George Washington Papers

Cash Accounts, September 1767

Cash Accounts

[September 1767]

Septr 5— To Cash of Vale Crawford Maryld Cy 20/ £  0.16. 0
7— To Do of Colo. Fairfax at Sundry times whilst at the Warm springs £17.0.1 Maryld1 13.12. 1
To Do of Vale Crawford at Hedges2 10/ Md 0. 8. 0
To Do recd of Lund Washington 10. 0. 0
To Cash recd of Jer: Warder for 1929 Bushl of Indian Corn @ 2/6 241. 2. 6
To Chargd Colo. [George William] Fairfax for half the Expence of taking up Horses the whole being £4.10. Pensa. 2. 0. 0
To Cash of Robt Lindsay for Weaving 0.13. 93
To Do of Thos Monroe on Acct of Do 0.10. 04
[Maryland currency]
Septr 35 By 1 Grey horse of Thos Wiggans 7. 0. 0
By 1 Bay Ditto of Phil. Wiggans 6. 0. 0
4— By 1 Grey Ditto of Jededih Higgans6 4.10. 0
By Mrs Washington 0. 0. 4
5— By Traes for Do 0. 4. 3
By looking horses 0. 5. 0
By a black horse of Mr Flint7 7.10. 0
By Jane Syllaback 0.15. 0
By—Brown bathman 0.15. 0
By Jedh Higgans for a brown mare 6.15. 0
7— By taking up my Stray Horses    3. 0. 0 
deduct 25 prCt from 43. 2. 7
   8.12. 6 
[Virginia currency] 34.10. 1
[Virginia currency]
By Sundry Tinware at Leesburg 0. 6. 0
By Cards at different times 2.14. 0
By Shoeing Horses &ca 1. 2. 0
By Sundry Expenses between Colo. Fx & myself in our Trip to the Springs viz.8 In going up 5. 9. 2
[Maryland currency]
For Meats of the Butcher 4. 3. 2
Mutton 13 lb. @ 3d. 0. 3. 9
Chickens 0. 2. 1
1 Quarter of Veal 0. 5. 0
1 Quartr of Veneson 0. 3. 6
Chickens & Captn Lucket 0. 3.10
29 lb. Veal 0. 6. 0
Qr Mutton 3/9—A Pig 2/ 0. 5. 9
For Butter at Sundry times 1.14.10
Greens at Do 0. 8. 4
Potatoes Do 0. 5.10
Beans at Do 0. 4. 1
Corn Do 0. 4. 7
Cucumbers Do 0. 4. 9
Symblains at Do 0. 3. 2
Eggs Do 0. 2. 1
Mellons Do 0. 6. 2
Apples & Peaches Do 0. 2.11
For Oats at Do 3. 7. 0
For Pasturage to Daugherty 1. 0. 0
to White 0.15. 0
to Heath 4. 4. 1
to Rawlings &ca 0. 7. 6
For taking up the five stray Horses 4.10. 0
In returning [Virginia currency]    5.10. 0 
[Virginia currency]
3— By James Cleveland pr Rect 22. 6. 39
By Ditto for 27 Bls Corn sold 3. 7. 6
4— By Henry Hinton for 1 Hhd Rum 17. 2.10
16— By Cash paid James Boyle for carrying the Widow Chowning to Caroline [County] 1. 0. 0
By Putting a Crystal in Jno. P. Custis’s watch 0. 2. 6
21— By Willm Carlin—Taylors Acct in full 1. 3. 0
By—Riddel for 600 ½ Crown Nails10 0.13. 3

AD, General Ledger A description begins General Ledger A, 1750–1772. Library of Congress, George Washington Papers, Series 5, Financial Papers. description ends , folio 253, 255.

1See note 8.

2Joshua Hedges, an early settler in Frederick County, lived in a gap in North Mountain near Back Creek and a few miles from the Potomac River.

3This was for 13 yards of bird’s-eye cotton. See GW’s “An Account of Weaving done by Thomas Davis &ca in the Year 1767” (DLC:GW). See also his account with Robert Lindsay of Fairfax County, General Ledger A description begins General Ledger A, 1750–1772. Library of Congress, George Washington Papers, Series 5, Financial Papers. description ends , folio 260, where this entry is dated August 1767.

4See GW’s account with Thomas Monroe, General Ledger A description begins General Ledger A, 1750–1772. Library of Congress, George Washington Papers, Series 5, Financial Papers. description ends , folio 254. Monroe got 16 yards of striped cotton.

5GW was at Warm Springs in Frederick County until 7 September. The entries here for 3, 4, 5, and 7 Sept. are for expenditures at the springs (see note 8).

6Thomas Wiggins (died c.1778) of Hampshire County had land on the Cacapon River. He had sons named Philip and Thomas. This is probably Judiah Higgins (died c.1796) who lived in Hampshire County and owned a lot at the Warm Springs in Frederick County.

