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Results 6601-6630 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
I have recd. with your letter of Novr. 19: the copy of your address at the ceremonial of laying...
26 June 1810, Sapelo Island. Apologizes for troubling JM again about his manuscript, which he...
Letter from Thomas Jefferson. The following letter from the distinguished patriot and statesman...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Pursuant to an Order given by you, to Mr. Jones, in...
I wrote yesterday to your Mama & mentioned what I should send to your charge by Davy, for fear I...
I enclose for your information a letter which I have received from Mr. John Bray of New Brunswick...
6607[Diary entry: 25 October 1774] (Washington Papers)
25. Again foggy in the forenoon but clear and warm afterwards.
Agreeable to Colo. Innes’s order to Major Turberville previous to my coming here, I examined Lt....
In obedience to your letter of the 22d. instant, I have viewed all the positions in the vicinity...
ALS (fragment): American Philosophical Society [ Missing ] Altar, to be an Anvill; the two...
6611[Diary entry: 4 June 1769] (Washington Papers)
4. At home all day—alone.
Ere I touch upon the melancholy subject which at present occupies your mind; allow me to offer...
My intentions respecting the “Regulations of a Navy Yard” sent you, was, for you to use them as...
I take the liberty of transmitting by mail, a copy of Mr. Jeffersons letters, on the subject of...
I did not receive your Letter of the 4th of June seasonably enough to return an Answer so soon as...
New York, 18 May 1776 . Have investigated the claims of two officers to fill “the Vacant post of...
I have the honor to enclose triplicates of a letter for Mr. Livingston, Minister plenipotentiary...
Sometime in May last a Gentn. caled on me and requested that I would write to you a line,—to...
661929th. (Adams Papers)
After spending the day as usual, I walk’d with Stacey and Putnam. After going some way into...
Me es muy sensible mortificar la atencíon de V.S. con cosas desagradables; pero la culpa está en...
6621[Diary entry: 25 September 1799] (Washington Papers)
25. Clear & calm. Mer. at 52 in the Morning—but little wind all day. Mer. 66 at highest and 63 at...
A French gentleman (Monsr. De Rieux) a neighbor of mine whom I much esteem, having had a legacy...
New Windsor [ New York ] January 31, 1781 . Encloses reports of the New Jersey mutiny and the...
6624[Diary entry: 22 July 1795] (Washington Papers)
22. Do. Very warm.
For the reasons mentioned to you the other day—viz.—the Virginia Assembly being in Session—and a...
I beg leave to acquaint Congress that I have been informed by a letter from Governor Jefferson to...
We did ourselves the honor to write to your Excellency from Elizabeth-Town on the 16th instant,...
Your Excellencys Letter of the 17th Instant, inclosing the Judge Advocates of the 15th came to my...
6629[Diary entry: 15 April 1775] (Washington Papers)
15. Went up to Alexandria to the Muster of the Independt. Company. Returnd late at Night.
Amongst the Numerous Applications which are undoubtedly made to you for your patronage permit me...