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Results 67751-67800 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Having my recruiting account, and other public business to settle at Philada., and some business that respects my private interest at New York, I have to request your permission of absence from my command for a short time to visit those places. If these reasons should be sufficient to induce you to grant the indulgence, it is my wish to set out as soon as I can be honored with your answer—I...
67752[Diary entry: 13 April 1799] (Washington Papers)
13. A little rain fell last night. Wind at No. Wt. & Mer. 45 in the Morning—contd. at No. Wt. all day—but not hard. Mer. 50 at Night.
I have taken the liberty of sending you a fine old Cheshire Cheese—consigned to my Friends Messrs Thompson & Veitch of Alexandria—which I hope will arrive safe and in good Condition. I have requested my Friends to send the Cheese on its arrival to Mount Vernon—and I hope you will do me the Honour to accept it—which will afford me much real pleasure. I feel very much obliged by your Present of...
Your letter, my dear Maria, of Mar. 13. came safely to hand and gave us the information, always the subject of anxiety, & therefore always welcome, that yourself and mr Eppes were well. it would yet have been better that we could all have been well together, as the health we enjoy separately would be more enjoyed together. whether we can visit you is still uncertain, my presence here is so...
I have an opputunity by the hands of Mr Jacob Kenney of Sending you forty pounds which is nearly the balance due you however the remainder may be had at any time I mention.d that I wished to decline the business as It will not Suit me any longer for the reasons I before mention.d which I exspect you have heard as I wrote several weeks ago but have recieved no answer Therefore I shall be glad...
Some time since General Dickinson introduced to me Mr. Evan Jones, brother to the late Dr. Jones of the city of Philadelphia, who had then recently come from Louisiana, where he has dwelt more than twenty years. Mr. Jones is now about to return to New-Orleans, to attend to some commercial objects, and wishes the appointment of Consul from the UStates. His letter to his brother Edward, which I...
By referring to a list of appointments to the old regiments of Infantry, sent you some time since, you will find the names of the Captains to the respective Companies directed to be added to each of these regiments by the “Act to augment the army of the United States and for other purposes” passed 16. July 1798. I also transmitted to you the 8th. of March Ult. a list of the names of all the...
Col. Parker has visited me in consequence of yr. letr. of which I informed him & we have jointly laid off this state as you desired. A copy whereof I now enclose. We were governed by convenience, cheapness of provision & population & of course occasionally were obliged to render some districts smaller than others. Colo. Parker being the Senior officer in this state will of Course have to...
I have this moment received your letter of the 10 inst I presume before this can reach you that you will have received copies of Contracts made by Mr Rhea of Trenton for supplying rations at the several recruiting stations mentioned by you I expect also that Mr Huntington of Connecticut will have complete d his Contracts in due season, at least that no delay will be experienced to the service...
The inclosed copies of letters, to Coll Wilkins Quarter Master General Captain Turner and the Commandant of Fort Massac, relative to the Galley Senator Ross, lately built at Pittsburg, will shew you the measures taken respecting her, and the place where it has been thought proper to have her stationed for the present. You will determine whether it will be most eligible to keep her at Massac,...
A few days ago I received a letter from Genl Lee informing me that he had some communications to make to me relative to the Recruiting service I accordingly waited on him and only this morning received your letter of the 18th of February: this I trust will account in a Satisfactory manner for what might otherwise be looked on as a criminal neglect of duty— The General & myself immediately...
67762[Diary entry: 12 April 1799] (Washington Papers)
12. Morng. Calm & Heavy. Mer. 45. Wd. afterwards, first Southerly & then Easterly but not fresh. Weather clear. Mer. 54 at Night. Doctr. Wade came this Aftn. Spread Plaster of Paris this Morning on the circle & sides before the door & on the Lawn to the Cross Path betwn. the Garden gates & on the Clover by the Stable. Dr. Robert H. Wade had been to Mount Vernon three times during March and...
