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Results 66301-66350 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
It is with Sentiments of the most profound Sorrow that I announce to you the death of our late...
I should have sooner replied to your favors of the 8 and 26 th Ult o had not the delay been...
Your absence from Monticello having prevented my hearing from you before this day, I had...
My want of knowledge and experiance in the military department will I fear cause me to be more...
Bishop Carrol’s letter The Agent “Sibley” has arrived; and the memorial was forwarded to Congress...
At the tim your Coachman Cald for your Chariot he informed me that the Links of the Ames of the...
Havre, 12 Mch. 1793 . This letter will be brought by the Euphrasia, Captain William McFaden of...
Presuming It will be highly agreeable to Your Excellency previous to your Departure for America,...
Three weeks after having the pleasure of seeing You—I was at the place and had the conversation...
From the nature of the service I have been under the necessity of giving the command of the gun...
Permit me to solicit your acceptance of another morsel of nut-shell philosophy , in the form of a...
I left Washington on the morning of the 6th. and ended my journey on saturday evening. Having...
Your favour of the 16 th ult I have received, you express a wish “to Know in what my machine...
Excused if trouble You with an other Letter, but I feel to Sensible my Great loss, than that I...
London, 2 Jan. 1788 . Acknowledges letters forwarded by TJ, reports that his father was to sail...
N. Orleans As several similar applications may be made during the absence of the President some...
On the fifth instant I received the enclosed from the Attorney of the United States for this...
Vous devez avoir reçu, il n’y a pas longtems, plusieurs volumes des mémoires de notre Société...
I beg leave to send you, by mail together with these lines, 6 pamphlets, cont g a Dozen Memoirs...
Having been requested by Mr. D. Carr to procure copies of some papers for you out of the office...
Of the above hasty view I have sent a copy to one or two other friends. Since it was written the...
I return you a thousand thanks for your friendly letter of Oct. 16 and its enclosed extracts of...
Daniel presents his very respectful Compliments to M r Jefferson , and has the pleasure to inform...
I have kept your message longer than usual, because my objections being less to details than to...
E. Avery a l’honneur d’accuser la reception de la note que Mr Jefferson a daigné lui ecrire. Il...
The Bearer doctor Benjamin Robinson is a native of this town and a nephew of mine, Sustains a...
Je profite avec le plus vif empressement de l’occasion que m’offre Mr de Boucherie pour vous...
The freedom of this address to you if it needs any apology, will find it in the extent and depth...
I arrived in town last evening, and received this morning at the post office your two letters of...
George The Third, By the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland King,...
I have the honor of proposing for your approbation James Gibson of Delaware as Cadet in the...
I have inclosed you a copy of record in the case of Peyton against Henderson , you wrote that you...
On my arrival at Kaskaskias, I made a selection of a sufficient number of men from the troops of...
I have not been able to get any more of the Prospect; but next week I shall be able to Send...
Un Considerable nombre des hommes delivres des Comtees comme recrues, et entierement unfit for...
I think that Congress might now decide whether they will give to the corporation the right of the...
The United States Military Philosophical Society are desirous of making the next annual account...
M r Gordon & M r Rives left this for Albemarle on yesterday and will not probably return for...
The Enemy are retreating toward Charles Town, they are at present in the Neighbourhood of the...
I enclose some recommendations for the appointt. of surveyor at Smithfield near Norfolk. I had,...
I received your favour of the 8th. inst. and such of the articles ordered as I have, or can...
I have received Your Excellency’s Warrant of Yesterday for impressing the Boats on James and...
The Petition of the Chactaws by the undersigned Mingoes in behalf of the whole Nation Humbly...
Your letter of 24th Ulto with a pair of Spectacles and their Set of Glasses was duly rec d by...
I have postponed answering to the Letter your Excellency hath honored me with in expectation to...
Extract from the agreement entered into betwe e n the Proctor of the University of V a & W. J....
Lilly was here a fortnight ago to beg I would write to you immediately about some business of...
Letter not found. 29 April 1793, Orange. Acknowledged in Jefferson to JM, 13 May 1793 . In his...
I did not know that I owed you any thing but what I had mentioned before. I had no idea I owed...
Sales of Twelve Barrels Superfine flour by Bernard Peyton for a/c. Thomas Jefferson esq r 1824...