7“Mr Flint” was probably John or Thomas Flint of Frederick County, Maryland.

8GW’s account of expenses for the trip to Warm Springs, 28 July–10 Sept. 1767 (DLC:GW), is much fuller than his cash accounts for those weeks:

“Expences in going to, from, and at the Springs 1767

Dr. Virginia Curry Maryld Do
July 28. To Cash paid Jno. Gore 1. 0.0
Corn & other Provisions to Do .11.3
Augt  3. To baiting &ca at the Glade 7.  .6
4 To Expences at Leesburg 1.13.1
5 To Ditto at old [James] Caudleys .15.7
6 To Ditto at Flemings . 3. 
7. To Ditto at Rawlings’s & the Mill .18.9
8 To Mutton at the Springs viz. 13 lb. @ 3d. . 3. 9
2 Quarts Potatoes @ 2d.   . 4
10 To Beans 6d. Chickens 2/1 . 2. 7
1 Peck of Apples 9d. Peachs 2   .11
1 Peck of Potatoes . 1. 0
11. To 1 Quarter of Veal . 5.  
Eggs   . 4
Corn & Cucumbers . 1. 3
12 To 1 Quartr of Venison 28 lb. @ 1½ . 3. 6
Corn & Beans   . 9
13 To the Cook to purchase Sundries . 1. 0
Cymblains   . 6
3½ Bushls of Oats @ 2/ . 7. 0
14 To Cucumbers 1/ apples 4d. . 1. 4
Potatoes 2d. Corn 4d.   . 6
Beans 8d. Water Mellons 6d. . 1. 4
15. To 7 lb. of Butter 3/6 1 Peck Potatoes 1/ . 4. 6
Cucumbers   . 4
17. To Beans &ca 1/ Corn & Mellons 8d. . 1. 8
18 To Chickens 2/ Cabbages &ca 11/ . 2.11
19 To 2 lb. Butter 1/4 12 lb. Do 7/ Cucumr 6d. . 8.10
20 To Corn & Peaches   .10
21 To Mellons & Peaches . 1. 2
22 To 29 lb. of Veal 6/ Corn 6d. . 6. 6
Mellons & Cucumbers . 1. 3
23 To Greens 4d. Potatoes 2/ . 2. 4
Oats 3½ Bls 7/ Cucumber 3d. . 7. 3
25 To Cabbages &ca 11d. Peach & Mellns 2/9 . 3. 8
26 To 1 Qr of Mutton 3/9 Cucum. & Apple 8d. . 4. 5
27 To 6 Bushls Oats 12/ Mellons &ca 2/9 .14. 9
28 To 7 lb. Buttr 4/8 1 lb. Do 9d. Symbln 6d. . 5.11
29 To Mellons & Cucumbers   . 8
Eggs & Cabbage 10d. Buttr 10 5/10 . 6. 8
30 To 15½ Bushl Oats 1.11. 0
Mellons & Corn   . 6
31 To Greens & Cucumbers   . 5
Sep:  1 To Corn, Greens &ca . 2. 3
2 To Captn Lucket 22d Mellon 4d. . 2. 2
3 To Vegetables 9d. A Pig 2/ . 2. 9
5 To Michael Davis[,] Butcher 4. 3. 2
James Daugherty Pasturage 1. 0. 0
Greens & Mellons . 1. 2
6 To Mssr Combs & Hereford for Oats .10.  
David White Pasturage & Butter .15.  
William Heath Ditto & Oats &ca 4. 4. 1
Baker the day we came away . 1. 3
Rawlings—feedg Horses . 3. 9
7 To Mr [Bryan] Bruins Servant . 2. 6
Expences at Hedges .15.0
Smith feedg Horses & boy . 5.7
8 Oats &ca at Lindors . 4.6
8 To Servts at the Bloomery . 3. 
Expences at Leesburg 1.10.5
9 To Ditto at the Glade 1.19.6
£10. 7.2 £18. 3. 8 
To V: Crawford for 9 days of his Wag[o]n 4.10. 
 14.17.2  18. 3. 8 
Septr 10 By Geo. Wm Fairfax Esqr. for one half 7. 8.7 9. 1. 0
By Geo: Washington for the other 7. 8.7 9. 1. 0”

9Evidently Lund Washington noted the contra items of 3 and 4 Sept. in GW’s absence. See note 4. This amount was due James Cleveland, overseer of River farm, as his “part of your Crop of Corn—sold Mr Jeremiah Warder—made in 1766” (General Ledger A description begins General Ledger A, 1750–1772. Library of Congress, George Washington Papers, Series 5, Financial Papers. description ends , folio 195).

10This may be Henry Riddell who was by 1768 factor for the British firm of Glassford & Co. at Piscataway, in Prince George’s County, Md., almost directly across the Potomac from Mount Vernon. He apparently was living in Fairfax County briefly about 1768.

Index Entries