I have rec d . your Letter of the 4 March —April was doubtless the month— From the Information it contains relative to the apple Tree Boards, which I am glad to find have been taken proper Care of, it appears that you have rec d . the Letter from me on that Subject— I hope the others have also reached you. Your attention in writing to the Maj r . about the House, gives me pleasure— I wish the...
Capt: Henry Bell of this neighbourhood wishing his pretensions to be taken into view by the Executive in filling the office of Superintendant of the State Arsenals I take the liberty of stating that he enjoys the reputation of having served meritoriously in the war of our Revolution, that he is esteemed a man of strict integrity & honor, and that he may be confided in for a faithful discharge...
It was with much pleasure I yesterday received yours of 1 st instant, as it was an assurence of your better health, I hope the return of Spring will bring to you renewed health & strength, but it is needful for your friends to caution you, as you partake too much of the spirit of Martha & are apt to be too careful & encumbared about many things. The Presidents being at home, will bring more...
I have the honor to enclose a copy of the last letter which I have received from Brigadier General Macpherson dated the 8th. instant, with a list of persons made prisoners or who had voluntarily surrendered to Justice. I also enclose an original letter to the Attorney General from a Mr. B. Reeder, dated near Morgan Town 22nd. March ultimo. I request the latter may be returned.— With the...
I have the honor to enclose the copy of a letter from Capt Truxtun of the 16h. March, with the late correspondence between him & Genl. Des fourneaux. With respect to the Schooner taken by him—his course should have been, to have sent her to America—or, if he could not spare men to navigate her, he should have laid her up at St. Kitts, until his own return. The Laws, & his Instructions, direct...
Governor St Clair has made a representation to me in a letter dated the 18th of February of which I enclose you a copy, by which it appears that much discontent, and uneasiness has been occasioned by the proclamation of Martial law at Detroit. To give a full view of the subject, I have also enclosed extracts from a correspondence between the Secretary of War and Brigadier General Wilkinson...
The Secretary of the Treasury, has represented to me, in a letter dated the 20th. March ulto., that a Party of Troops, heretofore ordered, to be detached, to assist the Surveyor General in marking the Indian boundary line, conformably to the Treaty of Greenville, had utterly failed to cooperate, and that in consequence, the Northern line has been marked in no other manner, than the boundaries...
War Department, April 11, 1799. Acknowledges receipt of Hamilton’s letters of April 8 and 9, 1799 , and notes that the contents of the letter of April 8 “will be duly weighed and attended to,” but that until a “more perfect” system for supplying the troops is adopted, the existing system, as outlined in his letter to Hamilton of March 21, 1799 , will remain in effect. States that he is ready...
Since writing the preceding letter, I am informed by Dr. Ewing, our Surgeon, that the small-pox has broke out in this town. The persons infected with it are removed to the pest-house in the neighborhood of the Garrison—and the Surgeon thinks that the men will be very much exposed—a few days will determine it—if the disease becomes prevalent, the Surgeon is of opinion that the men had better be...
I enclose the bond, which has been executed by Lieutenant John G McWhorter, paymaster, of the 11th. regiment of Infantry, pursuant to the act of Congress—The sureties, in my opinion, are entirely sufficient; I, also, enclose you a list of the Captain’s and subalterns of the regiment, with the numbers altered, so that the arrangement will stand somewhat different, from the one I had the honor...
I have been Honored with your Orders of the 23rd 26th & 31 of March with the regulations & directions for the recruiting Service, that of the 23 through inatention at the Post office in New York was mailed for New Milford and sent from that office to me, which has occationed considerable delay, immediately upon receiving the letter I sent express to Lieut. Waters Clark, (who I proposed for my...
67774[Diary entry: 11 April 1799] (Washington Papers)
11. Mer. at 32 in the morning and 49 at Night. Wind Southerly and towards evening the Weather was a little lowering. Mr. Foot dined here & with Mrs. Washington returned home in the afternoon.
