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Results 6521-6570 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Acer negondo Betula lenta Cupressus Thyoides Cupressus distecha Fagus Castanea Fagus pumila Juglans nigra Juglans oblonga sencinerea Juglans alba Juglans glabra Liriodendron Tulipifera Juniperus Virginiona Pinus Strobus Pinus laricina Pinus balsamea Pinus americana Pinus canadensis Pinus mariana Platanus occidentalis Prunus podus Virginiona
This day I was favoured with your Excellency’s letters of the 26th. and 27th. Ultimo; the latter requiring 242 of our Militia to March to Williamsburg in consequence of which I have given the necessary Orders; and hope they will be complied with, although from former appearences I have reason to doubt there may be some reluctance. I am sorry to inform your Excellency, that a dangerous...
Strength of the Navy within the hook the Russel 64 Uropia 64 Renown 50 Rainbow 40 Vigelent 40 Romeles 40 Guns Each I am told the Belflour of 50 is at the hook but I Believe it is a frigate of 36 guns She has Not been up yet Besides those there is two Indiamen of 40 Guns Each the Sea horse and Lord townsen and all the Carpenters at work fitting an and old fixe Ship the Strength of Our Land...
July 4 th 1826 Thomas Jefferson D r to James Lyle 7.095. Opie Norris assur ce of Higginbotham 5.026. Andrei Pinni heir Mazzei 8.066 Hiram Saunder 344.90 A. Robertson Lynchburg 6.164.33 James Leitch 2.807.40
6525[Diary entry: 6 May 1785] (Washington Papers)
Friday 6th. Mercury at 62 in the Morning—60 at Noon and 64 at Night. Dark foggy Morning, with little wind, but great appearances of rain all the forenoon—after noon clear & pleasant. Breakfasted at Dumfries, & dined at home; where I found Mrs. Moylan (Genl. Moylan having gone on some business towards Fredericksburgh) Mr. Pine, Mr. Jno. Lewis & his Brother Lawrence—all of whom I had left at Mt....
I not only recollect your particular enquiries relative to the latest or most improved Copying Machine or mode of Manifold writing The last time I was at Washington and had the Honour of my personal respects to you, but also readily conceive the great advantages thereof especially in Important Public Stations requiring both dispatch and accuracy and even sometimes privacy in the transaction of...
Inclosed is a Return of Capt. Lemuel Gates ’ s Company, for the Month of March. I wrote you the 24th. February, Inclosing a Return of ordnance &c at Castle William; and on the 17th. of March Inclosed a rough draft of the Forts, at Marblehead, Salem & Cape Ann. Capt. Stoddard informs me he has received orders to transmit his monthly Return to you; the former Orders of the Secretary of War, are,...
Be pleased to send me a genteel sute of Cloaths made of superfine broad Cloth handsomely chosen; I shoud have Inclosed you my measure but in a general way they are so badly taken here that I am convinced it woud be of very little service; I woud have you therefore take measure of a Gentleman who wears well made Cloaths of the following size—to wit—Six feet high & proportionably made; if any...
§ From Robert Wilkinson. 22 October 1806, Smyrna. “I had the honor of addressing You last Sir on the 22nd: Ultimo by The Brig Acorn Laban Folger Master of Boston, and now profit of the departure of the Brig Joseph, Isaac Elwell Master of Boston, bound for same place to convey to You the News I have this day received from Constantinople. “In my last I had the honor to acquaint You Sir of a...
I have received a lettre from Grl duportail dated from paris the 24th decembre last in which, he gives me the following account of the succes which the order & society of the Cincinaty have in france. The order of the Cincinaty has had great succes here, till this instant, the king has permitted the french officers who belong to it to wear the badge of it—every man would wishes to have it, &...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ai l’honneur de vous envoyer du pain de pommes de terre, fait sans un seul atome de farine et sans mélange d’aucune autre substance étrangere. Cette decouverte si prétieuse, si intéressante est due a M. Parmentier mon confrere et mon ami; tous deux réunis sur cet objet, nous cherchons maintenant à le porter au point de perfection dont il est susceptible,...
