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Results 661-670 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Copy: the Royal Society The Aurora Boreales , tho’ visible almost every Night of clear Weather in the more Northern Regions, and very high in the Atmosphere, can scarce be visible in England but when the Atmosphere is pretty clear of Clouds for the whole Space between us and those Regions, and therefore are seldom visible here. This extensive Clearness may have been produced by a long...
The undersigned, Councilor Pensionary of the City of Amsterdam, has the honor to inform all the gentlemen who find themselves duely commissioned by the congress of the United States of America, that he finds himself authorized by the burgomasters of the city to declare in their name that, assuming the said congress will not enter into any agreement with the English commissioners that would be...
663General Orders, 26 December 1780 (Washington Papers)
Varick transcript , DLC:GW .
I have but little news to write you. Every thing of that kind you will learn by a more accurate hand than mine; things remain much in the same situation here that they were when you went away, there has been no Desent upon the sea coast. Guards are regularily kept, and people seem more settled, and are returning to their husbandry.—I feel somewhat lonesome. Mr. Thaxter is gone home, Mr. Rice...
Baltimore, January 26, 1791. “… there is an expedient (which I have some reason to suspect has been practised in this District) to elude the necessity of navigating ships by Masters Citizens of the United States , in order to entitle them to the privileges of American Bottoms, against which I do not discover any provision. It is thus. A Citizen, Owner of a ship, has her registered in due form,...
I thank you for the use of the enclosed papers, which I have copied, and now commit to the first mail after my return to this place. I shall endeavor to make myself master as well of your plan for schools, as of that for Colleges, before the period at which these subjects will be taken up in the House of Delegates . If you could conveniently spare the time, I think it would be of great benefit...
I have the honor to enclose you Major Newton’s letters from the 4th to the 11th instant inclusive. In all cases of sealed letters coming from the Squadron, addressed to persons residing in Norfolk, I have informed him that he would be authorized to open them, with the consent of the persons to whom they are addressed, and after having examined them, to deliver or withhold them according to the...
It is entirely owing to circumstances apart from my own intentions, that I have deferred the pleasure it gives me to acknowledge the receipt of materials for a biographical sketch of yourself intended for the National Portrait Gallery furnished by a friend of your selection—The document thus furnished is very satisfactory, and leaves nothing to regret; but it’s brevity , a fault which we have...
ALS : Library Company of Philadelphia Inclosed I send the Account of Charges in Solliciting your Act, amounting to £36 15 s. 0 d. The Act itself with the Royal Approbation engross’d on Parchment, I sent you per Mr. Wells, and hope it will get safe to hand. I am, with great Esteem, Dear Sir, Your most obedient humble Servant Addressed: To / Samuel Preston Moore Esqr / Philadelphia / Per favour...
Your Excellency I doubt not is anxious to hear of the enemy’s situation; they are from every account at Westover with some Corps advanced on the road leading to this place who appear to be under arms as I am. I have about 300 men tolerably well appointed about 40 the best of which are advanced under the command of Cap. Selden within sight of their advanced posts. Genl. Nelson I suppose you...