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Results 67751-67800 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
67751[Diary entry: 10 October 1786] (Washington Papers)
Tuesday 10th. Mercury at 59 in the Morning—74 at Noon and 72 at Night. In company with Major Washington (who with his wife returned yesterday evening from Fredericksburgh) and Mr. Lear went up to Alexandria to see the Jockey club purse run for (which was won by Mr. Snickers). Dined by invitation with the Members of it and returned home in the evening. William Snickers (b. 1759), son of Edward...
I enclose you a receipt from Watson for your last p r of Pentaloons, and M r: Lynch’s receipt for the last quarter’s rent of the house; the last you will please to give to my Mother. Frederick, the Hostler, called on me some days ago, to give him a character, as a Coachman, saying that his own , was gone in his chest to Quincy, and praying me to write for it. I promised to do the latter, but...
Having been an eye witness in some respects of the most nefarious trade & trafic, that has been carried on between some of the inhabitants of the United States, & those of the enemy at Halifax, and their shipping lyeing in the waters of the eastern States, I have thought proper to communicate the same to the executive. The enemy are regularly fed by Swedes or by pretended Swedes, with forged...
67754[Diary entry: 24 May 1772] (Washington Papers)
24. Very warm and Sultry especially in the Afternoon with but little wind.
I Received Yours of the 12th Instant, And am glade to find you so far Approve of our Proceeding. Lieutn. Lomax with 20 Men are gone to the Upper Tract—Capt. Feild & 30 of his Compy Remains at the Upper Fort. and are very willing to Remain to the first of Decer, those that have Returnd left their Arms with me, as Winchester was far out of their way, in going home—Capn Spotswood I have orderd...
8th. The morning very stormy and a heavy fall of snow sent to decline an invitation to a Ball given by the Officers of the Marine Corps at the Barracks—Went to the Presidents to dine and finding the weather quite clear sent word to Miss Buchanan to make ready to accompany us to the Ball notwithstanding our Apology—The company were nearly all assembled when we arrived—The Vice President and...
Letter not found: from Anthony White, 31 July 1775. On 25 Aug. GW wrote to White : “Your favours of the 31st Ulto and 1st Instt I have had the honour to receive.”
Memoranda Mobille 45 Miles below Fort Stoddert by land—the road lies thro a pine forest uninhabited except about 8 miles below Fort Stoddart and almost uninhabitable the distance by water is little more—the western bank of the River presents a few houses scattered along it—These with a few cowpens form all the Settlements near Mobille—the soil except on the river will not admit of any...
I rejoice at any circumstance that begins a correspondence with a lady whose acquaintance I have long wish’d for; but am sorry the contents of my letter must have given you pain. I would much rather endeavor to console you, but am sure your own good sense will suggest to you every consolation. I can truly sympathize with you Madam. I have learnt to mourn for injured worth and merit, your case...
Yours of the 8th is just come to hand. I mentioned in my last that Oswald had been here in consultation with the Antifedl. leaders. The contents of your letter confirm the idea that a negociation for delay is [on] foot between the opposition here & with you. We have conjectured for some days that the policy is to spin out the Session in order to receive overtures from your Convention; or if...
67761[Diary entry: 3 May 1767] (Washington Papers)
3. Cloudy. Wind at So. Et. & fresh. Rain in the Night but not much.
I got safe to this place on Tuesday following the day I left home, and at the earnest invitation of my Kinsman Mr. Madison have taken my lodgings in a Room of the Presidents house, which is a much better accom[mo]dation than I could have promised myself. It would be very agreeable to me if I were enabled by such rarities as our part of the Country furnishes, particularly dried fruit &tc which...
