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Results 6601-6650 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
Since I left the Baron which was about three weeks ago I have had the melancholy account of his...
If I had waited patiently for the post of Thursday Noon, I need not have had so much anxiety, but...
The Commission with which you charged me for the Mess rs Willink has been executed so far as...
I yesterday received your favor of the 11 th ins t enclosing the Post note for 100 Dol s: for...
The Nature, Designs, rise, Progress, present State future Operations and successes of...
I hear of an opportunity from Rotterdam to Boston, but so lately that I have scarce time to write...
I wrote you last Week and inclosed an order for 600. Let me know when you receive it. Although...
Your Favor of Nov r 19 th I rec d I have since mine of Nov r 7 th. found that M r Dexter is not...
Tomorrow will compleat three Months Since our dear sons saild, and this moment I have received a...
I had flattered myself all the last Week with the Hope of a Letter on Monday: but when Yesterday...
This morning I received your favour of the 13 th. and wonder not that your honest heart is...
I promised you in my last an Account of the Commencement in the Methodists Meetinghouse north...
The inclosed Tryals of Muir, Margorot and Gerald, will afford you Entertainment and Information....
The rumor’s of peace have almost totally subsided; those still in circulation deserve as little...
Monday, which is the pleasantest day of the Week, because it always brings me a Letter, produced...
I received your kind favour of the 5 th 7 th 8 th & 10th. what you mention with respect to the...
Our Patriots are so anxious lest Aristocracy should take root, that I wonder they do not...
This being one of the pleasant Days of the Week, Thursday the Post brought me your kind Letter of...
Your Letter of the 22 d , alledging Business as an Apology for not writing gave me more Pleasure...
I fear you will think me tardy in not acknowledging sooner the Receipt of your Letter of the 11...
I went on Fryday night with M r Storer to the Drawing Room, where the Warmth of the Weather...
I have to acknowledge the receipt of your letters accompanying the trials of Gerrald Muir and...
Your fav r of 24 th marked by the Post office 22 d of Dec r. I rec d. Yesterday. M r Osgoods...
I wish you a happy New Year, and a Repetition of happy New Years as long as Time shall endure:...
I have received your Letter of December 30 th. — I approve of your caution and applaud your...
I received this day your kind letter of the 30th ult. With cordial affection and sincerity do I...
I received by our Thursday Post, yours of Decbr 18 & 23 together with the Bennets Strictures. you...
By this Days Post I have your Letter of the 26. Ult. I believe that some incomprehensible...
yours of 25 December reachd me with the Book for Louissa. through the Month of December the...
I dined yesterday with M r Hammond the British Minister who told me that M r Dunlap had just...
By our Quincy post I received yours 28 th and 30th of December. I am sorry to find you had taken...
M rs: Smith has shewn me the Letter you wrote on the 2 d. ins t. with the Copies of those you...
I wrote to you by Captain Scott Some time in December. on the 14 of the Month Captain Joy arrived...
Should a vessel cross the Atlantick, and my dear Thomas not find a few lines from his Mother, I...
Last Week I received through M r Izard a kind Invitation to dine with M rs Powell, whom I had not...
I yesterday received yours of Jan ry 1 st 4 th and 5 th. I See by the papers the judicious Motion...
The Travelling I Suppose has retarded the Post of this Week, till to Day, when I received your...
I received yesterday your kind letter of the 9th of the month. The letters to Vergennes were sent...
On Saturday I Saw our sons Letter to the Secretary of State. M r Randolph expressed his intire...
I have a letter from your brother Thomas, dated London, 19th October; and the Secretary of State...
I rec d your favour of the 9 th. Yesterday. The Weather is now extream Cold. The River is frozen...
We have had very Severe weather through the whole of this week, but very little snow. yet the...
I thank you for presenting a Barrell of Flour to my Mother, and wish you to do every Thing for...
I have had a very bad cold, attended with some other complaints which have enfeebled me, & made...
Yesterday I had your favour of 16. M r Osgoods sermon has been printed here. I have heard M r...
I yesterday received your Several Letters inclosing those from Thomas—I do most sincerely rejoice...
The public Prints, announce the Death of my old esteemed Friend General Roberdeau, whose Virtues...
If C. as you Say in yours of the 29 th. must provide for his Family, I Suppose it will be easy...
You have sometime since, I presume, received my Letters inclosing those of our son Thomas of the...
This Morning I received your favour of the 21 st. of January. I am Sure your People do a great...