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Results 651-700 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I have no letter from you later than the 4 th: which I mention only because the interval is a little longer than usual between your communications and lest any you might have written may have miscarried. From William I got a packet on Saturday, after my letter of that day was sent to town, otherwise, I should have acknowledged its receipt. In J Russells paper of the 15 th: which he enclosed...
The inclosed Dialogue in the Shades was written by Mr. Edmund Jennings now residing at Brussells, a Native of Maryland. I will send you the Rest when I can get it. How I lament the Loss of my Packets by Austin! There were I suppose Letters from Congress of great Importance to me. I know not what I shall do without them. I suppose there was Authority to draw &c. Mr. T haxter ’s Letter from his...
This day I rec d yours of the 2 d. — I have rec d all the Votes from all the States. it is known that Georgia voted with N.C. V. and N.Y. and Kentucky voted for Jefferson. There is no other Newspaper circulated in the back Country of the Southern States than Freneau’s National Gazette, which is employed with great Industry to poison the Minds of the People. The Fœderal Court has again had a...
Le Marquis de lafayette Most Respectful Compliments Wait on Mrs. Adams and is highly sensible of the honor she had done him By her Most polite letter. He is very sorry that his Going immediately to Camp prevents him from Waiting on her at Bain tree Where he should have been happy to Present her With a tribute of his Gratitude and Respect. RC ( Adams Papers ); addressed: “To Mrs. john Adams...
On the 11 th: inst t: I received your favor of the 4 th: and last evening, on my return from Mr: Breck’s Country seat, where I passed Friday & Saturday night’s, your’s of the 8 th: had come to hand. Same time, rec d: from William the poem you sent me for Miss Wister & his letter of the 6 th: I am obliged by all these things & newspapers to boot. Coopers address, valedictory, I now remember to...
Your favor of the 1st. inst. was duly recieved, and I would not again have intruded on you but to rectify certain facts which seem not to have been presented to you under their true aspect. my charities to Callendar are considered as rewards for his calumnies. as early, I think, as 1796. I was told in Philadelphia that Callendar, the author of the Political progress of Britain, was in that...
I acknowledge the receipt of your very obliging favour of th’ 23 d of Nov br and should have done myself that pleasure before but was prevented by a severe indisposition (from which I am now pretty well recover’d) and the afflicting loss of my Father which has called my Sister from me I am extremely anxious to hear from M r. Gerry at Paris I find by my letters from him previous to his quitting...
I have been lately more remiss, than usual in Writing to you. There has been a great Dearth of News. Nothing from England, nothing from France, Spain, or any other Part of Europe, nothing from the West Indies. Nothing from Howe, and his Banditti, nothing from General Washington. There are various Conjectures that Lord How is dead, sick, or gone to England, as the Proclamations run in the Name...
I have the happiness to inform my invaluable friend mrs Adams of the safe arrival of her precious little ward the had a long passage of 12 days but the Nurse nor Children were not sick and Naby was only one day very sick the babe did not appear fatigued with the voyage but is very much tanned which I think must Conceal some of her beauty. she is very lively and is grown very fond to have me...
Having now a good opportunity I Cannot Let it Slip without writing a few Lines To You as it is not often That I have That Pleasure & So I must not let Slip one opportunity in writing To So kind and Tender a Mamma as you have been To me for Which I believe I Shall never be able to Repay you I hope I Shall never forget the goodness of God in Preserving us Through all The Dangers That We have...
The Travelling I Suppose has retarded the Post of this Week, till to Day, when I received your two Letters of the 4 th. and 8 th. I am happy to Day in the Company of our Charles, who arrived at my Invitation from New York as fat as a Squab or Duck. M r Burr Says he is a Steady Man of Business. He is gone to the Drawing Room and Play. A Debate in Senate disappointed me of the female...
I have time only to inform you that We are well, and to repeat my earnest Wish and Expectation to see you as soon as possible. Draw upon me for Whatever Money You want and it shall be paid at Sight. I have been invited by the Duke of Portland and Mr. Fox to See them and I have Seen them and Mr. Burke an d met a cordial Reception from all three. These would do right if they governed. But I am...
