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Results 66201-66250 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
Your Letter of the first Instant reached me but a few days since and I seize the earliest Moment in my Power of replying to it. I shall reply also in this Letter to that with which I was favored from the honorable Mr. Williamson, and pray both of him and of the Committee that they will excuse it, assuring them that it proceeds from a desire of collecting all I have to say on the Subject under...
Since my last which went by M r Temple, I have had the pleasure of receiving yours of the 10 th. Sep r by M r. Thaxter. The Approbation of your Country is as Extensive as it ought to be. that is, it is Universal. but as there remains now no Expectation of your return here before another Election. I dare say we shall not be Embarrassed by the Modesty of our present first Magistrate. whatever...
LS : Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères; AL (draft): American Philosophical Society Mr. Williams desiring no farther Surseance against the Bulk of his Creditors with whom he has amicably arranged his Affairs, and to whom he proposes to do exact Justice, I the more willingly join my Request with his, that he may be secured against the small Number remaining, who aim at forcing him to...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Il nous a eté Remis de Bordeaux, une Traite de 670..12/ Tirée par Mr. Jean Bonfield de la de. [dite] Ville, le 27. Janvier dernier, pble. au 20 fevrier ct. à l’ordre de Mr. Jean David Sur Vous; Comme Son échéance aproche, et que n’etant pas Vizée, Monsieur Grand ne Voudroit pas la payer, nous prenons La liberté, de Vous la Remettre cy Inclus, avec priere de...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I am honored by your favor of the 13th. and much obliged by your attention to Mr. Vanderhorst and his Daughter which he speaks of with great satisfaction and thankfulness; Also for your care in forwarding to Mr. Grand my letter, but more particularly for your condescending notice of my son and attention to his improvement in the art of refining as practised...
It is in the name of all the French Sailors that I take the Liberty to request Your Excellency to accept of an American Eagle, expressed rather than embellished by a French Artist. Liberty (of which it is the happy and august Symbol) has risen of itself, supported by Wisdom, talents, and disinterestedness, by every virtue—by Genl Washington; obstacles have only Served to increase its strength....
Tho’ I have not the honour of being personally acquainted with you, I flatter myself this will not be deemed an Intrusion, as it is a measure which necessity and the Advice of My Friends (Mess rs. Johnson & Chace ) have recommended— the Particulars of my Case M r Johnson informs me he communicated to you, during your Short stay in London, but as I have not the Vanity to imagine they were of...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Permettez moi de me rapeller au Souvenir de votre excellence en lui envoyant un mémoire sur une matiere très importante, et qui ne vous est point étrangere. De Monville imprimeur de l’accademie française remettra sur ma lettre, aux ordres de Votre Excellence la quantité d’exemplaires qu’elle voudra envoyer en Amerique. Je suis avec un profond respect...
ALS : Library of Congress; copy: University of South Carolina Library Accept my grateful thanks for the Contents of two Letters which you have honored me with under the 12th. & 15th. Inst. Your interposition with Mr. Grand for obtaining a supply of Money on my Account has impressed my heart with feelings which will never wear out, altho I have at present hopes of getting through without...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Your kind & precious present, is at last arrived: I have cast my eyes upon, & was mightily pleased, with the contents of this valuable book. Be So good honoured Sir, to accept my most hearty thanks, for this extraordinary & Singular favour. I Shall Study his contents, with the greatest pleasure: his fiery & noble maxims, not only proves the framers and...
I with great pleasure embrace the first direct opportunity that has offered, to acknowledge the receipt of your Letters of the 15th and 28th December; the former covering Mr Morris Notes to the amount of 2080 80/90 Dollars. Mr Gouv. Morris has also informed me that a Warrant in your favor for 857 52/90 is lodged in the Office of Finance, with directions to transmit it to me —I will take care...
You very much mistake my circumstances, when you suppose me in a condition to advance money. I made no money from my Estate during the nine years I was absent from it, and brought none home with me. Those who owed me—for the greater part—took advantage of the depreciation & paid me off with Six pence in the pound. Those to whom I was indebted, I have yet to pay, without other means, if they...
