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Results 6501-6510 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
I do myself the honour to transmit herewith a copy of the proceedings of the Senate in their Executive capacity during the last session, agreeably to a standing order I am very respectfully Your most humble Sevt DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
You do the favr. to remit me in New York one hundred Dollars, directed to the same person you Direct the other letters—I wish this money in order to depart for Italy, to fulfil the commission of the University—I should not have troubled you had I been able to sell my sculptures in Richmond— I would entreat you not fail in this remittance as it will be necessary for me to have the money to go...
ALS (incomplete): American Philosophical Society [ Missing ] ourselves without making Mr. W—s experiment. But to be serious; unluckily for that Gentleman I have drawn no conclusion from his favourite experiment, except it be this, that a point will not invite a stroke of lightning upon it, at 12 times the distance of a knob. The chains happen’d to be both of the same wire, and length. Whoever...
It now appears that the Indians that attacked Blackmores Fort, as mentioned in my last , were a small party of Shawanese headed by our noted enemy Logan. The last Travelers that came from Kentucky came thro Cumberland Gap safe, having on their way made no discoveries of Indians. Some attention of Government to former means proposed, I am convinced may bring about a Peace; or make the war with...
Letter not found: from Maj. Gen. Johann Kalb, 27 Oct. 1778. Robert Hanson Harrison wrote Kalb on 28 Oct.: “His Excellency [GW] being called from Head quarters this morning—I have the honor to acknowledge his receipt of your favor of yesterday” ( DLC:GW ).
Inclosed are discharges for Nine Soldiers unfit for service. You will be pleased to examine them yourself and take a note of their situations. Five of them appear to me to be in a state, which could not have escaped the recruiting officer. Tis with a view to this that I have made a personal examination & that I desire another examination by you. when you have made this examination you will...
6507[February 1778] (Adams Papers)
Captain Samuel Tucker, Commander of the Frigate Boston, met me, at Mr. Norton Quincy’s, where We dined, and after Dinner I sent my Baggage, and walked myself with Captain Tucker, Mr. Griffin a Midshipman, and my eldest Son, John Quincy Adams, between 10 and 11. Years of Age, down to the Moon Head, where lay the Bostons Barge. The Wind was very high, and the Sea very rough, but by Means of a...
Had I strength enough remaining to have left my Room, to which I have been confind by severe & threatening indisposition for more than Three weeks past, I should not have made my congratulations, and participations of Joy on the event wch has this morning been announced by the Election of your beloved Son to the Presidency— An event which I have been earnestly looking forward to for the last...
I enclosed yesterday papers relative to a vessel suspected of having been fitted out for slave trade. The presumptive evidence is strong as she had on board, (& several of the same not inserted in her manifest,) handcuffs & bolts, scantling & boards fit to make partitions, 35 shaken hogsheads which would be necessary for water for the number of slaves she might bring back, a quantity of bread...
My health continues to mend rappidly and the prospect of soon rejoining you and my little darlings supports my spirits and enables me to bear the dreadful stroke that has befallen me with more fortitude than otherwise I fear I should have done— I can safely assure you that this misfortune was not caused by any imprudence on my part Dr. Weems is satisfied that the Child had been subject to...