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Results 671-680 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I have just rcd. your letter of the 4th relating to a claim from the heirs of Lewis Perrault, for supplies &c furnished by him in the Revolutionary War, for the Illinois Regiment, the papers & vouchers of the claim, having been, as is sd. put into my hands in the year 1783, to be prosecuted before the Legislature of Virginia. I wd. gladly comply with the requests of information on the subject,...
I have re’d yours of the 11th. offering me a supply of Pork at the market price. If your hogs be fatted on Indian Corn, and the pork be in all respects as good as that purchased last year, I shall be willing to take about ten thousand pounds; the Market price is understood to be that of this neighbourhood for hogs driven from the West. I shall be glad of notice by a line from you of the...
Permit me as the son of your old friend Governor Page, and son-in-law of Gen. Nelson to ask you to be so very obliging as to recommend my son Francis Mann Page to President Jackson that he may obtain a—Midshipman’s Warrant as he is very ardent to engage in The Naval Service of The United States, your friendly aid in conjunction with letters which my son has sent on to the President from...
I have recd. your letter of the 8th. requesting a recommendation to the President of the U. S. of your son F. M. Page, and Grand Son of the late Govr. Page & Genl. Nelson for a Midshipman’s Warrant. Knowing as I do the personal & political merits belonging to their distinguished names, & the particular sacrifices made by their devotion to the cause of their Country at the expence of their...
I have just recd. a Communication from the Heirs of Lewis Perrault , residing in Canada informing me as his Agent that in the year 1783, the claim of Lewis Perrault for advances of provisions, clothing &c made by him to the Illinois Regiment while in the West in the Revolutionary War, with the accompanying proofs & vouchers &c. was entrusted to your care for prosecution before the Legislature...
As you expressed an interest in our proceedings here, I send you herewith some papers relating to our controversy—You will have seen, that our Convention at Columbia recommended a convention of the Southern States—an informal meeting, not such a convention as is contemplated and prohibited by the constitution—I went to that meeting with the sentiments I expressed to you at your house and I...
I have recd. your letter of the 16th. As you have made the same commnication to the other members of the Ex-Committee who will be able to appreciate all the circumstances of the case stated in it, better than I can be, I must refer you to their decision on it, which I doubt not will be a just and proper one. With friendly respects RC (InU : Lilly Collection); draft (DLC) .
The inclosed letter to the Executive committee upon a small but most desirable change in the lecture hours, has been signed, as you will perceive, by all the Professors, except Dr. Blaettermann, & has already been approved by Mr. Randolph. Dr. B. is unwilling to give up any part of the 2 hours, but as he has only 7 students out of about 105, (the present number of matriculates) & 6 of these...
I have been induced to believe by one of the members of the Faculty, that I might probably be relieved from one of their decisions, by an appeal to the Executive Committee of the Visitors, of which you are a member. The circumstances are these: My father, Charles Ellis, of Richmond, was not entirely satisfied with my progress in my studies during the last Session of the Uny. of Va; and knowing...
J. Madison presents his respects to Mr Ingersoll with many thanks for the Copy of his Address on the 4th of July. It is a proof that fertility of genius can create an interest in a case which in other hands would be barren from apparent exhaustion. J. M. is sensible of the delay in making the proper return to Mr I for his favor. He has an apology which he is sure will be kindly accepted in his...