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Results 6691-6720 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
ALS : American Philosophical Society I received your kind Letter of March 2. and am glad to hear that the Ship from Ireland is got safe into Antigua. I hope you will now get the little Token I sent you from thence. I have not receiv’d the Letter you mention to have given the young Scotsman, nor that from Mr. Craige. I am sorry for the Disorder that has fallen on our Friend Kinnersley, but hope...
Providence, December 24, 1790. “I have this day received your letter of the 13. instant. Contrary to what Mr Brown informed me was his intention, the ship Warren did not return from Newport to this port; but having completed her lading there, she sails, as I am informed, about this time for India. I have only to add that she lay four days in the harbour of Newport without any Papers entitling...
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to mr Clay. he was mistaken in believing he had a packet of seeds from Italy, (he was led into the error by it’s being entered as such at the Custom house) & no letter of explanation came. it turns out to be a packet containing 2. kinds of the Peach-Apricot stones & a kind of plumb stone. the former are distinguishable from all others by a sheath in the...
ADS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania State of the Transaction at the Exchequer, relating to the Parliamentary Grant for the Year 1758 The Sum given to Pennsylvania and the Lower Counties jointly, for their 2727 Men, is £29,993 0 0 By General Abercrombie’s Report, there were of these effective Men in the Field, From Pennsylvania 2446 From Lower Counties 281 2727 Therefore the Proportion to...
I was particularly happy my Dear Jay when I saw your name in the list of Deligates for the Continental Congress, not only because it favour’d an opinion I had ever entertaind, that your Abilities would entitle you to the most distinguishd honors; But because as I knew your Sentiments were favorable to Liberty and the public Good it convinc’d me that the Spirit of Freedom and not of Faction...
Your Favor of Yesterday I have received —All Things in this City remain in Confusion, for Want of Men to put them into Order—The Citizens are generally with you—The Continental Recruits are cloathing & arming as fast as possible, & are employed on Guard & Fatigue Duty, for which there is scarce a Relief—A Party are now going to the Jerseys, to bring off all the Craft out of the Creeks. The...
14 January 1805, Washington. “I have been requested to transmit the enclosed Protest [not found] to your Department. I am well acquainted with Willm Pittman who has signed that instrument. He is a native of Salem in Massachusetts where his family & friends reside, and many of them are personally known to me. Mr. Pittman’s case appears to have been an extremely hard one and it would give me...
Doctr: Joseph MCreary of Wilmington State of Delaware is desirous of being appointed a Surgeon to the Hospital to be established at New-Orleans. He is recommended to me by Doctr: Geo: Monro of the State of Delaware as a Gentn. of Talents well qualified to discharge the Duties of his Profession, sober and industrious and firmly attached to the present Administration—Dr: Monro is a Gentn. of...
I ought to have acknowledged the receipt of your letter of the 10th sooner, tho’ I am at a loss what answer to give it now. When I sent to Boston for my Jackass, which was previous to the presentation of Captn Pearce’s order, tho’ subsequent to the date of it, I requested Mr Cushing (the Lieut: Governor) to whose care this animal was addressed, to pay all the charges which had accrued for...
The territory of Wioming which had been in dispute between the states of Connecticut and Pennsylvania having been adjudged to the latter by a court constituted according to the articles of confederation, the individuals claiming the private right of soil under the two states have in pursuance of the same articles asked from Congress and obtained the appointment of a second federal court to...
I had agreed with a Farmer for 100 Bs. Buckwheat to have been brot in, in time for the sailing of Capt. Carhart by whom I have sent a Bag with half a Bushel of Cocoa shells but the Farmer disappointed me in bringing it in, as I have been since told that he was offered 2/3 for the Buckwheat & I was to pay him 2/ for it I have sixteen Bags ready & will fill them the Cheapest rate I can to ship...
Note particuliere. Les français du Canada, des Illinois, de la nouvelle Orléans n’attendent que l’Instant où les américains prendront une attitude digne d’un peuple libre pour s’unir à eux et pour Consacrer ce vaste Continent au Culte de la Divinité qui regnera bientôt sur le monde entier. Les adresses cijointes les ont instruits des dispositions de la france, des agens Surs les ont repandus...
I return under cover with this the 2d. parcel of my letters to Gl. W. which you were so obliging as to send me. I am sensible of the delay in fulfilling my promise; but it is of late only that I could conven[i]ently have the desired copies taken, and I ventured to suppose that the certainty of the return of the Originals was the only circumstance to wch. any attention wd. be given. Having...
MS ( NA : PCC , No. 23, fol. 161). Undated and unsigned but in JM’s hand. That the district which may be ceded to & accepted by Congress for their permanent residence, ought to be entirely exempted from the authority of the State ceding the same; and the organization & administration of the powers of Govt. within the sd. district concerted between Congress & the inhabitants thereof. For...
