Adams Papers

From John Adams to Edmund Jenings, 5 February 1781

To Edmund Jenings

Amsterdam Feb. 5. 1781

Dear Sir

Yours of 31. Jan. is arrived. A Courier is arrived from Petersburg, who carried the Notice of Sir Yorkes leaving the Hague. All’s well in the north.

The Courtiers in England, who indeed compose the nation, flatter themselves they shall raise the Devil in Holland. They may raise a Spirit but it will be a good one. The Symptems are very Strong. If popular Rage gets loose it will not dewitt,1 John Adams, John De Neuville and Van berkel as the Anglomans hoped, but the Anglomans themselves. However, I think there will be no Commotions but all will go well.

The Translator, is very willing that any Notes and Additions may be made. If you get one of the Books pray send it by the Post. The Translator, has circulated many Things here, the Memoire, Hows Narrative and Burgoines, &c. These have had a wonderfull Effect here. And there are so many Wits at Work, that good Sentiments will prevail here in time.2


RC (Adams Papers).

1For Johan de Witt, see vol. 9:96; 10:355; and for JA’s apprehension that he might share de Witt’s fate, see vol. 10:438.

2In this paragraph JA refers to himself as the translator of Thomas Pownall’s Memorial. The “Memoire” is probably the French version of JA’s translation, Pensées sur la révolution de l’Amerique-Unie, for which see JA’s letter to Luzac of 22 Jan., note 1, above. The works by Gens. William Howe and John Burgoyne were The Narrative of Lieut. Gen. Sir William Howe, ..., London, 1780; and A State of the Expedition from Canada, ..., London, 1780. JA had used both works extensively in his replies to Hendrik Calkoen in Oct. 1780 (vol. 10:196–252). For JA’s role in the translation and publication of the Narrative in the Netherlands in 1781, see his letter of 9 March 1823 to François Adriaan Van der Kemp (JA, Works description begins The Works of John Adams, Second President of the United States: with a Life of the Author, ed. Charles Francis Adams, Boston, 1850–1856; 10 vols. description ends , 10:407–408) and vol. 10:208, and references there.

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