I shall take care to lay the copy of the Kentuckey petition to Congress before the next assembly agreeably to your request. I have also received your recommendations to the Several States to comply strictly with the articles of the treaty which I much approve and hope they will be generally attended to, but if this is expected by the british are they not under a reciprocal obligation to comply...
I inclose to you my sons Letters, which you will be so kind as to return safe to me again; as they are very valuable to me. For a Lad of Sixteen they do credit to him. This you; who are a parent will permit me to say to you, nor charge upon me more than a maternal partiality in the observation. Mr. Green Spoke to me yesterday upon an affair in which Mr. Adams he says was formerly engaged. I...
We had the honor of receiving your Favour of the 20 th: Inst, and are persuaded that the Communication of the Friendly Disposition of his Prussian Majesty made to you by the Baron de Thuilemeyer will give great Pleasure to Congress. The Respect with which the Reputation of that great Prince has impress’d the United States, early induced them to consider his Friendship as a desirable Object;...
I have the Honour to Reply on your Ecellence much esteemed favor of the 30 Past, which I duely received, and am infinetly much Obliged to your Ecellence for your good wishes in Regard to our Plan of Connections with Nord America, and for the Kind and Sincere manner you do me the honnour to write to me about it; I observe that we may not expect any Publick Aid from Congress or the States of...
May it please Your Excellence to give a kind reception to the historical Almanack for the Year 1784. which I, this Year for the first time published upon a plan intirely new, & of which I have the honour to present to Your Excellency the annexed copy. Being intended to point out & to set in their proper light the most remarkable incidents, who, in the space of every last year, have happened in...
LS : Massachusetts Historical Society We had the honor of receiving your Favour of the 20th. Inst, and are persuaded that the Communication of the Friendly Disposition of his Prussian Majesty made to you by the Baron de Thuilemeyer will give great Pleasure to Congress. The Respect with which the Reputation of that great Prince has impress’d the United States, early induced them to consider his...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je viens de recevoir incluse dans celle du Duc de Rochefoucauld la lettre dont Votre Excellence a bien Voulû m’honorer pour le President du Congrés des Etats Unies. Je brule de desir de voir l’Amerique ce Monument de l’amour de la Patrie, de Valeur, et de la Vertue, et de conoitre ce peuple de héros. Si le hasard ebauche un gouvernement c’est la raison seul...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Il se présente pour entrer a Mon service un nommé Campo qui dit avoir eu l’honneur de vous servir deux ans en qualité de valet de chambre officier. Comme jai pour usage de ne jamais prendre de domestique sans au préalable avoir l’attache des Maitres d’ou il sortents, Oseraije vous prier de me dire la verité sur le Compte de cet homme s’il est fidel, point...
ALS : American Philosophical Society This moment I have Obtained the Expetion of the Arrest of Parlement Rendered in my feavour, wich will Prove to you my inosance and the Cruel Maner in wich I have bean Treated, Theirefore I hope you will be Kind Enough to Comunicate The inclosed arrest, to all my Countryman before my Departure and ingage them to assist me, So that I may Return to my Native...
Your Letter dated the 15th of January (which I presume must be a mistake, as the bearer says he left your House the day before yesterday) came to my hands last Night. I thank you for your kind congratulation on my return to private life, which is highly pleasing to me. Your Son George went down with me the 11th of this Month to Fredericksburgh, where I left him. In a day or two after, he...
I have yours of the 2d. inst. by Col. Monroes Adam. I lament his not returning accompanied with the means of relief having heretofore experienced the disagreeable as well as disgracefull predicament in which the Gentlemen of the Delegation are placed for want of remittances from the State. It is to be hoped you have received the small supply the Treasurer mentions to me he had lately forwarded...
Annapolis, 28 Feb. 1784 . Entry in SJL reads: “Speakr. H. Del. Accomodation Turks and Russ.—detention of ratification—8. statesimportance of Norfolk—propose tax to open Ohio and Patowm.—direction to Gl. Wash.” Not found.]
I have received, & thank you for your obliging favor of the 21st in answer to my letter of the 10th—I will write to the Surveyors of Augusta & Botetourt for information in those matters which the Land office is unable to give me: for sure I am, I have warrants somewhere which ought, long ’ere this, to have been executed. The two Surveys of which you sent me copies, I should be glad to have...