6705[Diary entry: 13 January 1798] (Washington Papers)
13. Clear & no wind in the morning. Mer. at 28—greatest height 48—in the evening at 43. Calm & pleasant all day.
I have deferred the gratification of acknowledgeing the rect of the letter with which you honord me on the 10th of July, only till I shou’d be able to dispatch the remainder of the books for the national library ordered from Mr. Johnson;—I am concerned to find that they coud not have been sooner collected, & even now, that there are some deficiences which you may consider important;—I can...
6707[May 1787] (Washington Papers)
Friday 11th. Set out before breakfast and rid 12 Miles to Skirrets Tavern, where we baited, and proceeded to the Ferry at Havre de grass to dinner. The wind being high, & the weather Squally I did not cross the river—frequent Showers thro’ the day with Mists and sun shine alternately. Saturday 12th. Crossed the river early in the morning and breakfasted at the ferry house on the east side....
I was yesterday Honored with your favour of the 27 of Sepr. and ask pardon for the omission of Mr. Chews name in my letter of the 22nd—In May last Mr Brown was recommended for the appointment of Capt. in place of Mr. Chew declined; since which I have been informed that Genl. Jedidiah Huntington had wrote in favour of some other Gentleman, and recived for answer from the Secretary of War that...
The discordant opinions which are held by physicians of the first reputation, upon the Subject of yellow fever, have prevented me from Replying to your letter of january last, lest the information which I may offer should give rise to such observations as would necessarily involve me in a medical controversy— From frequent conversations with my worthy preceptor, the late Mr. Richard Bayley ,...
From some News paper publications, and which in this instance are probably true, Henry Dearbourn Esqr., the Marshall of this district, is Elected a Member of Congress, and should he accept, as there is no great doubt he will, if he is chose, That office will become vacant. The office is by no means lucrative: yet when offices of almost any kind are vacant, there are generally Persons enough...
Joshua Baker one of the Legislative Council of this Territory, is the Author of the inclosed extract of a letter— The notoriety of the falshoods which he has here detailed, without even the Semblance of foundation or truth, has drawn from the people an universal execration of his private as well as publick Character, so much so, as to render it expedient to revoke his Commission as one of the...
I was favor’d with yours of 30th. March, & have Communicated the Contents to Mr. Jenings, who begs me to forward you his best respects.—I have lately had a letter from Philip L. Grymes Esqr. respecting the Guardianship of Windham & Sisters.—I hope soon to see his Bills on me for the amount of their Cash in my hands, about £600 Stg.— I am Sir—Yours most respectfully, Dupl ( MHi ); at head of...
I am informed that the Offices of Collector and Surveyor at the Port of New-Orleans is now Vacant, and that Mr. John Clay formerly of this State but for several years has resided at New Orleans will probably apply for one of those Offices. I therefore beg leave to inform you that from many years acquaintance with Mr. Clay I can recommend him as a Gentleman of great Honour and integretary; he...
I have been duly honored with your Excellency’s favors of the fifth tenth and eleventh of July— I have taken the Liberty to make some Extracts from the two latter which are transmitted in a Letter to the Governor of Massachusetts Copy whereof is enclosed— Permit me Sir to give my feeble Approbation and Applause to those Sentiments of Wisdom and Integrity which are as happily expressed as they...
I had the honour of writing your Excellency on the 5th of October last by one Mr Ireland on the Subject of a conveyance of the land you Sold Mr William Hickman, which letter I am informed you received; but having heard nothing from Mr Ireland Since, I am at a loss to know how the business has been Settled. I am informed by my friend Mr Wright, that your Excellency had Some Conversation with...
Having been honoured, by the State of New Jersey, in the appointment, to several public Employments, and which I am flattered by my Friends, as having discharged with Fidelity and attention; I am induced, thro their Solicitation, to offer myself as a Candidate for public favor, Under Your Excellys Administration and to Entreat you, to place my name on the List of Nomination, for the Collectors...
We the Undersigned, prisoners in the Goal of Philadelphia, beg leave to present their Humble Petition & Prayer to your Excellency— It is with deep Reverence and Humility we address ourselves to Your Excellency—We look upon You as a kind Father, permit us therefore to speak as Children that have gone astray and who are justly punished for their folly and Wickedness but who now feel and see the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je vien D’aprendre par Des vois indirect que Les Etats unis de L’amerique etoient dans Lintentions de faire Elevé une Statue a La Gloire Du Roy, Si La chose est vraie, il Sauroit tres flateure pour moi D’Etres chargé de L’execution de Se monument. Je vous prie Monsieur Dans cette occasion et Dans touts autre de vouloire bien vous Resouvenire de moy et...
I have just recd. your favor of the 18 inst: inclosing one from my amiable friend Mrs. Trist. I feel pathetically for her in case she should have proceeded down the river before the news of Mr. Trist’s death got to Fort Pitt. The situation in which she will find herself at the end of her voyage bereft of the object of her pursuit, and surrounded wholly by strangers whose very language will be...
Your favor of the 21st. is duly recieved. it is on a subject the most difficult of all we have to act on. my idea is that the mass of our countrymen, even of those who call themselves Federalists, are republican. they differ from us but in a shade of more or less power to be given to the Executive or Legislative organ. they were decoyed into the net of the Monarchists by the XYZ contrivance....