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I have but a few Moments, to congratulate you on the fresh Blessing to your Family.—Another fine Child and Sister comfortable! Oh fine! I know the Feeling as well as you and in Spight of your earlier Marriage, I knew it sooner than you.—Here you must own I have the Advantage of you.—But what shall we do with this young Fry?—In a little while Johnny must go to Colledge, and Nabby must have fine...
Letter not found: from John Posey, 24 Sept. 1767. On 24 Sept. GW wrote to Posey : “Having receivd your Letters of Wednesday last and today.”
Having receivd your Letters of Wednesday last and today, it appear⟨s⟩ very clear to me from them, as well as from some other convincing Circumstances that you are not only reduced to the last Shifts yourself but are determined to involve me in a great deal of perplexity and distress on your Acct also. why else will you press so hard upon me to do more than I have already done, & consented to...
I was favioured, with two Letters from you, one dated the 13th, and the other the 17th instant. I beleve I can procure you What Land you want in Pensilvania, but cannot tell what Quantity they will allow in a surway, I shall inform my self they first Oppertunity—I have bin through great part of the good Land on the North Side of the Monongahalia, as far up as the mouth of Cheet River, on both...
ALS : William L. Clements Library I have not wrote to you, as often as my Inclinations would have induced me, as I have been engaged in a great Variety of Business, Which has called me much from Home; But as I esteem it my Duty, to afford you every Piece of Intelligence, which respects his Majesty’s Interest, I give you the Trouble of this Letter. I took the Liberty, both last Year and the...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. Strahan presents his best Compliments to Dr. Franklin—hears by his Daughter that he is going into the Country tomorrow, and therefore would be glad to see him tonight if he is disengaged. If the Dr. is not going abroad; will call on him about 8. If he is, will be glad that he would call in New Street. Addressed: To / Dr. Franklin / Craven Street There is...
ALS (Trent) and ADS (Franklin): Yale University Library In March 1766, Colonel Croghan took the liberty of inclosing you a Letter from himself to Messrs. Mildred & Roberts of London And therein desired, That they would deliver to you, All the Accounts belonging to the Indian Traders who had lost by the Depredations of the French and Indians and also the Vouchers attending them. Colonel Croghan...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have sent your Letters and no answer. Jackson Broght the watchcase, gist [just] as you was gouen out of the Street; no won cald own a Saturday or Sunday. I and my too children went to Church In the morning, the after None gave Nanny Leave [?] Miss Clarck came at half hour after forr stade tell all moste Teen; I have not har’d of Poley; this Morning Mr....
6559Cash Accounts, October 1767 (Washington Papers)
Cash Octr 2— To Do [cash] recd for 12 lb. Hemp £ 0. 5. 0 9— To do of Captn Darrell to pay into the Treasury 85. 6.11 To Do won at a horse Race 0. 3. 6 15— To Do of Colo. [George William] Fairfax by Mr Jos. Lane 20. 0. 0 Contra Octr 2— By Wm Hunt in full for Ditching 3.16. 6 7— By Cash pd Jno. Prescot Balle 3.12. 6 By Charity
Translation of Latin ALS : American Philosophical Society To the highly venerable Franklin, S.p.D. Johann Friedrich Hartmann The most enjoyable memory of that day when it was first possible to see you and converse with you has often come back to me. Believe me, I strongly regret that for reasons of time and place I could not offer for your inspection the electrical machines and experiments in...
ALS : American Philosophical Society No doubt you will wonder I have not sent you a Power according to my Promise: The Reason is this: Mr. Colden tells me he has a Copy of the Power he sent, Which he would lend me to form one by: and he says he cannot at present recollect where it is, but will search for it, and I being desirous to have it unexceptionable, have waited in hopes he will find it:...
LS : William L. Clements Library; LS : American Philosophical Society; draft: Historical Society of Pennsylvania I was favoured with your Letter of the 18th April and I return you my sincere thanks, for the Notice you are pleased to take of my Publick Transactions; And shall think myself happy if my Conduct meets with the approbation of the Kings Ministers. I have been about three Months this...
ALS : William L. Clements Library Since writing on the other Side, The apprehensions of Hostility’s shortly commencing, unless the Indians could be quieted by the Agents, Are too soon (And too fataly for my Partners and self) confirmed. An Express, yesterday brought us, the following alarming Advices. That Our Factor at Fort Pitt had sent from Thence, in July last, Two large Batteaus, With...
