From Alexander Hamilton to Decius Wadsworth, William Littlefield, Lemuel Gates, and Amos Stoddard, 5 June 1799
To Decius Wadsworth, William Littlefield,
Lemuel Gates, and Amos Stoddard
New York June 5, 1799
All the garrison posts within the vicinity of the Sea Board in the States of Connecticut Rhode Island Massachusettes including the Province of Maine and New Hampshire are placed under the command of Major Jackson.1 His general station will be at or near New Port Rhode Island. You will consequently communicate with him and obey his orders. Your returns of every kind are to be made directly to him.
With consideration I am Sir Yr. Obed serv
Captains Decius Wadsworth Commanding Officer New London
William Littlefield Fort Wolcott Rhode Island
Lemuel Gates Castle William near Boston
Amos Stoddard Portland Province of Maine
To the care of Jackson Supervisor2
P.S. to Capt. Littlefield. You will understand that Major Toussard will exercise the same command as heretofore till Major Jackson assumes it; after which he will take care of all the ordinary details of service subject to the order of Major Toussard3 as senior officer while the latter continues within his district.4
ADf, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress.
1. H’s letter to Daniel Jackson ordering him to assume this command, dated June 5, 1799, has not been found, but it was acknowledged in Jackson to H, June 25, 1799 (listed in the appendix to this volume).
2. Jonathan Jackson was supervisor of the revenue for the District of Massachusetts.
3. H notified Lewis Tousard of this arrangement on June 5, 1799, in a letter listed in the appendix to this volume.
4. The postscript is in the handwriting of Ethan Brown.