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Results 6751-6780 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
In the year 21. there were inserted in your paper three series of essays on the case of Cohen, subscribed by Algernon Sidney, Fletcher of Saltown & Somers, which compleatly pulverised the opinion of the Federal court in that case. had these been published in the papers of the other states, they would have left no doubters on that subject. I have an oppy of putting them into the hands of a...
It appears to me adviseable to dispose of some of my Bank Stock, and therefore desire you to sell as many of my Shares in the Merchants Bank, as from Circumstances may in your Opinion be prudent; and invest the Proceeds in Stock of the United States. I am apprehensive that the State Tax on Dividends may eventually, and perhaps soon, diminish the value and price of the one, and increase that of...
M r Jefferson I will Do one floor for you on the terms you purposed If you will Board me while laying and Cutting which will not Belong as I will Cut the most of them in the qarry N.B I will Require a hand from you to assist in laying and by this fall I will try and Get one floor Done and as for the steps I will see you shortly about them But at present I will Be Getting some steps for you....
Our correspondence is of that accomodating character which admits of suspension at the convenience of either party, without inconvenience to the other. hence this tardy acknolegement of your favor of April 11. I learn from that with great pleasure that you have resolved on continuing your history of parties. our opponents are far ahead of us in preparations for placing their cause favorably...
Knowing how eminently you regard and appreciate American worth and talent, it is therefore, with much diffidence that I intrude upon your notice the feeble effort of a young man; but having the honour of being a Member of the Lennaean Society of Paris, of which you are the most conspicuous American Member, I have taken the liberty of enclosing a paper containing my address on the 24 th Ult. at...
The writer of the work, which I have the honor herewith to address to you, I had the pleasure to become acquainted with in 1816, when I was travelling in Italy, for the recovery of my health. He has recently sent me a few copies of it, with a request that I would present them to such of our eminent fellow-citizens as were remarkable for their love of the five arts; “being desirous, to be read...
Considering that I had not been to Bedford for a twelve month before, I thought myself singularly unfortunate in so timing my journey as to have been absent exactly at the moment of your visit to our neighborhood. the loss indeed was all my own; for in these short interviews with you, I generally get my political compass rectified, learn from you whereabouts we are, and correct my course...
Sales four Hogsheads leaf Tobacco by B Peyton for a/c M r Tho s Jefferson 1823. Rich d 11 June To sundry persons for Cash 4 Hhds: (viz) ℔s TI X 14 = 1331 = 144 = 1187 nett at $5.15 $ 61.13 〃 15 = 1762 = 140 = 1622
Your esteemed favor of Inst t is just rec d & your enclosures will be immediately forwarded, by two different opportunities, for Marseilles.—Mr Dodge has got as far as Bristol R.I. on his way to Boston.—His partner will undoubtedly hasten to attend to your wishes. Happy in having had the opportunity of corresponding with a man who has done so much for the cause of Liberty, I beg leave to...
This letter will be handed you by mr Dabney Overton Carr who goes to your instn to qualify himself for a military life. he is the son of my nephew, Col o S. Carr of good habits and genius, and I feel an interest in his education and future course. on these grounds permit me to ask your notice & favble disposns towrds him, and the benefits of your counsel and protection should any occasion...
Mr. Morris who was employed for several years on a confidential Mission to Spain, observes to me that in executing the trust, he incurred expences, particularly in being transferred from Cadiz to Madrid, and during his residence at the latter place, which in the then circumstances of Spain were great beyond foresight, and moreover in providing a Clerk for whose services he had occasion: and he...
I recieved yesterday your favor of the 31 st ult. and my grandson Th: J. Randolph having set out for Richmond the day before, I immediately inclosed the papers to him by mail, and informed him that I should be ready if thought necessary to bear testimony to the honorable character of our dec d friend, as I knew him. I am sorry to learn that you are among the sufferers by his misfortunes. I am...
Permit me to introduce to your notice Doctor De R’eider from Vienna—He is performing the Tour of the United States, and is anxious to visit Monticello in passing—He is highly recommended as a Gentleman of talents and information—. MHi .
an extract of your letter to M r Adams and his answer fell into my hands. the sastisfaction they gave me is more than I can express to find my opinion of death preported by two of the greatest character’s in the Union, It was a considerable time before I could get my own consent to address you. but believing if their was nothing that would entertain or amuse you it would not give offence to...
Your favor of Feb. 25. came to hand the day before yesterday something more than 3. months after date. at what post-office it has so long loitered is useless to enquire, and the delay is mentioned only to shew that it is not imputable to me. and now that it is recieved, I wish it could be of the avail you count on. it is now exactly 50. years since I left the practice of the law, and during...