I have just rec d yours of Feb. 1. and thank you for the Book.— We had one before, from the Bookseller here who has them for sale. D r Tufts may draw. You had better engage the Oats. French may have Belchers place. Congress will not Sitt longer than March: and I calculate upon Weeks too—But fear I shall be detained some time after Congress departs. Last night I must needs go to the Play and...
I rose this morning with a fair prospect of landing before night, but alas, we are immersed in fogs and darkness. We have been within a few hours sail of New-York, for several days; but fogs, calms, and contrary winds, have deprived us of the happiness of seeing our native land; it is a most mortifying situation. I hope you have not known from experience to what a degree it is teasing; but...
I believe it is almost three months since I wrote you last. The interval has been a disastrous and distressing period to me, and as while our misfortunes were pressing upon me, I had not the time to write even to my dearest friends, so now that as I hope they are past, I feel little inclination to give you pain by a minute recital of them. It may suffise to say that soon after the date of my...
We have a fine Piece of News this Morning of the March of 2000 of the Enemy, and destroying a fine Magazine there—and the stupid sordid cowardly torified Country People let them pass without Opposition. All New England is petrified, with Astonishment, Horror, and Despair, I believe in my Conscience. They behave worse than any Part of the Continent. Even in N. Jersy 2000 Men could not have...
I have received within these few days your letters of the 17 th: and 29 th: of March, together with the books and pamphlets mentioned in the former. The last was forwarded to me from England by M r: King, and at the same time one from the Secretary of State of the 10 th: ult o: — I had long been without letters, and they have now been pouring in by floods at once. I have written to you and...
I inclose you a letter from my wife, who would have written you earlier but that George has been very ill with a fever, for several days— He is however, thank God now recovered. I have not written to you so often myself as I ought to have done, the only reason for which has been the ardour with which I have thoughtlessly thrown myself into the vortex of public business— The only object or use...
Thanks be to an ever watchful & kind Providence that has conducted my dear Brother, & Sister safely to their native Shore— With all the tender affections that ever warmed a Sisters Heart, I bid you welcome—welcome once more to America—welcome my dear Brother to a Land for which you have for many years toil’d & laboured— I have my dear Sister been exceedingly axious for these three weeks about...
I am very sorry that I could not send Betsy Quincy with her Cousin, but my being unwell prevented my having her in readiness— Upon my own account I feel loth to part with her, but when I consider her advantage, & how much she improved in the last year, I think I should be doing her injustice, if I were not solicitous to place her again in a situation, where having gained five talents, she...
I write my dear Sister with a hope that this letter will not find you in Philadelphia but as we have not heard that congress have risen I would not have you without a line of information that we are all well & that your chambers are ready the mason has promis’d to white wash the house & mrs Porter is waiting for orders to clean for your reception I have been fearful for your health & that of...
The Situation of my dear Brother, at the date of yours 17. June, has allarmed me so much that I dread to hear any further News of him. An Affection for him has grown old with me as it commenced very early in Life and has constantly increased. Mr. Smiths Letter of 6 of May did not surprise me so much because I had often known him in great distress in the Lungs but these disorders are new. The...
Mr. Winthrop, Mr. Quincy and I came this Morning from York, before Breakfast, 15 Miles, in order to hear my learned Friend Hemmenway. Mr. Quincy brought me a Letter from Williams, in which he lets me know that you and the Family were well. This is very refreshing News. We went to Meeting at Wells and had the Pleasure of hearing My Friend, upon “Be not Partaker’s in other Mens Sins: Keep...
Pardon my thus abruptly addressing you. I plead the occasion as my apology— I am just informed that M r: Leonard Jarvis expects soon to quit his Office. The Office is considered as a decent livelihood. Were I seeking emolument for myself I might be diffident; but when soliciting for the Interest & happiness of a Parent, I am emboldened, & venture to presume upon your friendship & goodness on...
The Riding has been so hard and rough, and the Weather so cold that We have not been able to push farther than this Place. My little Colt has performed very well hitherto, and I think will carry me through the Journey, very pleasantly. Our Spirits have been cheered, by two or three Pieces of good News, which Commissary Trumble who is now with me, tells us, he saw Yesterday in a Letter from G...