I now return you the copy of Warden’s exceptions recieved from you some time ago. they are too captious & futile to claim serious attention from the court. I am sued by a Samuel Scott of Bedford Campbell for 50. a s of land part of what was allotted to mrs Jefferson on the division of mr Wayles’s estate. this claim proposes to cut that much out of an entry of 99. acres purchased by
I find that Congress were pleased on the 22 d . Ult: to order me, “to transmit to the Executives of the States, Abstracts of the Numbers, Names and Owners of Negroes carried away by the British in contravention to the late Treaty of Peace, and which were the Property of the Citizens of such States respectively.”— I suspect that Congress were not apprized of the Length of this Account. A very...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Mr. Hay desires to be informed, as soon as possible, if there are to be any Additions to the Psalms, as they have but six Pages more to do, to finish the whole. This Day Dr. Sheppherd, accompanied by Professor Allamand, called; The latter Gentleman desired me to acquaint you that he should stay three weeks in Town, and that Count Bentwick was arrived. I am,...
ALS : Royal Society of Arts In my Journey from Philadelphia hither, I have had the Pleasure of meeting with sundry Persons in different Places, who are attempting the Produce of Silk from the Encouragement offered by the Society: And am persuaded that in time you will see very considerable Effects of that Encouragement. The Produce of Potash, cheap enough to be exported with Profit to Britain,...
Your favor of the 15th instant accompanying the Oration of the Honble Mr Daggett, and that delivered by yourself, have been duly received, and read with pleasure. For your polite attention in sending them to me, I pray you to accept the thanks of Revd Sir Your Most obedient Humble Servt ALS (photocopy), DLC:GW . Letter not found. David Daggett (1764–1851), a staunch Connecticut Federalist,...
I am commanded by the President of the United States of America to send to you some Papers which have just come to him, and which are of a nature highly interesting to the Community. His object is to avail himself of your opinion, relative to the measures which should be adopted in consequence of this Communication. I have the honor to be with perfect respect &c. N.B. the above letter was from...
To permit me to State to your Honour That last Jany, I wrote to the Honble the Secretary Of the Treasury for A patent, for An Invention To the Bedstead line; which Instead of the present Mode of Chords Attached to Studs & Flat holes In the Sacking bottom; my Plan is with Rolers And Cogg wheels Under the Sacking with A Clock And Spring; which has mett with the approbation Of Gentlemen; and...
I have had the Honour of receiving your favour’s of the 13th. Instt. I have this Day forwarded the inclosures for Major Freeman & Capt. Huger per a Vessel that sails to-morrow—Agreeably to your instructions I have also wrote to Lieut. Fergus & Griffiths J: McCrea Esqr. Wilmington No. Carolina to vary the destination of the Troops for Alexandria, Virginia, and find Transportation for them...
Th: Jefferson has the honour to inform Mr. Hammond, that on examination of the proceedings of his office he finds the usage to be to produce the original of the Consular commissions to the President: and for this reason that if the office be called on by a court of justice on any question relative to the Consul, a certificate in the nature of an Inspeximus is sent them, which supposes there...
31 March 1812, Michigan. Has “the honor to present his respects to the President of the United States; and to subject to his inspection the two enclosed papers.” RC and enclosures ( DNA : RG 59, TP , Michigan). RC 1 p.; printed in Carter, Territorial Papers, Michigan , 10:381. Enclosures 7 pp.; printed in Michigan Pioneer and Historical Collections , 36 [1908]: 249–51. For enclosures, see n....
[ Great Egg Harbor Landing, New Jersey, October 26, 1779. On October 27, 1779, Huntington wrote to Du Portail and Hamilton : “I am favored with your letter of yesterday.” Letter not found. ] Printed in this volume.
Plan of Specific Taxation to be substituted to the Present mode by assessment: Together with the supposed product and the appropriation of each tax. I Land tax of 3 pence per acre upon all meadow land. 2 d. per acre upon all arable land. Suppose in the whole state about 40.000 farmers each farm containing upon an average 10 acres of meadow and 40 acres of arable land; The prod⟨uct⟩ of this tax...
√ I nominate James Monroe now Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States at the court of London, & William Pinckney of Maryland to be Commissioners Plenipotentiary & Extraordinary for settling all matters of difference between the United States & the United kingdoms of Great Britain & Ireland relative to wrongs committed between the parties on the high seas or other waters, & for...