I deeply regret to have been compelled, as you will see by the gazettes, to advertise my lands in albemarle for sale, but in truth the debts which I owe, owing to bad management, bad crops, expensive trusts with incompetent salaries, untill the present, the savings from which, with the most rigid œconomy, will do little more than pay the interest, leave me no alternative. I am too far advanced...
A letter just recd. from Mrs. Todd has given us very great pleasure first because it assures us of the progressive restoration of your health, and secondly because it pledges anew the visit so long & as anxiously wished by us. I hope your health will continue to improve and that nothing will interfere to keep our families apart the ensuing fall & winter. I have recd. a letter from R. B. Lee...
Since the receipt of your letter you will perceive, by a copy which I took the liberty of enclosing to you, that my debut is made. That it would be assailed I was well satisfied long before it made its appearance. It was not to be expected that the wounded pigeons would not flutter. As it was not possible to consult my friends I was obliged to rely on my own judgement, and it is not without...
In enclosing to you a printed letter to Mr Adams on the importance of the Militia, as a Civil, as well as a Military institution, you will permit me to express a hope that the Sentiments it contains will meet with your approbation. I have the honor to be, With the highest respect, Your most Obedt & hume St RC ( DLC ). In a clerk’s hand, signed by Sumner. William H. Sumner, An Inquiry into the...
Your highly esteemed favour of the 30 th of April last came to hand, and after the Presidential election is over I shall put it in a frame and bequeath it to my children.—I have long been anxious to have in my possession some memorial of our republican patri ar ch, and am now happily gratified. as your name is frequently in conversation, and sometimes in the newspapers made use of to advance...
In enclosing to you a printed letter to Mr Adams on the importance of the Militia, as a civil, as well as a Military institution, you will permit me to express a hope that the Sentiments it contains will meet with your approbation. MHi .
I have recd. yours of May 28. I do not find that I have rcd. more than one copy of No. 54. of the Quarterly review. I return with thanks the loaned Vol: of the N. A. Review than [ sic ] has lately come to hand. It appears that No. (XI), which contains that review, by whom sent, I can not ascertain. As it is a second hand copy, it may have been sent by a gentleman who had referred me to it....
I recieved yesterday evening your favor of the 30 th May on the subject of Cisterns. I have four of brick,. 8 feet cubes each, and had not been able to satisfy myself how to line them until a mr Coffee, known I believe in Richmond, and peculiarly familiar with the arts of that nature advised me to use the Roman cement and instructed and assisted a bricklayer, a black man, how to use it. the...
I had made up my Mind on my return from Spain never to trouble Mr. Madison even with the mention of any disappointmt in which the Mission his partiality conferd on Me had resulted from unforeseen circumstances; I kept my resolution, untill the acceptance of my modest position here, and I should invariably have adherd to it had not an intimation from the President to the Secy of State first...
I have duly recieved your favor of May 2. and since that the 20 bottles of Scuppernon wine you have been so kind as to forward. I am gratified too to learn that the two casks of that wine furnished me heretofore thro the friendly agency of Col o Burton were from you. they were really fine. I had urgently pressed on him that there should be no cooking on them of brandy, sugar or other...
I now as usual make my annual application for supplies of wine E t c as noted below. according to arrangement with your mr Dodge on his late acceptable visit to me instead of remitting a bill for the conjectural am t as heretofore I shall pay on demand your draught for the actual amount in favor of mr P. P. F. Degrand or any other person you may think proper: and I pray you to forward these...
I have received your kind letter of May 8th. and a valuable publication inclosed and I know not how to express my obligation to you for it. I have heard it tranthintly read & it has afforded me exquisite entertainment and much instruction, it has awakened so many recollections of what I saw and heard in Europe from 17 8 78, 17 7 88, dureing the ten years that I resided in that quarter of the...
I recd. by the last Mail yours of May 15: and I can not but express my regret that any controversy should have arisen as to the distribution of the laurels gained in the memorable battle of Kings Mountain, where enough were gained for all the heroes of the achievement. I was not what you suppose I was, a member of the Council of State, either at the date of the battle, or when the vote of the...
I take the liberty of introducing to your acquaintance M r Ruggles, who, in taking an excursion on account of his health intends to visit your neighborhood and is desirous to pay his respects one, who occupies so much of the affection of the American people, as yourself. He is a young gentleman of respectability, and I take much pleasure in gratifying his desire of making your acquaintance....
I regretted very much that my duties here, with the necessity I was under to pass through Loudon & remain there some days, detaind me so long, as to deprive me of the pleasure of seeing you, on my late visit to albemarle. Being informed by M rs Randolph that you intended to return in a fortnight I should have prolongd my stay there for that term, but was compelled to return, to revise the...