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Results 6651-6700 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
As I know you feel an interest in the prevalence of the pure principles of the Gospel, I take the...
I write by this day’s mail to my Correspdt at Richm d Col o B. Peyton to procure a bill of...
I this day write to my correspdt in Richm d Col o B. Peyton to procure and remit to you a bill...
You have reason to believe I am unmindful that I ought ere this to have remitted you the amount...
There is a periodical work published at Paris, entitled la Revue encyclopedique, of which M....
I must ask the favor of you to procure for me a safe bill of excha. on London to nett there,...
I take the liberty of informing you of my arrival in this City a few days since, highly gratified...
I have Just read in one of the new York papers the copy of a letter purporting to have been...
Tho’ sorry to trouble you so often I must ask the further favor of you to let me have from the...
I am very much pained by your account of your health and hope sincerely that you have made a...
I have recd. your letter on the subject of your account with the U.S. and asking whether there...
I have recd. your letter of June 26. enclosing one from Mr. Anderson, the answer to which I take...
We have the honor to transmit to you inclosed Invoice of the Cost & charges of Sundry articles...
It is with real pleasure that I communicate to you the extract of a letter I have recently...
Permit me as one of Your old friends to send you the enclosed paper, by which you will see that...
The excellent president, governor, ambassador and chief justice, John Jay, whose name, by...
I send you herewith a copy of my late publication, entitled, “ Official Letters of the Military...
I yesterday rec d . your favor of the 1 st . & will with pleasure attend to your wishes...
To my requests the day before yesterday I forgot to add that of a Copy of As letter to Harrison...
I herewith send you a copy of my late publication of the Official Letters of our Military & Naval...
I send you herewith, a copy of my late publication, entitled, “ Official Letters of the Military...
About a month before the reciept of your favor of June 24. I had been requested to draw the plan...
I rec d yesterday your favor of June 27. and am very thankful to you for having been so kind as...
I am, as well as your father, much delighted at the account you give of your Grandfathers health,...
On the 21st May I had the pleasure to inclose in my letter to you of that date one to your...
You will receive by this days mail a copy of my lectures. I intend if I re receive encouragement,...
I have withdrawn your bond to the late firm of A Robertson & C o from Mr Branch of Richmond, Mr...
Th: Jefferson thanks mr Rawlins for the form of the Notice which he has been so kind as to send...
Marble Capitals D r To A. S. Brockenbrough Proctor 1823 July 3 rd To draft to Col Peyton for...
I have recd. your favor of June 28 covering the papers from the War office, for which I return my...
By a letter which I have just receiv’d from one of the Trustees of our Theological school I am...
Yancey Joel 1816. Dec. 31. 1 st note 550 off 1 st instalm t Univ y 50 500 1818. May 1. 2 d Note...
The enclosed should have been forwarded sooner; but by some accident was overlooked. No...
Untill reminded by your favor the 1 7 th ins t I had entirely forgotten the monied transaction...
The view which you have communicated of the condition, relation, & disposition, of Cuba, & its...
you ask permission to publish my letter to you of Apr. 30. altho I have a great aversion to this...
Last week being infavorable for opening & sales Tobacoo, postponed the inspection the other 9...
I lament to say, that I have been at this place two months, without a Line from you—or seeing any...
I have just recd your note inviting me to join a party of my fellow Citizens in celebrating the...
I have returned Chancellor Taylors Journal of the moot school, in which you will find the papers...
I arrived here with my family on the 24 th instant after a prosperous voyage of 34 days from...
Huzza, my little gallant Soldier—what wonderful feats of glorious prowess am I to anticipate from...
I recd. last evening your letter of the 17. inviting my participation with the volunteers of...
I enclose you such documents mentiond in your memo: as are to be obtaind from the dept. of war....
Not for the value of the article, but as a little token of remembrance, I beg you will allow me...
I arrived here last noon & I have seen a part of your Capital; I like it very much: the situation...
I avail myself of the offer of your agent Who is on his way from Italy with marble Capitals &c...
I return the copy of your letter to Judge Johnson inclosed in your favor of the   instant. Your...
Your letter of the 10th Novr. reached me only on the 17th Inst.—the anniversary of one of the...
I Sent you, on the 20 th inst t , A Nautical Almanac for 1823 & One for 1824. I forward, By this...