George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Oliver Wolcott, Jr., 13 March 1795

From Oliver Wolcott, Jr.

Treasury Departt March 13th 1795.

The Secretary of the Treasury has the honor of transmitting to the President of the United States, two official Certificates of settlements made at the Treasury, by which it appears that the Ud States are indebted,

To Aquila Giles, Marshal of the District of New York, for four hundred and forty six days custody of the privateer sloop Polly, & the expenses attendant thereon; seized by order of The President1 828.86
And to William Bradford Esquire, for his own compensation & expenses, while acting under a Commission from the President on business relative to the Insurrection in Pennsylvania—as also for the expenses of the other Commissrs employed in the said mission.  890.92
Amounting to Dollars 1719.78

As there is no specific fund provided by Law for discharging these demands, it appears to be expedient, if The President shall be pleased so to direct, that payment be made out of the Fund appropriated for defraying the Contingent Charges of the Government of the United States. All which is most respectfully submitted by

Olivr Wolcott Jr
Secry of the Treasy


1For GW’s orders about the American sloop Polly, which had been converted into the French privateer Republican and detained by state authorities at New York in June 1793, see Clinton to GW, 9 June 1793, and notes 3 and 4; Cabinet Opinion, 12 June 1793, and n.3; Henry Knox to GW, 18 June 1793, and n.1; and Cabinet Opinion, 5 Aug. 1793.

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