Saturday night 9 O Clock and not before I rec d yours of 13 th. and the Letter to Thomas with it, brought here no doubt by mistake. I regret very much that you have not a Gentleman with you. The Skittish young Colt with you, is always timorous, but no harm will befall you or her I trust. The Weather and roads here, on Saturday Sunday and to day are the finest We have seen this year. The...
Since I left the Baron which was about three weeks ago I have had the melancholy account of his being attacked with the numb palsy. I never expect to see him again his total neglect of exercise has rendered it almost impossible he should ever recover. Thus strikes the hand of disease—and we are no more. To me he has been a friend indeed and I may never expect [ “ ]to look upon his like...
The Disappointment you mention was not intended, but quite accidental. A Gentleman, for whom I had much Esteem, Mr. Daniel Leonard of Norton, was so good as to offer to keep the sabbath with me at Braintree—a favour that would have been very agreable if it had not detained me from the most agreable of all Company, to me, in this world, and a favour that will I know be sufficient with you to...
Three Vessells have arrived from Hambourg Since Thomas was there. The inclosed will shew you that he chose the Alexander Hamilton of New York. By this means he will escape the Dangers of our Massachusetts Bay; and I hope soon to hear of his Arrival. The General Officers nominated Smith for the command of a Regiment— I nominated him to the senate who, after a warm opposition and a day or two’s...
After quite an agreeable journey we arrived at this place on the 10 th inst. where we have found much better accommodations than we had any reason to expect. We are at present with two old maids Miss Barnes’s, who appear to be civil and obligeing— they have furnished The President with two rooms, a parlour handsomely furnished and a convenient bed chamber. The City is very much crouded at...
We have the Pleasure of your Letters to the 3 d . I think it is not worth while to bid for M rs Veseys four Acres. The Price will be twice or thrice the Worth and I have no desire to enlarge my Borders by purchasing Such scraps. Indeed I have land enough and too much, unless I could attend to its cultivation.— In that Situation Land is an Object of Envy. And I am willing that some Tradesman...
When I left Paris, the 8 March, I expected to have been at Home before this Day and have done my Utmost to get to sea, but the Embarrassements and Disappointments I have met with, have been many, very many. I have however in the Course of them had a fine Opportunity of seeing Nantes, L’orient and Brest, as well as the intermediate Country. By the gracious Invitation of the King, I am now to...
I Sent you a Letter this morning before I rec d yours of the 13. from Brookfield. I rejoice that you had arrived so far and born your Journey so well: but the Weather has been so wet that I doubt whether you have been able to reach East Chester to day. I am more convinced that the Air is a great Repository of Diseases and that it is impossible to guard against them. Be always ready. Yet I now...
I have received your two last letters that by M r Bracket accompanied by the presents you were so kind to make us. The fruit though it had a very long passage is very fine there not being more than thirty unsound pairs in the whole barrel the cheese is also remarkably good and I think would deceive the most experienced Englishman— The anxiety respecting the event of the election is very great...
Your agreable Letter of May. 10. from Auteuil I received by your Son. His Absence You will feel and I do not wonder that you parted with him with Regret as his Ability to relieve his Parents from many Cares and Burdens must have been great. He is now pursuing his Studies with his Uncle Shaw, more especially in the Latin and Greek Languages. In other Respects he was qualified to have entered in...
I shall inclose with this, some Letters between Randolph and Hammond which will shew you how quarelsome they are. Poor Fellows! They both desire Peace, but think themselves obliged to wrangle for their Countries. It is fashionable to charge Wars upon Kings: but I think Le Peuple souvereign is as inflamable, and as proud and at the Same time less systematick, uniform & united: so that it is not...
Yesterday Morning I took a Walk, into Arch Street, to see Mr. Peele’s Painters Room. Peele is from Maryland, a tender, soft, affectionate Creature. . . . He shewed me a large Picture containing a Group of Figures, which upon Inquiry I found were his Family. His Mother, and his Wifes Mother, himself and his Wife, his Brothers and sisters, and his Children, Sons and Daughters all young. There...