ALS : William L. Clements Library Having been much engaged in the late Sitting of our Assembly and Supream Court which has continued Since the Adjournment of the House till this Time, I was fearful It woud not be in my Power to write you per this Packet. But the Subject of this Letter appears to me of so much real Importance to the Welfare of the Colonies and their future Peace that I resolved...
ALS : Yale University Library I return’d yesterday Evening from Paris safe and well, having had an exceeding pleasant Journey, and quite recover’d my Health. I have hardly had time to read the Letters I found here as yet, and therefore can only acknowledge not answer them by this Packet. Yours of Augt. 22 is one of them. In my next I shall give you a particular Account of my Tour. Excuse me to...
MS not found; extract reprinted from [Jared Sparks, ed.], A Collection of the Familiar Letters and Miscellaneous Papers of Benjamin Franklin (Boston, 1833), p. 281. I returned last night from Paris, and just now hear that the Ilinois settlement is approved of in the Cabinet Council, so far as to be referred to the Board of Trade for their opinion, who are to consider it next week. Shelburne...
ALS : Dr. William Hewson Baltzell, Philadelphia, Pa. (1957) I write this Line just to acquaint our dear Polly, that I left her amiable Friend Miss Henckel well at Calais on Wednesday noon, waiting for good Weather to come over. She has been four Months at Spa. She enquir’d concerning Miss Stevenson’s Health and Welfare in the most tender and affectionate Manner; and will be disappointed in not...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I wrote you a few Lines yesterday per Packet. Our Election is now over, and all the Old Members (save a few that resigned ) again are returned as Representatives in Assemby: And in the stead of those who are left out, such are come in as are warm for the Change of our Government. So that I have no Doubt but you will receive from the New House further...
ALS : American Philosophical Society As I pass’d thro London to this place I called at your door—you was not come to town—I have since been on a visit to Berkshire—and return’d this last week—and am now begun upon the Revision of my Administration of the Colonies, as also preparing my mind for next Sessions—in case any thing should arise which I scarce think will. I have gott a Copy of the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have reseved all your letters down to July 3d the laste by mr. Nevese whare in you say that by the packit you shall anser all mine and your friends letters by Folkener Friend and the Packit but that is arived and no letter from you to aneybodey which is verey surpriseing to them I say that I thinke you have wrote but by sum mistake thay was not put on...
ADS : American Philosophical Society Know ALL Men by these Presents, That I James Parker, Land-Waiter in his Majesty’s Customs at New-York, in America, have made, ordained and constituted, and by these Presents, do make, ordain and constitute Benjamin Franklin, Esqr. of Craven-Street, in the City of London, and Kingdom of Great Britain my true and lawful Attorney, for me and in my Name, and...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I was glad to hear my Dear Friend was Safe Arrived In the happy land of Liberty—and more So, that Wee shall Have the pleasure of his Company at Mill Hill. If He will do Us that Favour Next Fryday or Saturday it will be perfectly Suiteable and Agreeable to Us. I have wrote by this post to Docr. Solander that He may come to you and Settle the Time to be...
Printed in Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives of the Province of Pennsylvania , 1767–1768 (Philadelphia, 1768), pp. 8–9; also copy: Library of Congress. We inclose the Resolves of the Assembly, by which you are appointed Joint-Agents of this Province, for the ensuing Year, to transact the Affairs thereof in Great-Britain, with another, by which you will perceive that the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I Received yours per Mr. S. Barrett —your kind Condolance of my late Misfortune by Fire and Good Opinion of my Industry and ability to recover the same Gives me Pleasure; I am verry Sensible its Wise not to be Concern’d about What I Cant Help more. Especially for What I niver may want, and I am Satify’d I Shall niver Want to buy an Old House to Repair...
I have receivd your Letter of the 15th Ulto the contents of which are somewhat misterious, and stand in need of further explination before I can be satisfied of the Equity of allowing £100 to Colo. Moore with Intt thereon since Octr 1758. True it is, that previous to my Marriage, my Wife informd me that she had engagd to purchase things at Mrs Chamberlaynes Sale to the amount of £100; but what...
