres Je joins ici, Monsieur, un memoire qui m’a été présenté par le Sr. Denevers créancier du Sr. John Williams pour une somme de 1676. l.t. 3. s. Les représentations de ce marchand vous paroîtront sûremt. d’autant mieux fondées, qu’il paroît que le Sr. Jon Williams l’a excepté dans la répartition qu’il a faite des...
67817[Diary entry: 26 September 1784] (Washington Papers)
26th. Having found our Horses readily (for they nevr. lost sight of our fire) we started at the dawning of day, and passing along a small path much enclosed with weeds and bushes, loaded with water from the overnights rain, & the showers which were continually falling, we had an uncomfortable travel to one Charles friends, about 10 Miles; where we could get nothing for our horses, and only...
J’ai bien reçu la lettre que vous me faites l’honneur de m’écrire le 22. du courant au sujet d’un Traité d’amitié et de Commerce que les Etats Unis de l’Amerique voudraient faire avec le Roy mon Maître pour le bien des sujets respectifs. Je me charge avec le plus grand empressement, Messieurs, de passer sous les yeux de Sa Majesté Sicilienne votre proposition, et si tôt que j’aurai la-dessus...
J’ai recu la Lettre dont Vous m’avéz honoré le 22. d.c. et je n’ai pas manqué suivant vos desirs de la faire passer à ma Cour. Aussitot que j’aurai sa reponse, je me ferai un devoir de Vous la porter. J’ai l honneur d’etre avec un profond respect Messieurs Votre tres humble et tres obeissant serviteur, Chargé des affaires de la Cour de Saxe RC ( DNA : PCC , No. 86); without date, which has...
J’ai reçu, Messieurs, la lettre, que Vous m’avez fait l’honneur de m’écrire en date du 22. de Septembre, par la quelle vous m’informez, que Les Etats Unis d’Amerique assemblés en Congrès vous ont autorisés de pouvoir former un Traité d’Amitié et de commerce avec Sa Majesté le Roi de Sardaigne, je viens d’en faire part à ma Cour, et si l’on me mande quelque chose de particulier à ce sujet, je...
We are favoured with your Excellency’s esteemed favour of the 16 th. Instant, Nothwithstanding four Vessells arrived from America last week, we remain Still without any writings of M r. Morris, We are of your opinion bussiness of greater Consequence is the Cause of his Silence, but it Should not be less agreable to have his approbation on our behaviour. Your directions about the lottery of...
Antes de ayer recibi la carta de V. S as. del 22 por mano del S r. Humphreys Secretarío de la comission, en la qual me comunican la íntencion de los Estados unidos de America de establecer con el Rey Catolico una correspondencia conveniente ã los dos Dominíos, y fundada en los principios de igualdad, reciprocidad, y amistad, que mutuamente sea ventajosa ã las dos Naciones. Que para este efecto...
LS , translation, and copy: National Archives ⟨Paris, [September 27, 1784], in Spanish: I received your letter of the 22nd by the hand of Mr. Humphreys, in which you communicate the intention of the United States of America to establish with his Catholic Majesty an agreement that may be advantageous to the two nations. Certainly such principles as communicated in your letter will be pleasing...
67824[Diary entry: 27 September 1784] (Washington Papers)
27th. I left Mr. Logston’s a little after day-break. At 4 Miles thro’ bad road, occasioned by Stone, I crossed the Stony River; which, as hath been before observed, appears larger than the No. Branch. At ten Miles I had by an imperceptible rise, gained the summit of the Alligany Mountain and began to desend it where it is very steep and bad to the waters of Pattersons Creek which embraces...
Antes de ayer recibí la carta de Vuestras Señorías del 22 por mano del Sr. Humphreys, Secretario de la comissión, en la qual me comunican la intentión de los Estados Unidos de America de establecer con le Rey Católico una correspondencia conveniente a los dos Dominios, y fundada en los principios de igualdad, reciprocidad, y amistad, que mutuamente sea ventajosa a las dos Naciones. Que para...
C’est avec la plus grande satisfaction, que je viens de recevoir La Lettre, que vous m’avez fait L’honneur de m’ecrire. Je ne manquerai pas, Messieurs, de transmettre au Senat votre information, et aussitôt que j’en aurai reçu Les reponses, je me ferai un devoir de vous Les communiquer. J’ai L’honneur en attendant d’être avec toute La consideration, et L’attachement possible: Messieurs Votre...
It gives me real Pleasures to hear of Your Excellency’s safe Arrival at Paris and being in good Health. I hope Miss Jefferson is the same, And sincerely wish You so to continue. Colo. Humphrey will have Your Excellency informed that I was a Brother Passenger of His. But on my Way from Brest to Paris, I thought best to hasten to this Country to make Use of the favourable Season to examine the...
L’Ambassadeur de Portugal a l’honneur de prevenir Messieurs Francklin, Adams, et Jefferson qu’il a reçu leur lettre et qu’il l’a fait passer immediatement a sa Cour dont il attend la reponse pour pouvoir communiquer avec eux sur les articles relatifs au Traité de Commerce. RC ( DNA : PCC , No. 86); in a clerk’s hand, unsigned; endorsed in part: “The Ambassador of Portugal.” Tr ( DNA : PCC ,...
Si je n’ai point pris jusqu’ici la liberté de remercier votre Excellence de la grace qu’elle me fit l’année passée de me donner des lettres de recommandation, c’est que j’ai craint de l’importuner & de la distraire d’occupations importantes—Je n’en ai pas moins senti tout ce que je devois à vos bontés, & j’ose prendre la liberté de vous en témoigner ici toute ma reconnoissance— Monsieur...
LS : Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères; AL (draft): Library of Congress I communicated immediately to Mr Williams the Letter your Excellency did me the Honour of writing to me the 26th. Instant, with the Memorial of Mr Denevers which accompany’d it.— I inclose a Letter from him to your Excellency, by which it will appear that the Complaint is not well founded; and I am persuaded...