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Results 661-670 of 184,431 sorted by author
Little my Dear Mrs. Dana did I think I should leave America without seeing you, but a slow fever, your absence and now a thousand thousand cares are like to deprive me of that pleasure. I must therefore submit to biding you adieu in this way. I am going to embark very soon upon the mighty waters. Never did I think I could have been persuaded to such an undertakeing unaccompanied with Husband...
Major Gibbs Captain Beals & mr Woodard all are going to New-york, and all have desired Letters, but as they all go at the same Time one Letter must answer. I wrote you this week by mr Allen, since which nothing has transpired in our little village worth communicating. the Newspapers I inclose to you all that I get in the course of a week, but the printers or the persons to whom they are...
I received your Letter inclosing mr joys proposals and I have omitted answering it because I wished mr Adams to determine himself. he says that he had already offerd mr joy what he gave, which he considerd quite as much as the place was worth, that it will not yeald him half the interest of the Money unless he was to live at home & be able to improve it, that mr Joys present proposal of the...
Your obliging favour of the 17 of Jan’ ry reachd me a few days sine the polite and Friendly manner in which You communicate Your inttentions call for my acknowledgment. our Legislators never having considerd our Sex sufficiently dangerous to enact a salique Law or perhaps entertaining too good an opinions of us to suppose we would encroach upon their establishd perogatives have left us to the...
I have received but one Letter from you Since I left Quincy now near a Month; I have been here three weeks, except 3 days which I past at my sons in N york— next Monday I leave here for Philadelphia where it is thought we may now go with safety— I was in hopes to have taken Mrs smith with me, but her situation is difficult not having received any advise what to do, and She is loth to go for...
I hope if the Marquiss de la Fayette is returned to Paris he may be able to give us some account of Colln. Smith for whom we are not a little anxious, having no intelligence from him since the begining of September when he wrote that he should tarry at Berlin till the reviews were over which would be by the 20th. of that month and then should make the utmost expedition to Paris where his stay...
I promised My dear Thomas to write to him by the May packet. on Fryday Evening at the drawing Room the British Minister informed me that he would take charge of any Letters I might have to Send. I wrote to your Brother by the April Packet, since which there has been a continuation, and increase of that American Spirit which I informd him was rising into activity. I have sent to your Brother,...
A little well timed and just criticism is sometimes very Salutary. If I had not been conscious that I deserved Your Raillery I should have calld you a very Sausy Lad. however I took it patiently, and have been more attentive since, as I Suppose You have noticed; as to points & comma’s, I was not taught them in my youth, and I always intend my meaning Shall be so obvious as that my readers...
I was meditating a Letter to my dear Sister when her agreable favour reachd my Hands. Tho my own felicity is over cast, I can rejoice in that of my Friends and tis with pleasure I hear of your Health and happiness which are very dear to me. The Scene which I have had to pass through, and in which you so kindly sympathize has put to the full proof all my fortitude and patriotism, and required...
Your obligeing reply to my request demands my Thanks. I have taken the Liberty of sending 5 Guinea’s to be exchanged—any time within these ten days will answer. I was told last week that exchange was at 35, but you Sir are in a better situation to be informd than I am, and I have full confidence in your kindness which forbids me to apoligize for the trouble given you, by your Humble Servant,...