Thy favr of July 25 is before us & the Contents duly attended to. No Care or endeavours of ours is wanting to make the most of the Estates 8 Hhds Tobo ⅌ the Hanbury we are sorry that so small a share of its favrs falls to our Lot & so much to Messrs Carys & Compy we are informd that 60 Hhds belonging to the Estate is now on board Boyes consignd to that House we intend ere long to send our...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Supposing that the foreign literary Journals do not fall in your Way, I send you the following Account of your late Work, as given in the Bibliotheque des Sciences et des beaux Arts , for January February and March. 1767. After reciting the Title, the Authors say, “On devoit déjà a Mr. Price un excellent Traité sur les principales Questions de la Morale....
ALS : American Philosophical Society I wrote to you Yesterday in a Hurry on hearing that the Packet was to sail from New York Tomorrow but my Letter got over to Bristol too late for the Post, who it seems missed his Tuesday’s Stage and did not get into Philadelphia till Wednesday, and the Postmaster kept him till Thursday Morning and then dispatch’d him early, whereas in common he is not...
MS not found; extract reprinted from Jared Sparks, ed., The Works of Benjamin Franklin , VII (Boston, 1838), 515 n. Sorrows roll upon me like the waves of the sea. I am hardly allowed time to fetch my breath. I am broken with breach upon breach, and I have now, in the first flow of my grief, been almost ready to say, “What have I more?” But God forbid, that I should indulge that thought,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society By Capt. Miller, who sail’d but this Morning, I sent you my Power of Attorney, and Certificate, which I hope you will receive safe; Capt. Miller, and his Mate are the Evidences, so they can prove it there: I am told you have all that is necessary in Order to receive any Thing that is due and that its paid Quarterly. If any Thing farther is necessary, I will...
Invoice of Costs & Charges of Goods Ship’d on board the Lord Cambden John Johnstoun Commander for Virginia on the Acct and risque of Colo. Geo: Washington and to him Consignd—Vizt Benja. Kenton Porter To 12 dozn fine old Porter Bottled, packd, & wird @ 6/6 pr dozn [£] 3.18. 0 Paid for a Cask . 5.   paid Cartage, wharfage & Waterage . 2. 6 John Walker Sugar To 10 dble Loas. 0. 3. 7 @ 93/...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. Millars Compliments to Dr. Franklyn and begs to acquaint him he never had any Answer from Councillor Galloway in relation to Mr. James Rivington which Surprizes him greatly. Addressed: To / Dr Franklyn For Andrew Millar, bookseller and publisher and friend of William Strahan, see above, p. 146 n. Millar may have contacted Galloway to sue the bookseller...
WE Command you that you summon Samuel Wright of Wilmington in our said County Yeoman (if he may be found in your Precinct) to appear before Our Justices of Our Inferior Court of Common Pleas to be holden at Charlestown within and for Our said County of Middlesex on the last Tuesday of November next, Then and there in Our said Court to answer to Thomas Peirce of Wilmington aforesaid Gentleman...
Copy: American Philosophical Society Sir Wm. Johnson’s Letter of May 30, 1767 of which you have been so kind as to communicate an Extract to me, has no Relation to the propos’d Boundary Line between the English Colonies and the Indian Country. It is merely a Line of Division between the two Colonies of Pensilvania and Maryland, now running by Agreement of the two Proprietaries, and as it is to...
6585Cash Accounts, November 1767 (Washington Papers)
Cash Novr 3— To Do [cash] of Mr Man Page for last payment of the Land bot of Mills Reddicks Exrs £ 8.15. 6 To Do of Mr Secty [Thomas] Nelson on same Acct 17.11. 3 Mr Wm Nelson Do 17.11. 3 Admrs of Jno. Robinson Esqr. Do 17.11. 6 Doctr Thomas Walker 17.11. 6 Mr Farley 17.11. 3   96.12. 0   To Cash of Mr Hectr Ross for my Tobo sold him 64. 0. 0 To Do from Captn Neill Jameison in discharge of a...
ALS : Massachusetts Historical Society Calling here this Evening I learn that a Ship is just going to New York, the Bag to be taken away in halfanhour. I have only time to assure you that I have been extreamly hearty and well ever since my Return from France; the Complaints I had before I went on that Tour, being entirely dissipated, and fresh Strength and Activity the Effects of Exercise and...
With particular pleasure I acknowlege the receit of your favour of the 21st Septr but know not when it may meet with a Safe conveyance, I shall detain the letter a little, and if none appear, shall risque it by the way of Winchester or Philada. Your Information that part of the Lands on the Yaughyaughghany & Monongahela formerly conceiv’d to lie within the bounds of yr Governmt is now likely...
