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Results 6501-6550 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I can but confess my neglect in not letting you Know that I received your Verry polite answer of...
From the influence as president of the senate, and a Citizen of massachussets, that you will have...
I think it my duty to inform you that I have wrote several Letters to his Excellency Dr. Franklin...
I hope and trust that I shall not offend you by any thing in this communication. What is every...
I received your kind favours of the 19 & 22 of April. the printers were very obliging in taking...
I yesterday returned from Plymouth where I had opportunity of spending only three or four days in...
The sudden death of a very amiable Grand–Son, has involved myself and family in such deep...
Agreable to your esteemed favour we have the honour to inclose your acc t Amounting to ƒ1528:17:8...
In answer to your most esteemed favoúr of 12 Curr. we shall have tomorrow morning a conversation...
J’ai fait ce matin les démarches dont j’ai eu l’honneur de vous parler. L’effet en question sera...
I Have long wished for a private opportunity to write to you, And while Expecting it, Have...
All my family rejoice with yours in the happy issue of the operation performed upon Mrs Smiths...
On my arrival at this place I address’d to you a letter And am now very concious that I made in...
I am honored with yours of Jan. 19. Mine of Jan. 12. had not I suppose at that time got to your...
I received this day a letter from mr̃s Adams of the 26 th. ult. informing me you would set out on...
A Servant of the De Neufvilles going to Amsterdam early in the morning gives me an opportunity of...
Mr Ware is induced by the request of Dr Waterhouse, to take the liberty of offering to the...
The wishes expressed, in your last favor, that I may continue in life and health until I become a...
Mr Dawes sent me word that he was going to Newyork this week. I would not omit any opportunity of...
I am this far arrived on my way Home. Give Me Leave to introduce to your Notice Mr. George Lux a...
I have to answer two Letters from you—one of 28 October, and the other of 13. November—Tant va la...
I Yesterday receivd Your very Polite Letter by which I think myself highly Honour’d on this...
The subject of the proposed mission to France is so important, that whether it proceed or be...
je vous prie mon cher adams, de me retirer Expedition en regle pour Pays etrangers, de mon acte...
It appears by Returns this day received from Genl. Gates that Burgoine must have destroyed his...
Lê Roi desirant donner au Traité de Commerce a conclure entre S. M. et les Etats Unis de...
We have had four days and Nights of Rain an old fashiond rain. if there had been upon the Ground...
I have this moment received your Letters of the 17th. and 29th. of Septr: and after assuring you...
I have duly received your Letter of the 10th. instant, and take great consolation in learning...
I sit down to write tho I feel very Languid; the approach of Spring unstrings my nerves, and the...
I beg leave to present Your Excellency with the Account of an Invention for the Improvement of...
By reason of your unexpected return you have missed receiving, a Letter which I wrote to you when...
We take the liberty to inclose a letter for M r. Cranch: Which we beg Your Excellencÿ maÿ read...
The rumor’s of peace have almost totally subsided; those still in circulation deserve as little...
The Subscribers, Natives of Great Britain and Ireland, and Inhabitants of the City of Albany and...
When I had the honor of addressing a Letter to your Excellency, upon a subject of allowed...
Yesterday I had the pleasure of receiveing yours of the 16th. March last forwarded from Rhd. Isd....
I take the opportunity by means of Mr Laurens junr of addressing a few lines to you for the...
My visit is delayed In consequence of the celebration of the 4th July a day of double interest to...
At the request of several Gentlemen of Newfield, I address you in behalf of Samuel and Aaron...
The carrier of this letter, Mr. Rosenblad, is the Swedish gentleman of whom I had the honor to...
I have lately had convincing proof of what I have long expected, that is, men employed as...
The Sloop of War, building at Newbury port, will soon be in want of Officers—Timothy Newman of...
I have the honor to assure you of my perfect health after eight days residence in Philada. The...
Your attachment to your Country is not, in the calculations of reason, considered as...
Believing that you Still continue to feel a deep interest in the promotion of Science through the...
A conviction of your goodness, induces me to address you on a subject that nearly interests...
Whether My Letters to America, or the Answers from My friends Have Miscarried I am Not Able to...
The newspaper, which you did me the honor to inclose, containing Mr Pickering’s letter to Mr...
I have just been reading the Philippic of Edmund Burke against the Revolution Society in London,...