I have received $25.82 Interest for 1 April On your funded debt which is to your credit. Mr Latimer our Collector informed me there were four packages in the Custom house directed for you Which he would deliver to me as he knew I did your business—Capt. Ellwood being ready to sail I have put them on board his Vessel and you have the bill of Loading inclosed. I am with Great respect Dr Sir Your...
Capt. Samuel Parker yesterday brought me the inclosed letters from Gen. Knox and Mr. Daniel Davis. Capt. Parker is so genteel a man that I think you may send him a commission as lieutenant immediately provided there is room for him. I should be glad to know by return of post your determination. I am Sir your most obedient MHi : Adams Family Papers, Letterbooks.
In consequence of a letter of which the inclosed is a copy, the arrangement, of which a copy is also inclosed, was made by General Brooks. But you will perceive that it is incomplete in respect to the delineation of the subdistricts and the fixing upon a place in each for a rendezvous. This place ought to be chosen with an eye to the accommodation of the recruits, to the convenient procuring...
As it will require time to form contracts where there are none already existing, I submit that it will be expedient, in such cases, to advance money to some person, to procure them by purchases on account of the Government; Where there is no Agent preferred by you the Regimental Quarter Master Naturally presents himself, as the person to whom the service may be Committed. New Jersey and...
Mount Vernon, April 10, 1799. “I have received your letter of the 27th. ulto., enclosing a design of dividing the State of Virginia into Divisions, & Subdivisions, for the head quarters of the Rendezvouses in each: asking my opinion of the proper distribution of them, for the convenience of the Recruiting Service. The Grand division of the State, I conceive to be well allotted and with …...
Being absent by order of the Secretary of war on duty at New-London, I was obliged to postpone my return of recruits for the last month to this late period. Major Jackson, who was heretofore appointed to superintend the recruiting service in this District, is of opinion, that the details of my Company ought still to pass thro’ his hands. I however imagine myself bound to pursue the directions...
I am ordered by the department of war, to Inclose you the Certificate of Thomas Curry Mattross in the first Regiment of Artillerists & Engineers who is unfit for scervice—when Captain Elliott left this post, he desired me to make you a return of the Quater Masters, Ordinance, an Military Stores, my Indisposition has been such, that it has been impossable for me to comply with his request. I am...
Inclosed is the arrangement of this State into Districts, and subdistricts, for the purpose of the recruiting service—Within each subdistrict it is contemplated that a Company will be raised—Provision must be made for the supply of the men as they are raised, having an eye to the particular place which is designated as the Rendezvous for each subdistrict. The Regimental Rendezvous is the town...
The enclosed list of Officers for the Troops to be raised in the State of North Carolina, has been approved of by the President and was received from him on the 6th. instant. I have written to the several Gentlemen therein named informing them of their appointments—A Copy of my letter is herewith transmitted I have the honor to be with great respect Your obedient servant ( LS , Hamilton...
I beg leave to tender my services to my Country in the Provisional army of the United States, and Shall esteem it a favour if General Hamilton will present my name for a Commission, when the appointments are about taking place, With respect I am Sir Your Humble Servant ( ALS , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress). H’s endorsement on the letter reads: "The writer is well worthy of a first...
67785[Diary entry: 10 April 1799] (Washington Papers)
10th. A hard frost—morning clear and Cold. Wind at No. Wt. & Mer. at 28.
Private My dear Sir, Mount Vernon 10th April 1799 I have received your letter of the 27th ulto, enclosing a design of dividing the State of Virginia into Divisions, & subdivisions, for the head quarters of the Rendezvouses in each: asking my opinion of the proper distribution of them, for the convenience of the Recruiting Service. The Grand division of the State, I conceive to be well...
Your letter of the 28th of last month has been duly received, and is entitled to my thanks for the details it contains; and for the assurance you have given me ⟨o⟩f a preference in Renting yr Land. But as there is not the smallest probability of my Renting, or buying, while you hold both at the rates which have been mentioned, I by no means desire that you should miss an opportunity of doing...
