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Results 651-700 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
Lettres sur l’Electricité. Dans lesquelles on examine les dernières Découvertes qui ont été...
Transcript: Vassar B. Carlton, Titusville, Florida (1955) Yours of the 12th past gave me a great...
Draft: Historical Society of Pennsylvania When I left Philadelphia and every Friend and...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Tho’ I am much engaged yett I cannot Lett Mesnard Sail...
Copies of letter and enclosure: New-York Historical Society The rare transits of Venus across the...
ALS and AD : American Philosophical Society I send you inclosed a Short account of a Me[teor?]....
Draft: American Philosophical Society I ought to have wrote to you long since, in Answer to yours...
Letter not found: to William Nelson, 12 Feb. 1753. On 22 Feb. 1753 Nelson wrote to GW : “I have...
I have received yours of the 12th Instant, in which you express a Desire to be removed to the...
ALS : Massachusetts Historical Society The enclos’d is a Copy of a Letter and some Papers I...
ALS : New-York Historical Society I return you herewith Professor Kanster’s Remarks. As far as I...
Supplemental Experiments and Observations on Electricity, Part II. Made at Philadelphia in...
MS not found; reprinted from extract in Sparks, Works , VI , 161 n. By the post I received your...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I number it among the fortunate Occurrences of my Life that...
ALS : Haverford College I hope Mine by First Ships with some Books for L:C: [Library Company] as...
ALS : Yale University Library We send herewith all the Bills in a Trunk, containing as follows...
Letterbook copy: Andover-Newton Theological Seminary Your Febry. 28. with the enclos’d Letters...
ALS : American Philosophical Society By the Conveyance of our friend Mr. Watson whose Letter I...
ALS : Massachusetts Historical Society I have shipt 18 Glass Jarrs in Casks well pack’d, on board...
ALS : New-York Historical Society I received your Favour of March 20. and a subsequent one...
ALS : Yale University Library I received your Favour of March 26. and thank you for communicating...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania I received your Favour of the 11th Instant, with your...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania One Patrick Caron with us is the Man that took up Kelly...
ALS : Yale University Library; also draft: American Philosophical Society I received your Essay...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Mr. Peters has just now been with me, and we have...
Copy: New York Public Library; also copies: Public Record Office, American Philosophical Society,...
ALS : Boston Public Library; also duplicate: New York Public Library I have your Favour of Jany....
Printed in Benjamin Franklin, Experiments and Observations on Electricity (London, 1769), pp....
ALS : American Philosophical Society I Received yours of April 28. Your order on me in favour of...
Printed in Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives , 1752–1753 (Philadelphia,...
Printed in Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives , 1752–1753 (Philadelphia,...
Printed in Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives , 1752–1753 (Philadelphia,...
ALS : Pennsylvania Hospital Please to receive the Bearer into the Hospital, and entertain him...
ALS : New York Public Library The above is a Copy of mine per Reeves. This is only to request you...
Draft: American Philosophical Society; copy: Yale University Library; transcript: Historical...
686[June 1753] (Adams Papers)
At Colledge. A Clowdy, Dull morning, and so continued till about 5 a Clock, when it began to rain...
At Colledge. A Clowdy, Dull morning, and so continued till about 5 a Clock, when it began to rain...
6889 Saturday. (Adams Papers)
At Colledge, the weather still remaining Clowdy all Day, till 6 o’Clock, when the Clowds were...
68910 Sunday. (Adams Papers)
At Colledge a clear morning. Heard Mr. Appleton expound those words in 1. Cor. 12 Chapt. 7 first...
690Monday [11 June]. (Adams Papers)
At Colledge, a fair morning, and pretty warm. About 2 o’Clock there appeared some symptoms of an...
691Tuesday [12 June]. (Adams Papers)
At Colledge, a Clowdy morning, heard Dr. Wigglesworth Preach from the 20 Chapter of exodus 8, 9...
69213 Wednesday. (Adams Papers)
At Colledge, a Cloudy morning, about 10 o’Clock the Sun shone out very warm, but about 12 the...
69314 Thurdsday. (Adams Papers)
At Colledge, a Clear, warm, morning But about 2 o’Clock came up a very hard shower, acompanied...
ADS : American Philosophical Society Memorandum of Agreement made this 14th Day of June 1753,...
Printed form with MS insertions in blanks: American Philosophical Society Know all Men by these...
69615 Fryday. (Adams Papers)
At Colledge, a Clear, warm morning, and so Continued.
69716 Saturday. (Adams Papers)
At Colledge, a fair morning, but, not very warm.
69817 Sunday. (Adams Papers)
At Colledge, sunshiny-morning, heard Mr. Appleton expound those words in 1. Cor. 12 Chap, from 7,...
69918 Monday. (Adams Papers)
At Colledge, a warm morning, at 11 ’Clock read Theses on this question, (viz) antliarum et...
70019 Tuesday. (Adams Papers)
At Colledge, a very warm morning, at 11 Disputed on this question (viz) systema Copernicanum est...