6532General Orders, 2 September 1775 (Washington Papers)
Capt. Edward Crafts of Col. Gridley’s regiment of Artillery, tried yesterday by a General Court Martial, is acquitted of that part of the Charge against him, which relates to defrauding of his men ,” and the Court are also of opinion, that no part of the Charge against the prisoner is proved, except that of using abusive expressions to Major Gridley ; which being a breach of the 49th Article...
Thomas Barclay stands charged on the Treasury books with Livres 69,280.17.7 but claims salary at the rate of 24,000 livre a year amounting together to 144,000 livres; which if allowed would leave on that account a balance due to him of Livres 74,719.2.5.    Mr B. was Consul & commissioner of foreign accounts: no salary affixed by the former Congress; whether any was promised is not known. But...
I have presented to the President the subject stated in your Letter of the 3d. instant. He does not view the constitution as admitting the distinction between customary and extraordinary presents from Foreign Governments to persons in the employment of the United States; and consequently decides, that the consent of Congress is prerequisite to the acceptance of either. This construction of the...
A. “Among the claims for land that have been rejected, there are several that are founded on purchases made from individual indians, and the conveyances set forth that they were inherited from their parents, and were not the property of the Nation. It could not however be discovered that any division of the lands of the Kaskaskia indians had ever taken place among themselves, and the Chief of...
Ce n’est pas de ce Moments que je vous dois la plus forte reconoissance pour les bienfaits que ma famille a toujours recu de vous. Mon Père jouisse de son état par vôtre ouvrage, et n’avons personne au Monde que nous soyons si redevables comme à vôtre Excellence. Les dernieres traites de bonté, que vous avez eut, en recommendant aux états Units de L’Amérique Mon Père, avec des expressions si...
I received last night only, and at this place, where I have been a month, your favor of Oct. 27. I return to Monticello in a few days, where I will avail myself of the first moments of leisure to send you a copy of mr Mazzei ’s will , praying you to accept in the mean time the assurances of my respect and esteem. PoC ( DLC ); on verso of reused address cover of Isaac H. Tiffany to TJ, 8 Aug....
6538[December 1760] (Adams Papers)
I am beginning a Week and a month, and I arose by the Dawning of the Day. And by sun rise had made my fire and read a number of Pages in Bolinbroke. Tuesday and Wednesday passed, without reading any Law. There are no further entries in D/JA/4, JA ’s record of studies, until 27 Jan. 1761 . Spent the Evening at Coll. Q.’s with Captn. Freeman. About the middle of the Evening Dr. Lincoln and his...
I have been honoured with your Excellency’s favor of the 21st inclosing a Report from the Board of War, upon the application of Colonel Armand for promotion to the Rank of Brigadier in the service of the United States, on which, Congress have been pleased to request my opinion. I am ready to acknowledge the Grounds, on which, Colo. Armand founds his pretensions to higher Rank, so far as they...
654011th. (Adams Papers)
We have had this day very little studying in the office. Mr. Parsons is so fond of telling of all the manoeuvres which they used in and out of convention, that he has given the same story to every body that came into the office through the course of the day. He mentions with great complaisance, the formidable opposition that was made, as it naturally enhances the merit of the victory. He...
Be it enacted by the General Assembly that the districts, for which Senators are to be chosen to serve in General Assembly, shall be those which are herein after described, that is to say, the counties of Accomack and Northampton, one district; the counties of Princess Ann, Norfolk, and Nansemond, one other district; the counties of Isle-of-wight, Surry, and Prince George, one other district;...
I am honored with yours of the 7th 11th & 14th instants. As soon as General Green enters upon the Office of Qr Mr General he will attend to the Stores at Reading and have all, that are not immediately or soon wanted for the Army, removed to a place of greater safety—I am obliged for your attention to the Article of Paper with which I hope we shall be in future better supplied —I do not think...
I have had the Honor to receive Your several favors of the 23d 24th 25th & 25th Instant. I have spoken to the Quarter Master General upon the subject of Waggons and he has written, I believe, both to Mr Pettit & Mr Mitchell to use every possible exertion to obtain a supply. I am exceedingly pained—that we are so deficient in point of Arms. As to the demands you mention to have been made by...
I have the honor to send you herewith the report of the law Committee of the Corporation of the city of NewYork, on the subject of the interment of the dead, within the populous parts of our city. I hope you will think that the decision of the Common Council is judicious & salutary. MHi .