Enclosed is a letter and sundry Certificates which have been handed to me by a Monsr Demoumonier, a French Gentln who is desirious of entering into the service of the United States in the military line. I forward this letter & these documents to you as I have done all of a similar nature which have come to my hand; but how far it may comport with the line of policy marked out by the Govt of...
I had the pleasure to receive your letter of the 3d instant, covering the Copy of a letter from Captn A.C. Randolph to yourself, expressing a wish to be removed from the Infantry to the Cavalry. These letters I have forwarded to the Secretary of War, who, I have no doubt, will, considering the favourable auspices under which Captn Randolph is introduced, make any arrangement he can, consistent...
The deed from Genl Lee to you has been duly executed, acknowledged and certified, so as to entitle it to be recorded in the General Court. I shall in a few days send it down to the clerk of that Court, to record it in June. I enclose your deed to Lee, that you may have it proved in Fairfax Court this month, and being certified by the Clerk you will immediately enclose it to “Mr—— Allen clerk...
War Department, April 9, 1799. Acknowledges receipt of Hamilton’s letter of April 8, 1799 . Has directed that “advanced pay” for officers be provided to the regimental paymasters. LS , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress.
Your letter of the 4th. instant, informs me of the contracts, which have been already made, and of the measures, which are in train for forming others in the states where none at present exist. There is an omission of New Jersey. I request information concerning this State also. You understand me rightly as to the issuing of Cloathing through the Regimental Pay Master. The execution will no...
[ April 9, 1799. “… I consent that you receive the four thousand Dollars which have been deposited on account of this note without prejudice to your recourse against me as Indorser.” Letter not found. ] The Collector: A Magazine for Autograph and Historical Collectors , LXXII, No. 6 (1959), 128, Item i 299. L’Hommedieu represented New York in the Continental Congress from 1779 to 1782 and in...
Since I had the honor to recieve yours of jan. 31st., a revolution in my affairs, to which I have been approximating, for several years past, has taken place. I was an adventurer among others, during the rage for land-speculation in this country—and have accumulated debts to an enormous amount; which, under the state of embarrassment and depression, in which all real property is now holden, I...
Probably before this reaches you, you will have learned from himself, that General Wilkinson ha s been instructed directed to repair to the Seat of Government in or der to — review of the affairs of the Western Army and country and to the settlement of a future plan with the aid of his lights. In the mean time the command will naturally devolve upon you, and it is presumed you will have...
In a letter recently recd. from the Secty. of War, I am inform’d that the President of the United States, has appointed me a Surgeons Mate, in the Army of the U.S. By the Secty. I am directed, in case I accept, to inform you of the fact. Of my accepte. you will please Sir to consider this as my signification. I have the Honor to be, with Respect, Sir, your Obedt Sert. NB. Any communication...
67797[Diary entry: 9 April 1799] (Washington Papers)
9. In the morning Mer. at 56. Wind very fresh from South & very likely for Rain. Shifted abt. 9 Oclock & blew violently at No. W. turned cold. Mer. 32 at Night. Mrs. Washington of H: came. mrs. washington of h : Elizabeth Foote Washington of Hayfield.
I am honoured with your obliging note by Mr Lear, the “Barclay” is arrived at Philadelphia Mr Miller sends by Mr Simpson on the same ships two bags, one countg 30 lb. of grain, and the other 40 lb. of a different kind, together with some 12 or 14 smaller seeds of the cold weather for the purpose of food for mare and horse. There are 175 parcels of different seeds all marked with the scientific...
I am informd that the Governor and Council are about to appoint some person as Superintendant of the State Arsenals, if so I shall offer as a Candidate—and as Ive not the pleasure of being acquainted wh. the Governor and but [few] of the Council—must be dependant on my friends for Letters of recommendation: so that if you think me worthy of the appointment will thank you for a line on the...
Inclosed are letters from Mr. Otis and Mr. Parkman, recommending Mr. William Williams to be a Capt. which I pray you to file and record for consideration. MHi : Adams Family Papers, Letterbooks.