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Results 6551-6600 of 184,431 sorted by author
As Mr Wirt has filled my head with James Otis; and as I am well informed that The Honourable Mr...
I have received the Letter, you did me the honor to write me on the 21st of this month, enclosing...
6553Monday [23 October]. (Adams Papers)
Monday 23 October .
I lay before You for your Consideration a Treaty of Amity and Commerce between The United States...
I thank you for your favour of the 10 feb 1823 I have the satisfaction to find that every body...
It is a long time Since I had the Pleasure of writing to you. I have been, to the very gate of...
Message to the House of Representatives; Respecting the suspension of a French decree In...
We may ever remember The Thirtieth of November because it was the Day on which We were absolved...
I nominate Louis C Baily of Maryland, now acting as Lieutenant on board of the eagle, to be...
I thank you for an ingenious sermon from a well chosen text on the death of my predecessor, which...
6561[July 4. 1778.] (Adams Papers)
July 4. 1778. This being the Anniversary of the Declaration of American Independence, We had the...
I have received your Letter of the 7th May and since there appears a difference of opinion...
6563[Town Officer, 1761–1765] (Adams Papers)
Now become a Freeholder I attended the Town Meetings, as a Member, as I had usually attended them...
I have received your Favour of the 12 th. August from New York, and by the Marquis de la Fayette...
Your Favour of 21. March, Suggests Topicks enough, as all your Letters do for writing Folios. I...
I have been so perplexed with Ceremonials, Visits Removals and eternal applications from Beggars...
I have duely received your Letter of the 5th. of July and thank you for your Care of my little...
By the Treaty of Alliance of the sixth of February 1778, his Majesty and the United States...
I have received your favor of the 24th of June & thank you for transmitting to the Secretary of...
Mr. Adams presents his Compliments to the Right Honourable The Marquis of Carmarthen and...
I have read your letter, and thank you for the Amusement it has afforded me. We in Massachusetts,...
Coll Pickering has shewn me your Letter of 30th Novr. and I thank you for your kind attention to...
FROM Mr. Murray, the American Minister at the Hague, who had been appointed by President...
I have received your favour of the 22d. of August recommending Col Toussard to be Inspector of...
Please Sir to excuse J and C Adams from School as they were detained here by the weather NBLiHi .
Ten Yoke of Oxen and twelve hands ploughing in the meadow. It is astonishing that such a Meadow...
All Spent in absolute Idleness, or what is worse, gallanting the Girls.
I am very much obliged to you for your kind Letter of the tenth of this Month and the very...
How deeply I thank you. Our Quincy Library will be honord with the name of Vanderkemp. Virgil and...
This Day having been devoted to Thanksgiving by the Governor of Pensilvania, Congress have...
Your Favour by the Post this Morning gave me much Pleasure, but the generous and unanimous Vote...
Give me leave to propose for your consideration, and to request you to submit to the decision of...
In the style of John and Jonathan Bull, I give you a thousand thanks for your letter of the 18th...
Your delicious Letter of the 5 th. came to my hand Yesterday. Your beautiful and pathetic...
6585Septr. 9. 1796. Fryday. (Adams Papers)
Appearances of Rain.
I have received your favor of the 30 June. I know not what answer to give to General Pinckney....
Last Evening, Mr. Jefferson, my worthy Friend called upon me to shew me a Letter from Mr. Gerry...
Yours of May 23, I received but 3 days ago, and am happy to find so agreable an Intercourse of...
I have not particularly answered your amiable Letter of 10 Decr. Your tender Anxiety distresses...
Your favour of the 15th came to me Yesterday, and it is a pleasure to discover that We are only 9...
6591Sunday Novr. 10. 1771. (Adams Papers)
Heard Mr. Cutler of Ipswich Hamlet. Dined at Dr. Putnams with Coll. Putnam and Lady and 2 young...
The Subscriber, Minister Plenipotentiary, from the United States of America, has the Honour, to...
I have received your Letter of the tenth and read Some of the printed Papers inclosed and intend...
The Hague, 14 June 1782. RC ( PCC , No. 84, IV, f. 89–93). LbC ( Adams Papers ). printed :...
Enclosed is a letter from Mr William Channing from Tappahannock requesting to be made Collector...
I have received your Several Letters and Should have been glad of the opportunity to have Served...
Considering all things, I admire D r Priestleys last Effort for which I am entirely indebted to...
6598August 23. 1796 Tuesday. (Adams Papers)
All hands and Tirrell, upon the Wall—carting Stones and Earth &c. Went down to Mr. Quincys and up...
I Send you, at present the Negotiations with M r Hammond as I sent you before those with M r...
AMSTERDAM, October 25, 1781—wrote to congress—“I see in the London Courant which arrived to day,...