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Results 651-700 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
651 Massachusetts Legislature Washington, George To George Washington from the Massachusetts … 1789-10-24 The Governor & Council present their respectful compliments to the President of the United States...
652 Liles, Jacob Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Jacob Liles, 12 April 1808 1808-04-12 The Representation and Petition of Jacob Liles of the County of Wake in the State of North...
653 Adams, John Gerry, Elbridge From John Adams to Elbridge Gerry, 27 November 1778 1778-11-27 I have not received a Line, nor heard a Syllable from you Since my Arrival, but I know your...
654 Adams, John Copley, John Singleton From John Adams to John Singleton Copley, 16 November … 1792-11-16 Your polite and obliging Favour of April the 10th I duely received at this Place and I pray you...
655 Smith, Isaac Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Isaac Smith, 8 February 1800 1800-02-08 I have the painful Task to inform you that my Son Charles Smith Lieutt. in the first united...
656 Washington, George [Diary entry: 8 September 1773] 1773-09-08 8. Clear, calm, and warm.
657 Conway, Françoise-Antoinette-Jeanne Langlois du … Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from the Comtesse Conway, 27 March … 1779-03-27 ALS : American Philosophical Society Je ne puis vous exprimer Combien je suis fachée d’être La...
658 Hamilton, Alexander McHenry, James From Alexander Hamilton to James McHenry, 4 January … 1800-01-04 Such progress has now been made in recruiting the sixteenth regiment that the appointment of a...
659 Adams, John Adams, Abigail John Adams to Abigail Adams, 30 April 1796 1796-04-30 I am not surprized at your Anxiety expressed in your Letter of the 25 th. which I rec d...
660 Barlow, Joel Madison, James To James Madison from Joel Barlow, 19 December 1811 1811-12-19 As an additional apology for detaining the Frigate as well as for believing that an answer...
661 Franklin, Benjamin Franklin’s Conjecture on the Foregoing, [after 12 … 1772-08-12 Copy: the Royal Society The Aurora Boreales , tho’ visible almost every Night of clear Weather in...
662 Berckel, Engelbert François van Franklin, Benjamin E. F. van Berckel to Benjamin Franklin: A Translation … 1778-09-23 The undersigned, Councilor Pensionary of the City of Amsterdam, has the honor to inform all the...
663 Washington, George General Orders, 26 December 1780 1780-12-26 Varick transcript , DLC:GW .
664 Adams, Abigail Adams, John Abigail Adams to John Adams, 4 May 1775 1775-05-04 I have but little news to write you. Every thing of that kind you will learn by a more accurate...
665 Williams, Otho H. Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Otho H. Williams, 26 January … 1791-01-26 Baltimore, January 26, 1791. “… there is an expedient (which I have some reason to suspect has...
666 Cabell, Joseph Carrington Jefferson, Thomas Joseph C. Cabell to Thomas Jefferson, 14 October 1817 1817-10-14 I thank you for the use of the enclosed papers, which I have copied, and now commit to the first...
667 Cabell, William H. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William H. Cabell, 15 … 1807-09-15 I have the honor to enclose you Major Newton’s letters from the 4th to the 11th instant...
668 Longacre, James B. Madison, James James B. Longacre to James Madison, 14 October 1833 1833-10-14 It is entirely owing to circumstances apart from my own intentions, that I have deferred the...
669 Franklin, Benjamin Moore, Samuel Preston From Benjamin Franklin to Samuel Preston Moore, 13 … 1761-08-13 ALS : Library Company of Philadelphia Inclosed I send the Account of Charges in Solliciting your...
670 Nicholas, John Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Nicholas, 8 January 1781 1781-01-08 Your Excellency I doubt not is anxious to hear of the enemy’s situation; they are from every...
671 Perry, Reuben Jefferson, Thomas Reuben Perry to Thomas Jefferson, 23 December 1809 1809-12-23 I Received yours of the 9 th nov. in which was inclose d Three pounds on acc t of money advance d...
672 Washington, George United States Senate From George Washington to the United States Senate, 2 … 1794-01-02 I nominate Philip Burr Bradley of Connecticut, to be Marshal of and for the Connecticut district,...
673 Adams, John Warren, Mercy Otis From John Adams to Mercy Otis Warren, 30 July 1807 1807-07-30 Had I really been disgusted and mortified at my Treatment by Congress which in fact I was not,...
674 Adams, John Cranch, Richard From John Adams to Richard Cranch, 12 December 1785 1785-12-12 I am much obliged to you for your judicious Letter of Oct r. 15. you have described the Causes of...
675 Jay, John John Jay’s Motion for an Instruction to the Delegates … 1776-07-10 ^ Resolv [ ed ] ^ Whereas it is no less consonant to Reason than confirmed by the Experience of...
