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Results 661-670 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I have just recd. your letter of the 5th. Inst: informing me that I have been elected an honorary member of the Phi Gamma Alpha Society of Hamilton College. The regard which all ought to cherish for the laudable objects of the Society & the respect due to the names composing it, give to the honor conferred on me a value of which I am very sensible, & I beg you to communicate to the Society the...
I return the little Volume on Cholera passed to me thro’ Docr. Dunglison. It attracts respect & confidence by the course of investigation pursued by the authors, & by the modesty with which results are presented. I will return by another mail Lee’s Vial of wrath or rather of rage. It ought to have been done long ago, & I owe an apology for the omission. It was some time before I could learn...
I have recd. yours of the 8th. with the little volume on Cholera forwarded at the request of Mr. Trist, which will be passed on to him as soon I have looked a little into it. I have recd. from Philada. the 2d. Vol. of your Physiology, & make now my acknowledgment for both. I wish I was more in a condition to profit of their contents. I have not been able as yet to do more than glance at them....
I have recd. the 2 copies of your Pamphlet on State Sovereignity &c. The enfeebled state to which I am reduced by a tedious illness, has abridged my reading to its minimum & my fingers stiffened by Rheumatism abhor the pen. I have notwithstanding gone thro’ the Pamphlet, and drop a line to thank you for it. I have found in the publication much that is very impressive, & very apropos to the...
Mr Trist requested me to forward to you the accompanying Treatise on Cholera by the delegates, appointed by the French Government to examine into the Disease in Russia & Germany: and he at the same time begged me to ask you to be good enough to forward it to him after you have perused it. It is one of the most unpretending and satisfactory accounts of this Pest which I have seen. If the second...
We are authorized to inform you that you are elected an honorary member of the Phi Gamma Alpha Society of Hamilton College. This society was organized soon after the establishment of the college & has had for its uniform object the promotion of literature friendship & morality: Its library now consists of about fifteen hundred volumes & is receiving constant accession Desirous of obtaining the...
In my late letter on the subject of the pork I intended, but omitted to ask the favor of you to let me know whether good clover seed could be had in your quarter and at what price. Be so good as to make the enquiry & to give me the information as soon as convenient. I may have occasion for a supply of from 4 to 8 bushels according to circumstances. With friendly respects FC (DLC) .
J. Madison with his respects to Mr Blair, informs him in answer to his letter of the 25, that the letter with the name of James Madison to it, published in the Newspaper referred to, was written by him; but without marking for Italics, the words & lines which appear in that character. RC (NjP) ; draft (DLC) .
I enclose you a paper containing a letter ascribed to you. I beg the favor of you to inform me by a single line, whether it was written by you, or not. I am Sir with the greatest respect Yo. mo. ob. sv. RC (DLC) .
I have received your favour of the 24th. ultimo—and thank you for the pamphlets accompanying it, which are from very able pens; and I have just had an opportunity of reading your speech on the 5th. inst. It is a powerful appeal to considerations, which can not fail to sink deep into every mind not shut against reflection by the violence of party feelings. I wish for so opportune an appeal all...