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Results 66261-66270 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
66261[Diary entry: 16 May 1787] (Washington Papers)
Wednesday 16th. No more than two States being yet represented, agreed till a quoram of them should be formed to alter the hour of Meeting at the State house to One oclock. Dined at the President Doctr. Franklins and drank Tea, and spent the evening at Mr. Jno. Penns. Benjamin Franklin later commented on this dinner: “We have here at present what the French call une assemblée des notables a...
I am infinitely obliged to your Excellency by forwarding the Dispatches which contain an Account of the conclusion of a general Peace. I most sincerely congratulate your Excellency and Family on this joyful Event. As the Legislature will rise—this Day I shall do myself the Honor, as soon after as possible, of visiting you on the Occasion. I have the Honor to be with perfect Respect & Esteem...
The long Friendship which has subsisted between us, & your kind expressions of regret at the failure of an intended arrangement, induce me to close my short official Career by a narrative of the commencement, and progress of my connection with the War Department: This is a Duty I owe to my Character, and cannot, I trust, be displeasing to you. Early in 1798, The Secretary of War requested me...
I beg leave to offer my name and character to the consideration of your Excellency for the purpose of soliciting an appointment to the office of Collector of the port of Wilmington should it become Vacant, or for any other Office within this State, for which I may be found qualified, presuming that revolutionary merit tho no claim to exclusive favor, will have its due weight with you, in the...
6626510th. (Adams Papers)
A very fine day. Amory and Townsend with a number of other lads went out of town this afternoon upon a party: But I did not feel disposed to join them. Thomson spent part of the evening with me.
The spirit of Jacobism, ⟨– – –⟩ if not intirely a new spirit in the world, has at least acquired an organisation which it had not before—has been reduced to a more regular system, and bears armed with more powerful weapons than it has formerly possessed: And it is not too much to say of it, that it threatens gre more numerous complicated and extensive evils to mankind than have been...
The inclosed report will I trust make it appear that there are good reasons, relative to the execution of the purposes specified in the laws for making a further loan to the extent proposed. But bottoming the proceeding upon the direct object of the laws, as the legal and primary inducement, it appears to me justifiable and wise to embrace as secondary and collateral motives the probable...
Yours of the 27th Apr. I Received as I did Sometime before yours of the 6th Inclosing one for Mr ⟨Rich⟩ard Washington. which Letter I forwarded by ⟨ mutilated ⟩ ⟨Ha⟩mpshire Man War she Saild the 3d Instant ⟨ mutilated ⟩ Sandy Hook with Lord Loudoun on Board ⟨ mutilated ⟩ no News but what is in the Inclosed paper Except that some of our Rangers & Indians have brought in about 20 french prisoner...
The bearer hereof Doctor Waters, a physician of this place, and citizen of the U.S. proposing to go into the South of France for his health, I take the liberty of recommending him to your attentions and services. He is the son in law of Mr. Rittenhouse who is the director of the mint of the U.S. and well known in the republic of letters. He is a man of science, worth, and discretion, and will...
15 December 1802, New Orleans. “By means of a friend I have Obtained the inclosed copy of the Order for the delivery of this Province to the French Republic. … The Port, and the American Deposit remain as when I last addressd you under date 25th. Novr.” RC and enclosure ( DNA : RG 59, CD , New Orleans, vol. 1). RC 1 p. Marked “Duplicate.” Docketed by Wagner as received 9 Mar. For enclosure,...