Have you succeeded, or are you likely to succeed, in procuring the Hemp seed I required? The fly has got into my Wheat, very generally this Fall; and I lay my account for great ravages thereon next Spring; which makes me more desirous of laying (to use a Sea term) an anchor to windward for something else. I congratulate you and Patcy on the birth of a “Manchild” —My best wishes attend the...
Having lately found among my Papers the original Documents relating to the Convention that met at Annapolis in the Year 1786, I think it my Duty to transmit them to the Executive of the Union, and therefore I now send them. I am entirely thy Friend RC ( PHi ); at foot of text: “Thomas Jefferson President”; written on verso of sheet addressed to Dickinson by George Logan. Recorded in SJL as...
I have not yet acknowledged the Receipt of yours of 25. feb. I think you right in not noticing Paine, and in present Circumstances in not disputing with Callender. I remarked the Port folio N 2. and was much pleased. I Suspected the hand.— I have heard, that an Intrigue against Washington did exist in the latter end of 1777 and beginning of 1778, but know nothing of it.— I obtained leave of...
I have the pleasure of hearing by Simon who arrived last Evening, that you had returned from your visit to Mrs. D. well & continued so. I do not find that the waggon met with any accident on the way; the wool only being injured as far as getting very wet may have that effect. I learn both from Simon & Capt: Eddins that much damage has been done in the Neighborhood by the late rain, and that we...
I take this opportunity to let you know that I am verry much in want of alittle money I have heard that you are very good to the nedy I shall take it favour of you to spare me Some money as my father works very hard to support his famaly— I your most obeidient Servant pleas to leave the answer at the post office RC ( MHi ); endorsed by TJ as received 1 Dec. and so recorded in SJL .
I have the pleasure of transmitting you herewith, by direction of the managers of the “ Apprentices Library ” of this city, a copy of a small work which they have recently republished, in aid of the object of this institution . Knowing the great interest you take in every measure calculated to diffuse knowledge , and confirm the morals of the youth of our country, the managers feel assured...
We have received from Congress a Resolution by which We are to be impowered to negotiate a Treaty of Commerce with G. B. My self Mr. Franklin and Mr. Jay. This will detain me in Europe this Winter. If this Letter arrives in Season, that you can come to me this Fall with Miss Nabby, I shall be Supreamly happy to see you. But Still Things are so unsettled in Congress that you may expect to...
Reprinted from John Walter, An Address to the Public, by J. Walter, Shewing the Great Improvement He Has Made in the Art of Printing, by Logographic Arrangements … (London, 1789), p. 14. I received by my grandson, the copy of your mode of arranging the first letter in the alphabet, which is very curious, and I am much obliged to you for it;—please to accept my hearty thanks.— I have since...
6553[Diary entry: 17 July 1768] (Washington Papers)
17. Wind Westwardly and little of it. Day moderate.
Notwithstanding the conviction I am under of the labour which is imposed upon you by Public Individuals as well as public bodies—Yet, as you have began, so I would wish you to finish, the good work in a short reply to the Address of the House of Representatives (which I now enclose) that there may be an accordance in this business. Thursday 12 O’clock, I have appointed to receive the Address....
The American Minister and Mrs Adams will do themselves the honour of attending upon her Majesty, at the Queen’s House on Monday the 12th of August, at 9 o clock, conformally to the invitation which by her Majesty’s Command they have received from Mr Disbrowe. MHi : Adams Family Papers, Letterbooks.
Un des avantages que j’attendais d’une létre que M. le Mis. dela Fayette m’a remise, par laquelle il veut bien me recomander a vous, etait de vous la présenter moimême, de vous exposer le Plan de l’Entreprise que je vais faire, sur les bords du clinch. Une traversée de 85 jours, du hâvre de Graces ici, moitié plus longue que je ne l’avais compté, ne me laisse pas disposer d’un instant, et me...
I presume you will consider it reather as novel to receive an address from a stranger on a subject that he knows not that you ever in the least interested your self in,— The subject is that of Manufactureing of Cotton, a business that is well known to be carried on extensively in the N E States , A business for which I have lately exchanged the Manufactureing of Paper and that which I wish to...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I confirm the contents of my two letters which I had the pleasure to write you from hence on the 13th. & 17th. May last, to which I hope you paid the necessary attention. By the last post I received a letter from our very worthy friend Dr. P——who desires me, in case I shall return thro’ Paris, to communicate to you certain events respecting his parting from...
