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Results 65401-65450 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Inclosed is my Accot which I hope will meet with your approbation. in Answer to your Letter...
It appears to me necessary, that processes should issue without further delay upon the...
Would I were a Poet and could celebrate this day as it deserves to be—Few Natal days would admit...
Your favors of the 29th. & 31st. are recieved, and the articles sent under the care of mr...
Having heard of your Election by a respectable majority of the suffrages of the District for...
You may be surprised, tho I dare say you will not be displeased to receive a Letter from me,...
65407[Diary entry: 19 August 1768] (Washington Papers)
19. At home—settled & paid the Sheriff. Once a year the justices of each county would submit the...
Mr. Wirt having suggested to me that he thought the explanations in my case of the Batture,...
We find by your letters not coming as usual that the Northern mail has been delayed by the Snow....
ALS : American Philosophical Society Hearing that the Hermione Frigate will shortly leave the...
This Certifies that Captain Saml Shaw was appointed a Lt of Artillery the Army of the United...
65412General Orders, [26 May 1800] (Hamilton Papers)
A Return is to be immediately made of the names of the Men, specifying the Regiment to which they...
Questions proposed by General Washington to and Count De Grasse’s Answers to them. The noble and...
I am this moment returned from Versailles, and it is the last moment allowed me to write by this...
Copies: Massachusetts Historical Society, National Archives (two) <Passy, April 19, 1778: Mr....
I duly recieved your letter of Aug. 20. and I thank you for it, because I believe it was written...
I wrote you on the 23rd. Instant to which I refer, since then I have received from Mr. Humphreys...
Annexed hereto is a copy of my letter to Genl. Armstrong, and also a copy of a letter from Mr....
[ Richmond, 6 Mch. 1781 . Minute in the War Office Journal (Vi) under this date: “A letter to the...
Je suis dautant plus flattée de votre Souvenir, monsieur, que j’ay euë vraiment a me plaindre de...
The board do themselves the honor to forward returns of Maj. Lee’s Corps, Von Heers Corps, Schots...
Draft: New-York Historical Society You oblidged me very much by communicating your Electrical...
About two oClock in the morning of the 8th Instant Capt. Humphreys with a small party of...
So Long a time Has Elapsed, Since I Had the pleasure to Hear from You that I think it Better for...
I arrived here, my beloved, about five this afternoon. According to my first day’s journey, I...
Israel Ludlow the Regr. Land office is dead The applicants are — Kilgore who has for 18 months...
Understanding that Mr Wilson of Alexandria was empower’d to sell the plaister of Paris which you...
65428[Diary entry: 16 October 1787] (Washington Papers)
Tuesday—16th. Rid to the Ferry, Frenchs, Dogue, & Muddy hole Planns. At the former took an...
Your favor of the 3d: instant, and a preceeding one of 25th: Septr. came duly to hand. I should...
ALS : Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères; press copy of ALS , and copy: Library of...
I have Opposed your Election with all the little power & Influence I had, believeing as I did,...
please to accept the inclosed copy of a circular Letter— I have the honor to be with sincer...
§ From Henry Hill Jr. 7 July 1806, New York. “I had the honor of addressing you a letter from...
An ancient, and accounted a long headed Man, in these parts, has drop’d some words devising a...
6543510. (Adams Papers)
Got to Newbury-Port. Ordination. Dancing. John Andrews, JQA ’s frequent companion, was ordained...
Some public spirited Gentlemen have done me the honor to fix upon me as their leader, till we can...
Your favour with order came to hand yesterday, & we have this day packed for you in 3 paper...
Your father my dear George is so much occupied at this moment by the duties of his Office he...
The preceding letter was written when I was in Virginia and was taking the best measures in my...
I have had the honor to receive by the last Mail your favor of the 9th. Instant. Doctor Brown...
5 September 1801, Northumberland Court House. Writes on behalf of Dr. Barraud of Norfolk, who has...
The following is a Note of all the payments made by you to me in part for the lands purchased by...
Je ne sais Monsieur comment je pourrois reconnoitre toutes vos honnetetés. D’après l’exposé que...
I have the honour to enclose you a Duplicate & to inform you that the same language has been held...
Fredericksburg [ New York ] October 16, 1778 . Describes “Preparations made and making for the...
I had the Honour of your Favour of the 21st inst. which is communicated to the Board & a Letter...
I send you a very full account of all that passed between Mr B. & myself. I am astonished he...
Rode from Weymouth. Stoppd at my House, Veseys Blacksmith shop, my Brothers, my Mothers, and...
I entreat you to prepare to meet your God. For it will be but a short time before you must stand...
AL (draft): Library of Congress En examinant les Matrices, Monsieur, je ne trouve pas celui du...