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Results 6561-6570 of 184,431 sorted by author
6561[July 4. 1778.] (Adams Papers)
July 4. 1778. This being the Anniversary of the Declaration of American Independence, We had the honour of the Company of all the American Gentlemen and Ladies, in and about Paris, to dine with Dr. Franklin and me, at Passi, together with a few of the French Gentlemen in the Neighbourhood, Mr. Chaumont, Mr. Brillon, Mr. Vaillant, Mr. Grand, Mr. Beaudoin, Mr. Gerard De Rayneval, the Abby’s...
I have received your Letter of the 7th May and since there appears a difference of opinion concerning the Construction of the Constitution and the Law, and as I see no necessity for an immediate appointment, I am content to suspend it for the present, perhaps till the meeting of the Senate— I think well of Mr. Williams as a gentleman of Science & Literature, as a good Citizen & brave man But...
6563[Town Officer, 1761–1765] (Adams Papers)
Now become a Freeholder I attended the Town Meetings, as a Member, as I had usually attended them before, from a Boy as a Spectator. In March when I had no suspicion, I heard my name pronounced in a Nomination of Surveyors of Highways. I was very wroth, because I knew no better, but said Nothing. My Friend Dr. Savil came to me and told me, that he had nominated me to prevent me from being...
I have received your Favour of the 12 th. August from New York, and by the Marquis de la Fayette who visited me last night, I have the Pleasure to learn that you have finished your Negotiations with the Indians, to the Satisfaction and Advantage of the Publick. I learn too with great Pleasure that your Brother has accepted a Seat in Congress and in the Chair. permit me to congratulate you upon...
Your Favour of 21. March, Suggests Topicks enough, as all your Letters do for writing Folios. I cannot call the Review, in the Anthology “luminous” nor judicious. “The Silent Votes in our deliberative Assemblies.” I would Scarcely part with this part of the Lectures, to Save all the rest of the two volumes. Vanderkemp, John Adams, and John Quincy Adams, have had experience enough, to have a...
I have been so perplexed with Ceremonials, Visits Removals and eternal applications from Beggars of one Species and another, besides the real Business of my Department, that I fear I have not answered your favour of the second of June, which I received in Season— I have received from M r. Garvey all but my wine & have written him to day to forward that and will run the risque of it, as I...
I have duely received your Letter of the 5th. of July and thank you for your Care of my little Interest recommended to you in my Letter of the 30th of April last. I have Since received your friendly favour of the 29th. of December last and thank you for your Information concerning our American Affairs in holland. For my own Part, I wish that our money Negotiations might be continued in your...
By the Treaty of Alliance of the sixth of February 1778, his Majesty and the United States agreed, in Case of War, to join their Councils and Efforts against the Enterprises of the common Enemy: to make it a common Cause, and aid each other mutually with their good Offices, their Councils and their Forces, according to the Exigences of Conjunctures, and each of the contracting Parties, in the...
I have received your favor of the 24th of June & thank you for transmitting to the Secretary of the Treasury a commission for Mr. Smith. If Mr. Smith for any reason should decline this appointment, my opinion is that Mr. William Morris of N. York, at present Deputy collector is next in the line of merit & you may send a commission to him.—I concurred with you & the gentlemen you consulted in...
Mr. Adams presents his Compliments to the Right Honourable The Marquis of Carmarthen and acquaints his Lordship that Mr. Jefferson, Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States at the Court of Versailles, is now here, and as they have something to Communicate to His Lordship relative to the affairs of the United States, they request a Time when they may have the honor to pay their respects to...