I have considered the Hint suggested in your Letter of the     my long, and I may say habitual respect for the Sentiments of D r . Franklin, at first inclined me to adopt them relative to the Subject in Question. Further Consideration induced me to suspect that he has estimated the Influence of my opinions beyond their Value— If the Reasoning in the Pamphlet you allude to is just, it will have...
I must beg leave to represent to Your Excellency, that upon the removal of the Troops of the Convention, from this State, to Charlotte-Ville, in Virginia; Capn Hawker’s ill State of Health, and the Effects resulting from my Wounds render’d such a Journey impracticable to Our Situation! Major General Phillips was sensible of our Infirmities, and gave His Permission, to Our remaining in this...
Printed in The Public Advertiser , February 16, 1774. This is one of the many contributions to the press that may or may not have been Franklin’s. The only evidence is internal, and it supports nothing more than the most tentative conclusion. One bit of evidence that he was the author is the signature: who would assume the character of Wedderburn’s victim except the victim himself? Who else,...
Your favor of the 23d is come to hand—since which I have received a letter from Mr Lund Washington informing me, that Wm Roberts my prest miller is not only uneasy at the thoughts of leaving my employ, but has given the strongest assurances of amendment if he should be continued. In consequence I have desired L.W. to contract with him for another year, provided you do not by the first Post to...
[ Philadelphia ] January 18, 1790 . “… There is one branch of Revenue which if it did not interfere too much with some of the states would produce 100,000 Dollars ⅌ annm. I mean 2 ⅌ Ct on Sales at public Auction. This has no doubt fell under your knowledge, but if not you will give it a due decision.” LC , Bureau of Customs, Philadelphia.
The address of the Citizens inhabitants of the Township of Little Eggharbour, in the State of New Jersey, at a special Town-Meeting held at Tuckerton in Sd: Township on the 23d. of April 1798, Respectfully sheweth, That we have with Silent indignation, and deep regret, beheld our ungrateful and faithless Ally for a length of time, committing the most unwarrantable, and unjust depredations on...
Paul Randall Esq r , who has been with M r Lamb to Algiers will have the Honour to deliver this Letter. in order to lay before Congress the earliest Information of all that has come to his Knowledge, in the Course of his Journeys and Voyages he proposes to return, without loss of Time to New-York. He has conducted, as far as I can judge, with Prudence and Fidelity, and has merited a...
A fortnight has already elapsed since I received yours of the 14 th . Ult., I feel my self ashamed of my neglect, tho’ as far as business & company may plead my excuse I am excusable, since I have Opened my court at Albany, transacted some business for Duer there, & been ever since crouded with company. But I am more willing to own my fault than to offer an appology which you will too often...
Letterbook copy: General Post Office, London This document is preceded in the letterbook by a letter of the same date from Anthony Todd, secretary of the British Post Office, to Charles Jenkinson, secretary to the Treasury, indicating that the paper would be given to George Grenville “the beginning of next Week” and that Jenkinson might “depend on a Copy of it.” Todd probably prepared at least...
I do myself the Honor most sincerely to congratulate your Excellency on your late glorious Victory obtained in New Jersey—May Heaven continue its Smiles on the honest Endeavors of America and protect you from every Disaster. On the 11th Ult. Congress determined on an Expedition to the Detroit and into the Seneca Country: and directed that such of the Commissioners of Indian Affairs as might be...
Deeming it of importance that you should know, as fully as possible, the state of the public mind; and the feelings, and opinions of the people, which you are obliged to meet, and to manage, especially, in that difficult part of the Country, of which I am an inhabitant, I have thought proper to submit to your inspection the inclosed letters— They prove, what I am sure has taken or will soon...
I take the liberty, to address myself to your Excellency, about a project I have send to Mr. Franklin the 20. of Septr. last; which contains in short the following. I propose that if I could have the honour to be admitted into the Service of the United States, with the Commission of Major, to form a small Corps of Artillery, consisting in 300. Men, divided into 6. Companies; all the...