I received your favor of the 10 th: inst t: the Day before yesterday, with an enclosure for J Q A & his wife, which I forwarded to her, as I perceived it was addressed to them, both. They spent a week with me here, during the hottest spell of weather, we have experienced, this summer, and though much overcome by it, I was surprized to find, that they bore it so well. D r: Rush, in the absence...
In acknowledging the receipt of your kind favor of 26th. October and in confessing it was accompanied with five or six other Letters, which arrived yesterday, You will naturally conclude, that a rash Declaration made in my Letter of 22d. instant, of not writing again to my Friends, ought to be recanted. I do not hesitate a moment to make a formal Recantation, and would repeat it twenty times...
I have paid Turner, his Wages up to this day, and settled all Accounts with him. Besides which I have given him £3:2s:od. L.M. towards his Expences home. When he arrives he is to produce his Account to you, of the Expences of his Journey. See that he produces Receipts from the Tavern Keepers. Dont pay a Farthing, but what he produces a Receipt for. I am glad he is going, for between you and me...
Whenever I have set myself down to write to my dear Sisters, I have found myself so drowned in Grief, as to prevent my proceeding any further, than to make the attempt— To see my Child laid in the dust, was an affliction I had not prepared myself for; & I find the realities, the solemnities, the trial greater than I can bear, or support as I ought— I had too fondly hoped for her assistance...
I am to acknolege the honor of your letter of Jan. 29. and of the papers you were so good as to send me they were the latest I had seen or have yet seen. They left off too in a critical moment; just at the point where the Malcontents make their submission on condition of pardon, and before the answer of government was known. I hope they pardoned them. The spirit of resistance to government is...
I have at length an Opportunity by Mr. Brown to forward Bills of Exchange; and I only add the News Paper of Yesterday. Bell so long expected from France is arrived. He sailed with the Alliance. You know much more of your Mr. Adams than we, as only a Letter of April 10th. is come to hand from him. I assure you we feel very angry with Somebody , as neither Congress or the Minister have yet...
I have been waiting with impatience to hear of your arrival in Philedelphia, your health was so poor that I want to know how your Journey affected you, I hope you have found an advantage from it, but the fatigues attending moving are not very pleasing to the Body or Mind. If there could be any advantage arising from it to you, there would be something to balance the trouble, but to be at such...
I did not indulge the expectation that I Shoud wholly escape reproach when I had the honor to write you on the 11 th of last month— your condescention (not to say partiality) had placed me in a dilemma from which even your own goodness cou’d not entirely extricate me— I resolved however to merit the continuance of your Esteem & therefore at once discarded all private considerations & listened...
You cannot think how mortified & grieved I was, by being so unexpectedly disappointed, of seeing my dear, long absent Friends last night— Mrs Smith had kindly given me information of the intended Visit—& as the Weather was uncommonly fine, though it had injured the smoothness of the road in some measure, yet here it was no impediment to any ones business— In the full assurance of seeing you...
I had been so short a time in this place when I wrote you last, that it was out of my power to furnish you then with any particulars respecting the enemy’s conduct during their continuance here. By enquiries and observations since, I am enabled to give you some particulars on that head. The City in general has escaped, but houses and fences detached from the Town have felt the wantoness of...
It is now a violent Snow Storm (PM) and I hope it will be the last for this Spring, for the Snow has been on the Earth through the Winter and from January to the first Instant the Sledding has continued; on the 26th. of March I rode to Abington, from Mr. Williams’s Meeting House, in one of the Roads for near two Miles the Snow was level with the Walls and the Crust so hard as to bear my Horse,...
I have been so diligent on the Road and so much interrupted by Company at the Taverns that this is the first time I have been able to get an opportunity to write to you. We arrived at this house last night (Saturday) Shall rest here to day and go into N. York tomorrow.— at Hartford, the Manufacturers presented me with a Piece of Broadcloth, for a Suit of Cloaths. at N. Haven the Corporation...
I have often thought of You My good friend, and as often wish’d to See You, and did flatter Myself that I should injoy that happiness before Mr. A——departure. I am really Sorry that I was so unfortunate as to be absent from home when your first friend call’d to see Me. You Must Surely have call’d up all your Philosophy to Stand the Shock of his Absence a Second time for a Year.—Will My owning...