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Results 6601-6650 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I rejoice that the gentlemen of Boston have done themselves & Capt Hull the honour of this public...
The bearer Major Wolcott Huntington, is a very estimable young Gentleman, Son of General Ebenezer...
I am thus far on my way to the land which I mentioned to you in a former letter; & having stopped...
You are right my Dear Charles to go Quincy for a few days to restore your health a little before...
M r Patterson, President of the A. P. S. communicated to me, a few days ago, a letter from you to...
My experience of your kindness leads to another trespass on it. You will oblige me by havg the...
My pecuniary necessities compell me to ask the amount of your a/c. Professional engagments deny...
We are honored with your Esteemed favor of 21 st Ins t advising us your Intention of A remittance...
I have to acknoledge your letter of the 25th, Inc g 5$ on account of the weekly Register, which...
It having been publicly announced that Captain Isaac Hull is about to relinquish the...
I have recd. yours of the 14th. The inclosures leave no desideratum at present observed but the...
I have recd. the copy of the papers communicated to the B. Parliament which you were so good as...
Although withdrawn from the political scene, and for some time, merely a spectator of passing...
I sent you the first volume of my Greek and English Testament, by mail, but have never learned...
I have been requested by my Father, Anthony Morris Esq to forward to you for the use of the...
I am favor’d with yours of the 18th current, & will forward, by tomorrow’s Mail, a Check to...
The Book, on the Sacrament of the Lords Supper, which (as appears from a Note on the first Page)...
Since I had the honor of receiving your letter of the 28 th May, circumstances, which have...
Pardon the liberty we assume in thus addressing you, in doing which we feel a peculiar delicacy...
This will be handed to you by M r Benj. Lincoln Lear whom I had the pleasure, some time past, to...
My life being yet continued, and my Scribling faculties stil remaining, I determined to address...
I have recd your letter of the 4th. with the Volume containing the Official letters of the...
The respect in which I have been Educated, and which I entertain for yr. patriotism, &...
I have been favoured with your letter of the 8 th accompanied with a few printed sheets of...
Thrice have I attempted to address you, and Thrice have I torn up my notes, under the impression...
I cannot imagine my Dear John what can be the reason of your not writing to me. You used to be a...
I return you many thanks for your favor of 4 th ins t covering your plan of a Jail. Reports of...
I informed you in my letter of the 8 th that although delayed by circumstances, I was not...
When I wrote my lre of the 9 th I supposed a balance in your hands sff t to answer the calls of...
I am very sorry my Dear Charles to find by your last Letter that your health is not good but am...
I now enclose you the triplicate of the bills ford d on Tuesday last, to Sam l Williams of...
An excursion in the upper part of our State, which kept me some time from home, has prevented an...
I recieved in due time your favor of Jun 16. and with it your Syllabus of lectures on Spanish...
The bearer of this Letter Mr Cornelius McLean is a young Gentleman of very respectable character...
I thank you, Sir, for the copy you have been so kind as to send me of your collection of Official...
I thank you, Sir, for the copy you have been so kind as to send me of your Lecture on the...
Your favor of June 16. was recieved on the 10 th inst. the last letter I rec d from your brother...
Supposing you might feel some little curiosity to see Col Pickering unasailling & respectful...
I always hear from you, and of you with great pleasure, and shall recieve the visit you promise...
I had this pleasure a few days ago from Baltimore; and now I have nothing to add with respect to...
I am favor’d with yours of the 9 th current, covering later to Sam l Williams Esq r of London—I...
I recd. lately a letter from your father, an answer to wch. he desired might be written to you....
The enclosed letter to Genl. La Fayette, has been occasioned by the recurrence of our national...
We have just witnessed another anniversary of our Independance. Its recurrence brings in splendid...
Mr Howard yesterday eavning came over to see me to know whether Mr. Bankhead let Chishance Lewis...
I rec’d by the Mail this morning your letter of the 4 th & by the same conveyance rec’d a letter...
The Draco arrived at N. Y about the 10 th of June & by her came your two favors of Apr. 2. and...
Vous vous rappelez peut-être un Grec qui vous fut présenté il y a quelques années par feu Mr....
Occupied with transmitting to our Amsterdam friends their semi=annual acc ts we will thank You to...
I have this day paid a further curtail of $200 on your smallest note at Farmers Bank, and leaves...