676 Commissioners for the District of Columbia Washington, George To George Washington from the Commissioners for the … 1793-01-05 We enclose you a list of the Squares actually devided, of those certified ready for division, and...
677 Smith, Robert Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Robert Smith, 8 May 1802 1802-05-08 I do myself the honor to enclose Warrants for Jno. N. Canon—Boatswain & David Loring—Gunner—...
678 Madison, James Jefferson, Thomas From James Madison to Thomas Jefferson, 21 October 1800 1800-10-21 This will be handed to you by Mr. Altson [ sic ] of S. Carolina, who proposes to call at...
679 Washington, George [Diary entry: 31 January 1786] 1786-01-31 Tuesday 31st. Thermometer at 42 in the Morning—40 at Noon and 34 at Night. The morning was a...
680 Lee, Ludwell Washington, George To George Washington from Ludwell Lee, 20 July 1797 1797-07-20 The Cook I wish to dispose of, is at present under inoculation—As soon as he recovers, & is...
681 Dick, Robert Washington, George To George Washington from Robert Dick, 28 March 1789 1789-03-28 Your favour of 21st instant came to my hands Yesterday: and I now comply with your request as far...
682 Jefferson, Thomas Gamble, Robert From Thomas Jefferson to Robert Gamble, 14 November … 1793-11-14 Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to Colo. Gamble and takes the liberty of putting under...
683 Washington, George Moylan, John From George Washington to John Moylan, 3 August 1782 1782-08-03 By the last Inspection Returns of the Army, I find, that the Men in general are possessed of but...
684 Madison, James Senate From James Madison to the Senate, 26 June 1809 1809-06-26 To the Senate of the United States. The considerations which led to the nomination of a Minister...
685 Muhlenberg, Henry Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Henry Muhlenberg, 8 October … 1799-10-08 Enclos’d is a Return of the Recruits enlisted since last—Charles Laurance deserted from W Point...
686 Hamilton, Alexander Short, William From Alexander Hamilton to William Short, 26 November … 1792-11-26 Since my last of the 5th. instant a triplicate of which is here inclosed I have received yours of...
687 Lovell, James Jay, John To John Jay from the Committee for Foreign Affairs … 1779-12-11 By the inclosed Resolves of Congress you will find that we are become more dependent upon your...
688 Hamilton, Alexander Morris, Robert From Alexander Hamilton to Robert Morris, 14 September … 1782-09-14 I have the honor to acknowlege the receipt of your letter of the 29th. of August; the contents of...
689 Jefferson, Thomas Washington, George To George Washington from Thomas Jefferson, 10 November … 1791-11-10 Philadelphia, 10 Nov. 1791. After examining the enclosed papers relating to the land purchase of...
690 Hazard, Enoch Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Enoch Hazard, 3 November 1804 1804-11-03 As one of the representatives from this town in the General Assembly of this State, I take the...
691 Burger, John Coroner’s Inquest, [13 July–2 August 1804] 1804-07-13 City & County of Newyork } ss An Inquisition Indented taken for the People of the State of...
692 Livingston, Robert R. Jefferson, Thomas II. Recipient’s Copy 1803-03-12 I have delayed answering your friendly letter by madame Brogniard in the hope of having some...
693 King, Rufus Adams, John To John Adams from Rufus King, 28 July 1800 1800-07-28 I avail myself of the opportunity of a vessel about sailing from Hull for Boston, to say that a...
694 Greene, Nathanael Washington, George To George Washington from Major General Nathanael … 1778-01-01 It gives me the greatest pain to hear the murmurs and complaints among the officers for the want...
695 Parker, Stephen Washington, George To George Washington from Stephen Parker, 15 January … 1776-01-15 Impelled by the triple tyes of affection for my Country, Attachment to Liberty, and concern for...
696 Jefferson, Thomas Brown, James From Thomas Jefferson to James Brown, 4 November 1792 1792-11-04 According to the permission in your letter which I recieved at Monticello, I drew on you about a...
697 Washington, George [Diary entry: 9 April 1796] 1796-04-09 9. Thick morning, but clear afterwards with a brisk So. Westerly wind—ground very dry. Smoaky.
698 Madison, James Pinkney, William From James Madison to William Pinkney, 4 December 1809 1809-12-04 Your favor of Aug. 19. came duly to hand, and I tender my thanks for it. I have very little to...
699 Adams, John Quincy 21st. 1786-06-21 This day the Seniors leave, College; there is no recitation in the morning, and prayers are...
700 Hull, William Washington, George To George Washington from William Hull, 24 July 1781 1781-07-24 Capt. Crocker having represented that his Circumstances are such as render it absolutely...