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Results 6601-6650 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
ALS : American Philosophical Society I received your very acceptable letter of Augst 5th. , and...
6602[Diary entry: 20 November 1767] (Washington Papers)
Nov. 20. Vestry in Truro Parish. This entry is from Fitzpatrick, Diaries John C. Fitzpatrick, ed....
Letter not found: from Richard Starke, 22 Nov. 1767. On 14 Dec. GW wrote to Starke : “Your letter...
AL : American Philosophical Society Lord Morton’s Compliments to Dr. Franklin, desires the favor...
Printed in The London Chronicle , November 21–24, 1767; draft (incomplete): American...
Copy: American Philosophical Society Mr. Macleane presents his Compliments to Dr. Franklin, and...
ALS : American Philosophical Society No Packet having arrived here lately, that of August from...
MS not found; reprinted from William Temple Franklin, ed., Memoirs of the Life and Writings of...
ALS : The Royal Society After the Society was gone, my Lord Moreton said, (when I offer’d him the...
Hovey. 239. Page. Nusances in Rivers. Natural, usual or common Passage. Wm. Robbins. Knows the...
6611Cash Accounts, December 1767 (Washington Papers)
Cash Decr 5— To Do of Mr Jos. Thompson on Acct of Rent £  6. 0. 0 7— To Do of Peter St Clair for...
Having Perusd the Contents of Mr Bernards Letter Inclosd, I am of Opinion that, if the scope of...
ALS : Bibliotheque Municipale de Nantes I duly received your Favours of Augt. 22. and Sept. 20....
ALS : American Philosophical Society I wrot to you Some time ago and Informed you of the Death of...
We Wrote thee the 20 Octobr last ⅌ Capt. Johnson to which refer since then we have not reced any...
MS not found; reprinted from William Temple Franklin, ed., Memoirs of the Life and Writings of...
Burned fragment of extract: New York State Library [ Burned ] hear of the Accident to the Boat On...
Your letter of the 22d Ulto by Post did not reach my hands (being in Frederick County) till a few...
Printed in The London Chronicle , Dec. 12–15, 1767. I have often heard it remarked, that our...
ALS : Associates of the Late Rev. Dr. Bray I received yours of Nov. 6. with the Account of your...
At a General Meeting of the Mississippi Company at Stafford Court House in Virginia December 16th...
MS not found; extract reprinted from William Temple Franklin, ed., Memoirs of the Life and...
I am now withdrawn to my little country villa, where, tho’ I am more retired from the busy world,...
Letter not found: from Robert Cary & Co., 22 Dec. 1767. On 5 May 1768 GW wrote to them : “I have...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I wrote you largely by this Packet, but omitted mentioning...
Transcript: Historical Society of Pennsylvania I received yours of Octo. 10 and perceive with...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have received yours of Oct. 23. and condole with you most...
ALS : American Philosophical Society As no Packet has arrived here these two Months, nor any...
MS not found; extract reprinted in part from The Pennsylvania Chronicle, And Universal Advertiser...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Thos. Cumming presents his best Respects to his worthy...
Copy: Library of Congress This document is among those calculated to teach editors humility. We...
6632[1768–1770] (Adams Papers)
This Year 1768 I attended the Superiour Court at Worcester, and the next Week proceeded on to...
In the Beginning of the Year 1768 My Friends in Boston, were very urgent with me to remove into...
Grotius B. 2, Chap. 8, §. 2. How long Beasts Birds and Fishes, may be said to be no Body’s,...
1. Was you on Board a Whale Boat with Asa Nickerson, on or about the 21st. of June 1765, in the...
Interrogatories In the Behalf of Lot Gage and Partners In the Case of Joseph Doane and others...
Printed from The Gentleman’s Magazine , XXXVIII (1768), 6–7. At the close of 1767 a letter signed...
AL : American Philosophical Society [Wednesday evening (1768?): an invitation to dine next Friday...
6639Memorandum List of Quitrents, 1768 (Washington Papers)
1768. “A List of Lands belonging to G: Washington in the Northern Neck on wch—Quitrents became...
6640Spinning and Weaving Records, 1768 (Washington Papers)
Spun & Wove in the year 1768 for my own use as follow Viz. Yards Weight ⟨Price⟩ Linnen 66 1/2 30...
AD , in the hand of Peter Van Schaack, NHi : Peter Van Schaack. These notes come from the...
The Matter was opened by M r D L who read the Story from the universal History— The Facts being...
6643Memorandum Books, 1768 (Jefferson Papers)
Jan. 7. Inclosed writ in Christian v. Patteson to sheriff of Buckingham. 13. Samson v. Wm....
ALS : American Philosophical Society John Huske, an American-born merchant and M.P. for Maldon,...
6645[January 1768] (Washington Papers)
Jany. 1st. Fox huntg. in my own Neck with Mr. Robt. Alexander and Mr. Colvill—catchd nothing....
Jany. 1st. Ground exceedg. hard froze, but this day calm & moderate. 2. Moderate. Wind...
6647Cash Accounts, January 1768 (Washington Papers)
Cash [January]— To Cash upon hand Balle of last years Acct £208. 3.1 Contra By Cards 4/—Jany 12th...
6648Observations [January 1768] (Washington Papers)
Jany. 1st. Neck People clearing a piece of ground which was begun the 23d. of Decr. Doeg Run...
6649[Diary entry: 1 January 1768] (Washington Papers)
Jany. 1st. Fox huntg. in my own Neck with Mr. Robt. Alexander and Mr. Colvill—catchd nothing....
6650[Diary entry: 1 January 1768] (Washington Papers)
Jany. 1st. Ground exceedg. hard froze, but this day calm & moderate.