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Results 66301-66350 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
ALS : American Philosophical Society During the period covered by the present volume, Franklin...
Your Excellency Has Been Acquainted With my first Measures Respecting our Society—To My Letter...
Mr du Bouchet formerly a Major in our Service Having Presented me With His Claims to Our...
Altho I Write You another Private letter, I Must Confidentially Let you know My opinion Upon...
Had I Not So perfect a Confidence in Your friendship, I Would Very Much fear to tire You with My...
By last Post I was honored with your Excellency’s favour of the 18th February, and have the...
[ Annapolis, 9 Mch. 1784 . Entry in SJL reads: “Chevalr. D’Anmours. Spoons.” Not found.]
[ Annapolis, 9 Mch. 1784 . Entry in SJL reads: “Mr Curson. Sundries for houshold from Baltimore.”...
I Wrote to you a few days before I left Virginia which I hope you’ve received. I am this far on...
[ Annapolis, 9 Mch. 1784 . Entry in SJL reads: “Wm. Short. European news—Philada. station.” Not...
In my last to you I informed you that a project for a land bank had been set on foot by Mr. Sayre...
LS : American Philosophical Society Rien n’est plus Vray, Mon Cher Et Venerable Docteur que la...
Since last post I have received the Lace & two-pole chain, accompanied by your favors of the 22d...
Letter not found: to Robert McCrea, 10 Mar. 1784. On 13 Mar. McCrea wrote to GW : “I never open’d...
Tho’ personally unknown to your Excellency I have the Honor to inclose an Address in Verse sent...
The recourse which I have had to my papers since I returned home, reminds me of a question which...
The Subscriber Would Lease about 30,000 acres of land on the Ohio & Great Kanhawa, for which he...
I received your agreable Letter of the 22 d . Novem r & exceedingly regret your Speedy Intention...
Your favor of the 27th. Jany. was safely delivered to me about a fourtnight ago, and was recd....
I beg Leave to break in on a few Minutes of your Time, which I am sensible ought not to be...
Press copy of ALS : Library of Congress; copy: William L. Clements Library I received duly your...
Having luckily found some printed blank Deeds, I am enabled to dispatch your business sooner than...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Beginning in March, 1784, Franklin was able to send would-be...
ALS : South Carolina Historical Society; press copy of ALS and transcript: Library of Congress I...
I take the Liberty of enclosing an American. newspaper & an Extract out of an English one. The...
ALS : Yale University Library This will be delivered to you by Dr. Ross, who is strongly...
Youl Excuse the liberty I take in incloseing the inclosed[.] sume years past a Baron von Lorch...
The inclosed letters were received last summer, but, as your public engagements, at that time,...
Your Excellencys favor of the 28th of December, respecting the attendance of our Delegates at the...
Letter not found: to Benjamin Walker, 12 Mar. 1784. On 3 April Walker wrote to GW : “Your favor...
[ Annapolis, 12 Mch. 1784 . Entry in SJL , immediately under the entry for the letter to...
Since my last nothing material has occurred. The Indiana Company some days ago preferred a...
I hope you have, e’er this, recovered from your Indisposition. For my Part I have been afflicted...
[ Annapolis, 12 Mch. 1784 . Entry in SJL reads: “ Ralph Izzard . European news—ratification...
The ship Dutche’s of Kingston in which M r Dana came in is now bound to Lisbon, from whence this...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Sans avoir l’honneur d’Estre personellement Connue de Vous...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Mr. Sam: Ridout, my Grandson, purposing to pass a few weeks...
It has given me great pleasure to hear you are arrived at home in safety & good health, I most...
I never open’d yours of the 10th Inst, till this Moment, & all I can say relative to the...
NB This is not performing the promise of writing to one another every week. I know you can write...
Lê Roi desirant donner au Traité de Commerce a conclure entre S. M. et les Etats Unis de...
We have lately received a Letter from the Secretary of Congress, of which I enclose a Copy,...
I have received a lettre from Grl duportail dated from paris the 24th decembre last in which, he...
[ Philadelphia , 14 Mch. 1784. Noted in SJL as received 25 Mch. 1784. Not found. This is probably...
I have not received a Line from you, nor heard a Syllable Since yours of November 18th, which I...
As I did not write you by the last conveyance I will not omit the present. I supposed your sister...
ALS : Massachusetts Historical Society We have lately received a Letter from the Secretary of...
I can not at this time answer the friendship with which you honor me unless it is by a proof of...
The Baron de Steuben informs me, that he is about to make a final settlement with Congress; and...
Since my last nothing new has occurred. I suppose the crippled state of Congress is not new to...