Letter not found: from Clement Biddle, 29 Feb. 1784. On 10 Mar. 1784 GW wrote to Biddle : “I have received the Lace & two-pole chain, accompanied by your favors of the 22d & 29th ulto.”
Your favor of the 23d. inst. came safely by the last post. Your correspondent of Charlestown who informed you so long ago that an accomodation had taken place between the Russians and Turks was a better prophet than historian. The fact [. . . .] than I beleive, but there are hopes it is so [. . . .] information from our ministers on this [. . . .] tells me he has it from one who has [. . . .]...
Sunday, 29 Feb. [ 1784 ]. They present their compliments to TJ and invite him to dinner on Tuesday next at 4 p.m. RC ( ViU : Mary Kirk Moyer deposit); 1 p.; in the hand of George Partridge; partially dated; addressed: “Honle Mr Jefferson”; with notations added later by TJ to record various household expenses and accounts with James Monroe while they were Virginia delegates to Congress in...
Notes on the establishment of a Money Unit, and of a Coinage for the United States. In fixing the Unit of money, these circumstances are of principal importance. I. That it be of convenient size to be applied as a measure to the common money transactions of life. II. That it’s parts and multiples be in an easy proportion to each other, so as to facilitate the money arithmetic. III. That the...
AD : Columbia University Library Doctr Franklin, who has lived long & much with Quakers, tells me that he thinks the far greater part of them approve of defensive tho not of offensive War— In the Course of the War wh. ended in 1748, It was thought necessary to erect a Battery at Pha. & a Lottery was made to defray part of the Expence— At that Time the Doctr. was of a fire Company of thirty...
Greenwich [ Connecticut ] March, 1784 . Instructs Hamilton to collect interest on money owed to Le Roy by John Reade. ALS , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress. Le Roy was a member of the New York merchant firm of Jacob Le Roy and Sons.
(I) French translation: press copy of D : American Philosophical Society; printed in Journal de Paris, April 26, 1784; (II) Reprinted from The Repository, I (1788), 5–10; partial copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania; fragment: American Philosophical Society In February, 1784, a Parisian apothecary named Quinquet and his friend Lange, a distiller, began to demonstrate in Paris a new kind of...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Pardon Mon Illustre Docteur Si je ne vous ai pas envoyé plutôt La note Sur L’auteur de cette espece de Fourneau où on met le feu par dessus et où la flamme descend et remonte ensuite par un Tuyau de façon qu’on ne voit pas Sans étonnement la fumée Se precipiter en bas et passer ensuite dans le tuyau qui Sert à L’emporter. J’ai été Si occupé depuis Jeudy que...
On my arrival here I received a letter from Major L’Infant an extract of which I have the honor to present Your Excellency. [“]It is with the greatest satisfaction that I announce the success of the Cincinnati in France, the difficulties which it was supposed would attend the introduction of this order (as no foreign Orders are permitted to be worn with the Kings) are surmounted. His Majesty...
I have long looked with pain and compassion on the unhappy condition of the poor Indians in America; a people destitute of religion or addicted to Idolatry; given to revenge, bloodshed, and cruelty. I have often regretted that so little pains have been taken to bring them from darkness to light, to make them Christians, and good and useful Citizens. I rejoice to think that something may now be...
Some Thoughts on a Coinage, and the Money Unit for the U.S. Transition from money to weights. Transition from weights to measures. Transition from measures to time. I find new dollars of 1774,80,81 (qu. Mexico Pillar) weigh 18 dwt. 9 grs.=441 grs. If of this there be but 365 grs. pure silver, the alloy would be of 2.1 oz. in the ℔. instead of 19 dwt. the common Spanish alloy, which is 1 dwt....
ALS : Académie Nationale de Médecine, Paris I should be very happy to be present at the Reading of your Eloges of Messrs Sanchez & Hunter; but my Indisposition, the Stone, makes it extreamly inconvenient to me to use a Carriage on the Pavement, or to be confined long in a Room, so that I cannot have the Pleasure you propose to me so kindly of meeting the Society whom I highly respect, on...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Mr Vaughan communicated to me a very ingenious & judicious Letter (as it appear’d to me) written by you on the Subject of calculous Complaints & the Remedies that had been propos’d for them. You were so good as to say that if I would send you a state of my Case, you might perhaps be able to point out some Plan of Proceeding that would be serviceable. I...
