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Results 651-700 of 184,431 sorted by author
This is the memorable fourteenth of August. This day 12 years the Stamp office was distroyd....
Although I have not yet written to you, be assured Madam, you have been the subject of some of my...
I have received a good deal of paper from you; I wish it had been more coverd; the writing is...
On the 23 d of June I wrote You a Letter, and one to your Father, addressing it to him in...
I last Evening received your of the 15 th and our son the Remittance, which he went directly to...
My early rising still continues, and I am writing by candle light. it is a week this day since...
I received your Letter of June 20th with one for mrs Adams which I shall forward in a few day’s....
I have this moment received your Letter of June 25th. I wrote to you by the post of twesday, and...
I have not wrote you so soon as I should have done, if I had known where to have directed to you,...
Yours of Feb ry 27. March 1 st came to hand on Thursday. I regreet that Congress are like to Sit...
Little my Dear Mrs. Dana did I think I should leave America without seeing you, but a slow fever,...
Major Gibbs Captain Beals & mr Woodard all are going to New-york, and all have desired Letters,...
I received your Letter inclosing mr joys proposals and I have omitted answering it because I...
Your obliging favour of the 17 of Jan’ ry reachd me a few days sine the polite and Friendly...
I have received but one Letter from you Since I left Quincy now near a Month; I have been here...
I hope if the Marquiss de la Fayette is returned to Paris he may be able to give us some account...
I promised My dear Thomas to write to him by the May packet. on Fryday Evening at the drawing...
A little well timed and just criticism is sometimes very Salutary. If I had not been conscious...
I was meditating a Letter to my dear Sister when her agreable favour reachd my Hands. Tho my own...
Your obligeing reply to my request demands my Thanks. I have taken the Liberty of sending 5...
your Letter of July 22d was by some mistake in the post office at Boston sent back as far as...
The joyfull News of the Surrender of General Burgoin and all his Army to our Victorious Troops...
Your favour by Col. Henly was deliverd me by the Hand of that gentleman. I had been some time...
A favourable opportunity offering by Mr. Austin of writing to you, I embrace it, in compliance to...
I thank my Friends for their kind remembrance of me last week, the Letter enclosed was dated one...
First part of text missing. Respectfull Regards to Mr. Hancock with thanks for his very polite...
I yesterday received your kind Letter of March 5 th and congratulate you and the Judge upon your...
I sit down to write you a few lines this morning as I am loth the post should go, without telling...
We arrived here about four oclock a fryday afternoon, after a very pleasent journey. The weather...
I write you now, thanks be to Heaven, free from paine, in Good Spirits, but weak and feeble. All...
I knew not untill half an hour ago that Mr. Guile intended for Europe, he did not know it...
How is it my dear son? You who used to be so punctual in your returns to your Friends that I your...
I yesterday received your kind favour by mr Murry and the day before; yours by mr Bridgen. Mr and...
What a scene has opened upon us since I had the favour of your last! Such a scene as we never...
You obligeing favour I received by Captain Lyde and thank you for its contents, which assured me...
Your favour of May the Second came last Evening to Hand, and is the only line received from you...
I have not written you for several days, you will easily suppose my time much occupied by having...
I congratulate you upon your having setled yourself thus far, and am pleasd to find you so well...
I received by the Deacon two Letters from you this Day from Hartford. I feel a recruit of spirits...
You ask, in one of your letters to Mr. Adams, what is become of Mrs. Adams that I do not hear...
I do not know whether there is any getting over the Rivers. the Eastern Mail due yesterday is not...
I received on saturday Yours of May 28 th I wrote you on saturday previous to my receiving yours...
I cannot say that I write you from my Solitude, for who can call themselves Solitary, when in the...
I write you this Morning just to say that there are dispatches from our Envoys up to April by...
I write you again by this vessel altho it seem’s as if there was a Spell to detain her; she has...
I have not written to you since I received your Letter giving me an account of the ordination,...
I received last Evening Your kind Letter of Feb ry 8 th . I thank you for your congratulation,...
What can be the reason I have not heard from you since the 20 of April, and now tis the 27 of...
Tis a Great Grief to me that I know not how to write nor where to send to you. I know not of any...
I wrote to you intending to Send the Letter by mr Dexter, but found he was gone. I therefore...