George Washington Papers

To George Washington from William Neale, 15 September 1767

From William Neale

King William Septr 15th 1767


Sometime last month Colo. Bernard Moore settled his Account with Colo. Pendleton as Admin[istrat]or of John Robinson Esqr.1 deced, wherein there be an Article charged to Colo. Moore, thus “To Mrs Washington October 1758 being what She agreed to lay out in the Purchase of Mrs Chamberlayne’s Estate £100” of this I am desired to acquaint you, as it is now a Charge with the Interest thereon by Colo. Moore agst You, the which He allowed on said Settlement, not knowing any thing of such Charge ’till then,2 I am Sir Your mo. Obedt Hble Servt

Wm Neale

ALS (photocopy), DLC:GW. See the source note of GW’s response dated 19 Oct. 1767, which was written at the bottom of this letter.

William Neale (d. 1768) was a neighbor of Bernard Moore, living as did Moore between the Mattaponi and Pamunkey rivers in King William County.

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