D and incomplete press copy of D : American Philosophical Society The Patient is now in his 79th. Year. When a Young Man he was sometimes troubled with gravelly Complaints; but they wore off without the Use of any Medecine, and he remained more than Fifty Years free from them. In the Autumn of 1782, he had a severe Attack accompanied with what was thought to be a Gouty Pain in the Hyp, and...
Printed invitation with MS insertions: American Philosophical Society Vous êtes invité de la part de Monsieur le Lieutenant général de Police, et du Bureau d’Administration de l’Ecole royale gratuite de Dessin, d’honorer de votre présence la distribution des grands Prix et Maîtrises, qui se fera aux Tuileries, Cour des Princes, Galerie de la Reine, le 8. du present à 5. heures précises. Je...
I have the honor of Conveying by an unexpected opportunity my most sincere & dutifull respects to your Excellency & a gratefull heart that is Fully sensible of the innumerable obligations your unmerrited favours has laid me under, therfor your Excellency’s native goodness will pardon any presumption that may seem in this; My prayers shall at all times be most devoutly, for the health &...
You Will be, my Dear Général, Single confidant of this letter. I did foresee the ministry on the way Wherewith could be received here the defferent Demands that I have made to you, in order to increase or make Some additions in the Society of Cincinnatus, one did answer me that the King had a great repugnancy to permit to his Subjects any Stranger order, and it Was but by a particular...
I am sorry my letter found you so much indisposed, and still more so that it should have added to your sufferings. But you must learn to bear these things by always calculating on the possibility of a cross as well as pyle and having a plan of reserve to turn to by way of comfort. I can yet add nothing more on the subject. Nine states appeared on the floor to-day. But eight of them are...
To all who shall see these presents , We Thomas Jefferson, Samuel Hardy, Arthur Lee and James Monroe the underwritten, delegates for the Commonwealth of Virginia in the Congress of the United States of America send Greeting Whereas the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Virginia at their Sessions begun on the twentieth day of October one thousand seven hundred and eighty three passed an...
The Committee appointed to prepare a plan for the temporary government of the Western territory have agreed to the following resolutions. Resolved, that the territory ceded or to be ceded by Individual states to the United states shall be formed into distinct states, bounded in the following manner as nearly as such cessions will admit, that is to say; Northwardly and Southwardly by parallels...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Permit me again to take up the pen (after many years being deprived the pleasure of writing to You) to inquire after your health, and to give You some account of myself since I last wrote to You. I have long wish’d for a proper opportunity to pay my Duty to You, even at this distance and yesterday Mrs: Woolford call’d to inform me a Relation of Hers was...
Two ALS : Library of Congress, William L. Clements Library; transcript: National Archives Will you be so good as to transmitt the enclosed to Mr Jay. I am sorry that we are going to loose him from this side of the atlantic. If your American ratification shd arrive speedily, I might hope to have the pleasure of seeing him again before his departure. As soon as I hear from you of the arrival of...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The Bearer of this, George Livius Esqr, is a many years friend of mine, and one whom I very much Love, as He is going to Paris, I am very glad of the opportunity of calling myself to your Remembrance, and of sending you an extract of the last Appendix to the Monthly Review, which is in one of your Branches of usefulness. I beg you to recieve my worthy...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ay reçu la lettre que vous m’avez fait L’honneur de m’ecrire le 21 du mois passé, & Je saisis avec le plus grand empressement cette occasion de vous etre bon a quelque chose. J’ay exibé de Suite aux employés des fermes du Roy l’ordre de M. de Calonne. Ils en avoient recu un pareil en consequence les couteaux & fourchette & deux Serrures appartenant a Mr...
Since I was honored with the receipt of your favor of this State society of the Cincinnati have had a meeting & have made choice of General Knox Genl Putnam Colo. Cobb Colo. Hull & Majr Serjeant to represent them in the General Meeting to be held at Philadelphia on May next. they are notified to attend I expect that two or three or more will have the pleasure of meeting your Excellency...