RC (Mrs. Henry M. Sage, Albany, N.Y., 1958). The inclosed is a state of my receipts and expences from the 20 of March to the 20 of Sepr. being two complete quarters. I am sensible that the law directs that it should have been transmitted at the end of the first quarter, but my account of extra expences, being mixed with that of some Gentlemen of the family who were absent, I could not then do...
[ Treasury Department, April 17, 1790. The description in the dealer’s catalogue of this letter reads: “At his request, Hamilton has issued a warrant in his favor on Samuel Meredith for $20,000. ‘I wish you had indicated to me what sum would be requisite to execute the object of exchanging the certificates of your State.’” Letter not found. ] LS , sold by Kenneth W. Rendell, Inc., Catalogue...
By the liberty you gave me I send you hear inclosed a letter that I have wrote to my mama to give her the conveyance of her letters to me as you was so kind as to offer me and mine to my friends. I beg Sir you will except my sinscer thanks for your goodness, and am very sincible of your kind wishis towards my wellfare. I was very happy to hear that the fire happened in the south end of the...
I Wrote to you from Moble that I Wold be with you by the Last of this Month but I wold not be abel to be of as Soon as I Supposed but am Now on my way and wold be in albermarl as Soon as I Can perform the Jurney at Least I will be with in the State befor my Business Sets in a New and wold be hopey If thay Cold be a berth Procourd in your mills as that be a Cuntrey that I much admired admire...
I have the honor to enclose for the consideration of the Board of Directors, the draft of an Agreement, for carrying into execution the Eleventh Section of the Act, which incorporates the subscribers to the Bank of the united States. They will perceive that it is substantially in conformity to the suggestions, contained in your letter of the 29th of last month. As far as there may be any...
The Secretary of the Treasury has the honor of transmitting to the President of the United States, two official Certificates of settlements made at the Treasury, by which it appears that the Ud States are indebted, To Aquila Giles, Marshal of the District of New York, for four hundred and forty six days custody of the privateer sloop Polly, & the expenses attendant thereon; seized by order of...
I have recd your Address to the President Senate and House of Representatives. Misunderstandings and Differences cannot always be avoided between Individuals or Nations, unless both Parties are sincere and candid. Perhaps not always, even when they are so. Certain partial distinctions, have prevailed to give a Pretext, or rather an Invitation and Encouragement to France to believe that We are...
I have the pleasure to transmit Your Excellency the inclosed Copy of a Letter from Brigadr Genl Wayne, which this moment came to hand. I congratulate you upon our success—and what makes it still more agreable, from the report of Capn Fishbourn who brought me Genl Wayne’s Letter, the post was gained with but very inconsiderable loss on our part. I have not yet obtained the particulars of the...
The inclosed is a case of the first impression and therefore needs consideration. the Louisianians have been heretofore allowed an appeal from their Govr. to the Govr. Genl. at Cuba. this seems intended as such an appeal. but tho’ Congress have authorised me to give to any person all the powers of the officers of the then existing government, yet I do not know that this includes the Govr....
However you & I may have been taught by Civilians, & however History confirms the Maxim, that an Imperium in Imperio is a Solecism, this Country will continue to learn from its own limited School, & by the most expensive Experiments, those Truths which Statesmen, Legislators & enlightened Politicians have in vain pointed out to them.— Our present Confederacy is not very unlike the Monster of...
Your Parties having destroyed several Mills in the adjacent Country, which can only distress the peaceable Inhabitants residing in their Houses, I am constrained from a Regard to their Sufferings, and a sense of the Duty I owe to the Public, to forewarn you of the Calamities which may ensue, and to express my abhorrence of such a Proceeding: At the same Time I am inclined to believe, that the...
6570[December 1769] (Adams Papers)
At my Office reading Sidney. I have been musing this evening upon a Report of the Case of the 4. Sailors, who were tryed last June, before the Special Court of Admiralty, for killing Lt. Panton. A Publication only of the Record, I mean the Articles, Plea to the Jurisdiction, Testimonies of Witnesses, &c. would be of great Utility. The Arguments which were used, are scarcely worth publishing....