ALS : Yale University Library I breakfasted abroad this Morning and Nanny tells me that Mr. West call’d while I was out, and left word that you did not intend to come home till Sunday next, and that you expected me then, to come and fetch you; that Mr. West also desired I would dine at his House that Day: I know not whether Nanny is right in all this, as she has but an indifferent Memory But...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I must beg Leave to recommend the Bearer, Daniel Coxe, Esqr; of Trenton, to your Civilities and good Offices; and desire you would introduce him to Mr. Jackson, and such other of our Friends as you think may any ways contribute to make his Stay in London either advantageous or agreeable. I am, Honoured Sir, Your ever dutiful Son, Daniel Coxe ( c .1739–1826)...
I have just drawn upon you (of this date) for One hundred pounds Sterlg in favour of Mr James Gibson which please to pay & place to Acct of Mr Jno. Parke Custis. I am Gentn Yr Most Obedt Hble Servt ALB , DLC:GW . See Cash Accounts, November 1767 , 1768 . See also Guardian Accounts, 5 May 1769 .
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. Jackson presents his Compliments to Mr. Franklin, with many Thanks for his obliging Note; and the Order for Ten Guineas, for which he has the pleasure to send him the under written Receipt. Charles Jackson held the post of comptroller of the Foreign Office in the General Post Office, London. His son of the same name also served later in the Secret...
I have just drawn upon you (of this date) for Fifty pounds Sterg in favour of James Cocke Esqr. which please to pay & place to Acct of Mr Jno. Parke Custis. I am Gentn Yr Most Obedt H. Servt ALB , DLC:GW . James Cocke, a merchant in Williamburg, was elected mayor of the town in 1767. See Guardian Accounts, 5 May 1769 .
ALS : American Philosophical Society Enclos’d we return your Letter and are much obligd by your communicating the same—as also for transmitting the other Leters. My Father desires me to ask whether you have received any Intelligence about the House at Philadelphia—Copy of the Grant of which [he] thinks he gave you—with much Esteem subscribe myself your obliged Friend Addressed: To / Benjn....
MS not found; extract reprinted from [Jared Sparks, ed.,] A Collection of the Familiar Letters and Miscellaneous Papers of Benjamin Franklin Now for the First Time Published (Boston, 1833), pp. 281–2. Since my return, the affair of the Ilinois settlement has been renewed. The King in Council referred the proposal to the Board of Trade, who called for the opinion of the merchants on two points,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I now have the pleasure of enclosing a short account of the appearances on the dissection of that curious production, which I had the honor of sending to the royal society last summer; should have done so long agoe had I not unfortunately mislaid my notes which I did not find till last week. I pray you will show it first to my learned friend Dr. Pringle who...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have this minute receiv’d Letters by the Packet of October, from Billy and some other Friends, but not a Line from you. I suppose therefore you have written by some other Vessel: I long to hear of your and Sally’s Welfare from your own Hands. I purpose writing to you fully to-morrow; but as I may be interrupted, I would not miss this Post, in hope it may...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I wrote thee, on the 16 Ulto. since which have none of thy favours, (this Letter I delivered to John Relfe). Some little time after arrived Capt. Falkner with whom came passengers James Hamilton &c.; the day after his Arrival, W A was extreamly fond of reading a Letter, he had receivd from T P., wherein that Gentleman Mentions; that, He had been in Company...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Tho’ I have not the happyness of an Intimate Acquaintance with thee, yet time I hope will alter that Circumstance, and bring us better acquainted; I only know thee from Some of thy Writings, the Author of which I Greatly Esteem. As thou art one of the Agents for this Province in Great Britan, I Sent a Dozen of American wine by Caaptn. Falconer, the Last...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I wrote thee per Capt. Story, who sails in Company with Capt. Falkner, to which please to refer, the Chief Intent of this, is to Inclose thee, a Letter from Our friend Thomas Livezey, and to inform thee, that I have deliverd to Capt. Falkner 12 bottles of Wine, the Manufacture of Our Friend; having seald each Bottle and put a Mark on Each as below; hoping,...
Draft: American Philosophical Society In Obedience to your Lordship’s Commands I have look’d over that Part of Dr. Priestly’s Work that contains an Account of the Experiments made by him. I find There are a great Number of them, mostly quite new, and some I think very curious and important, well deserving for that Reason and for the great Pains and Expence he has been at in making them, the...