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Results 6501-6530 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
6501[Diary entry: 7 August 1767] (Washington Papers)
7. Very warm. Arrivd at the Warm Springs.
ALS : Yale University Library I wrote you a pretty long Letter a Day or two ago, per Capt. Falkener our good Friend. I have nothing to add but that I am well, and purpose some little Excursion shortly to preserve my Health. Mr. Hopkinson is now here at our House to take Leave, going to morrow Morning: Mrs. Stevenson presents her Compliments to you and Sally, and Miss Stevenson, that is our...
ALS : William L. Clements Library; extracts printed or paraphrased in The Pennsylvania Chronicle, and Universal Advertiser , October 5–12, 1767. I have before me your Favours of April 23. May 21. and 26. I am exceedingly oblig’d to you for the kind Care you have taken to make me that seasonable Remittance of £250 by a Bill Richardson on Barclay. It was well-judg’d to send it thro’ the Hands of...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Not having the Pleasure of one Line from you for several Vessels; I have the less to write you. I am afraid we shall have bad Work with Mr. Chew, who now says, you promised to allow him for a Rider he hired to Hartford, in 1755 and 1756: but it is Strange when he was with me in Philadelphia in 1764, that he never mentioned it at that Time. Holt’s Account...
6505[Diary entry: 8 August 1767] (Washington Papers)
8. Very warm also with some Rain.
6506August [1767] (Washington Papers)
9. Finishd sowing the cut of Corn on the other side at the Mill with 43 Bushels of Wheat. Finishd sowing the 4 foot cut in the Neck with Wheat viz. 45½ Bushl. 15. Finishd sowing the 39 Inch Cut of Corn in the Neck with 44½ Bushl. Wheat. Finishd sowing that half of Muddy hole Corn field with Wheat round the Barn Bushel. 22. Finishd sowing Wheat on this side at the Mill viz. 28 Bushels which...
6507[Diary entry: 9 August 1767] (Washington Papers)
9. Finishd sowing the cut of Corn on the other side at the Mill with 43 Bushels of Wheat. Finishd sowing the 4 foot cut in the Neck with Wheat viz. 45½ Bushl.
6508[Diary entry: 9 August 1767] (Washington Papers)
9. Warm and Clear.
Letter not found: to Lund Washington, 9 Aug. 1767. On 22 Aug. Lund Washington wrote to GW : “The Sunday after you left home [3 Aug.], I lodge’d a Letter in Mr Carlyle’s Counting House.”
6510[Diary entry: 10 August 1767] (Washington Papers)
10. Cool & pleasant.
6511[Diary entry: 11 August 1767] (Washington Papers)
11. Not very warm.
6512[Diary entry: 12 August 1767] (Washington Papers)
12. Tolerably pleasant but w.
6513[Diary entry: 13 August 1767] (Washington Papers)
13. Very warm, & Cloudy in the Afternoon.
6514[Diary entry: 14 August 1767] (Washington Papers)
14. Much Rain fell last Night & the forepart of this day—The Weather Warm.
6515[Diary entry: 15 August 1767] (Washington Papers)
15. Finishd sowing the 39 Inch Cut of Corn in the Neck with 44½ Bushl. Wheat. Finishd sowing that half of Muddy hole Corn field with Wheat round the Barn Bushel.
6516[Diary entry: 15 August 1767] (Washington Papers)
15. Pleasant yet warm.
6517[Diary entry: 16 August 1767] (Washington Papers)
16. Cloudy & warm.
6518[Diary entry: 17 August 1767] (Washington Papers)
17. A good deal of Rain fell last Night. Pleast. today.
In my last I gave you an accompt how very seasonable we were at all your plantations but that in the Neck & there last Fryday we had a very great Rain, which was the first since you left home, you may judge how much that Field has suffer’d as it was much in want of Rain when you left home, but least you shoud form too bad a judgement of it, three of the Cuts I believe will be good the other...
AL (fragments) and LS (incomplete): American Philosophical Society Since my last I am favor’d with [yours] of May 20, per Mr. Odell, May 23d. per Packet, and [June?] 6, per Gilbert. The second came to hand but [ torn ] Yesterday above a Week after the [last?]. From the little [ remainder of page missing .] The Assembly of New Jersey have made Prov[ision] for supplying the King’s Troops with...
6521[Diary entry: 22 August 1767] (Washington Papers)
22. Finishd sowing Wheat on this side at the Mill viz. 28 Bushels which makes in all sewed there 71 Bushls.
I Recievd two Letters from you this week one by Mr Whiteing the other Mr Carlyle. you complain I do not write to you[.] The Sunday after you left home, I lodge’d a Letter in Mr Carlyle’s Counting House & was assure’d it shou’d be forwarded by the first opportunity, Last sunday I wrote & gave the letter to Mr Jenny who promis’d me it shou’d be Diliver’d very shortly. I shall now give you as...
ALS : American Philosophical Society All yours of April 14. May 23. and June 12. I received within a few Days of each other: I congratulate you, on the Renewal of your Commission. Thank you for all your kind Advice, and as Mr. Foxcroft has since appointed Mr. Babcock at New Haven, I am glad my Sentiments tallied with both yours. I have received the Chronicles by the two last Packets from Mr....
6524[Diary entry: 25 August 1767] (Washington Papers)
25. Also finishd the 18 Inch cut at Doeg run. Sowd therein 35 Bushels of Wh. The 6 by 3 foot cut was sowed with 40½ Bushels abt. the 13th.
6525[Diary entry: 26 August 1767] (Washington Papers)
26. Finishd sowing the 5⟨⟩ Cut of Corn in the Neck with 53 Bushels Wheat.
ALS : American Philosophical Society Tho’ it is but 4 Days since I wrote per Packet, yet this Opportunity offering I send again, with this Day’s Paper, tho’ there is Nothing of Importance in it: Nor any Thing of private Intelligence, than that we are much as we were: nor have I had Time since my last to see about any Thing wrote about in my last: but as the Packet is to go next Monday I shall...
AL : American Philosophical Society Dr. Templeman presents his Compliments to Dr. Franklin and heartily wishes Him a great deal of pleasure in his Tour. Begs the favour of Him to deliver the inclosed to Mr. Genet; he has not mentioned the place of Mr. Genet’s residence, for he imagines that He always accompanys the Court. Addressed: To / Dr. Franklin / in / Craven street / Strand Peter...
Letter not found: to Lund Washington, 27 Aug. 1767. On 5 Sept. Lund Washington wrote to GW : “I this Day receiv’d yours of the 27th Augst.”
ALS : Yale University Library I have staid too long in London this Summer, and now sensibly feel the Want of my usual Journey to preserve my Health. Therefore I this Morning am to set for a Trip to Paris. Sir John Pringle, the Queen’s Physician, goes with me. He has Leave for Six Weeks only, her Majesty being again pregnant. I shall write to you from thence. I receiv’d yours by Sir John...
MS not found; reprinted from William Temple Franklin, ed., Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Benjamin Franklin, LL.D. F.R.S. &c . (quarto edition, London, 1817–18), II, 143–4. I have no letter of yours since my last, in which I answered all preceding ones. Last week I dined at Lord Shelburne’s, and had a long conversation with him and Mr. Conway (there being no other company), on the subject...