I take the liberty of presenting you with a short abstract of a letter that may afford you a proof that the man for whose wellfare you have allways had the warmest interest in, General De Lafayette has at last obtained his liberty—as is ascertained by an official note from his Imperial Majesty’s minister, M. ⟨Biro⟩ resident at Hambourg, to a friend of mine Mr Masson formerly his aid du Camp....
The Post rider just past through here with a very incredible story which he told with great Confidence vizt that you had received a Flag from Lord Howe “proposing to retire with the Fleet and Army and that he was willing to settle the present dispute on any terms you should ask” for which he quoted the Authority of an Officer in your Army who told him that he might spred the News without the...
Tomorrow I shall have embarked on board one or more sloops bound for Richmond, my books and furniture remaining here, which will be in 50. or 60. packages and parcels. I take the liberty of addressing them to you, and shall endeavor if possible to oblige the captain to deliver them at Shockoe landing. But whether there or at Rocket’s, the trouble I am obliged to ask of you is to employ drays...
12 June 1804, Treasury Department. “In answer to your letter of the 9th inst., I have the honour to inform you that I will remit four thousand five hundred pounds Sterling to Sir Francis Baring & Co. in London with instructions to hold the same subject to Mr Lear’s drafts. This sum will be independent of and in addition to the contingent credit of twenty two thousand five hundred Stg. already...
I was detained by indisposition & bad weather longer than I expected. I have found here your letter of 15th inst., and wish that you may not leave Washington as early as you had contemplated. I go there at this time only to meet with you, & will not reach it before Saturday. It is important that I should know your decision on the subject of the large British importations: I have some not...
In the only country upon earth where man enjoys his birthright the inalienable gift heaven: a right to think and act as a moral agent, it becomes solemnly his duty to watch with unremitting jealousy the conduct of those to whose safeguard he entrusts this high prerogative: and to approve or condemn as they merit his approbation or his censure. But this all-important duty he ought to exercise...
6779425th. (Adams Papers)
My Grandmamma spent the Day at Mr. Cranch’s. General Palmer was up in the afternoon. I wrote part of a Letter to my Sister. Not found.
ALS : American Philosophical Society I now acknowledge my Fault with Sorrow. However ’twill be a Lesson for Me & I have already profited of it.— I am going this Minute in a Barge to Paimbceuf thence to St Nazair, where the Vessel lies. We are now retarded by contrary Wind. The first fair Wind We weigh. Forgive the Shortness of my Letter as Time hinders Me from lengthening it. Be persuaded,...
Letter not found. 5 September 1802. Acknowledged in Daniel Brent to Morey, 9 Oct. 1802 (DNA: RG 59, DL, vol. 14). Brent informed Morey that his letter had arrived in JM’s absence “and I have just received his directions, since his return, to forward the enclosed exemplification of the Patent alluded to, to you, and to return you fifty cents, and I herewith do so.” Samuel Morey (1762–1843) was...
67797[Diary entry: 21 August 1797] (Washington Papers)
21. Clear with little or no wind. Mer. at 80.
Your several letters of the second, fourth, thirteenth, nineteenth and twenty eighth of October have been duly received. The choice of Danbury as a place of rendezvous might be liable to misconstruction, and would perhaps give rise to Countermarching. It is therefore my wish that you would fix upon Stamford, Norwalk an or Fairfield. You have your choice between these three places, and when you...
67799Thurdsday [12 October]. (Adams Papers)
Examined the Laws of this Province concerning Pads, Cattle, fences &c. and read in Gilbert. This small volume will take me a fortnight, but I will be master of it. Pad: “A path, track; the road, the way. Orig. slang , now also dial.” ( OED The Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford, 1933; 12 vols. and supplement. ).
Ellen tells me that a request is communicated thro’ M r Randolph & yourself from the Freemason societies of Charlottesville to be permitted to lay the first brick of the Central college . I do not know that I have authority to say either yea or nay to this proposition; but as far as I may be authorised, I consent to it freely. the inhabitants of Charlottesville deserve too well of that...