James Madison Papers

Reuben Conway to James Madison, 21 December 1832

Dr. 21st. 1832

Dr Sir

(re recommendation for Richard Chapman as cadet at West Point)

The enclosed Papers I received from Mr Chapman on yesterday relative, to an application he wishes to make in behalf of his son, for a Cadets, Commission, at West Point. After having heard your objections (which every one must appretiate) to take part in matters of this kind, I should not have acted directly or indirectly in the business, but from what I consider almost an imperious duty, as a Friend, to Mr Chapman, he is one who will go, and has gone farther, (and that to his injury) in aiding others, And as he seems to think that a letter to Mr Rives would be most to his sons Interest, I thought any Introductory communication you might make to that Gentleman, would not be incompatible with the fixed rule you had laid down in communicating with the Publick Departments at Washington, but would be of a private nature. Those reasons contain my apology for this letter which you will please accept. I am well acquainted with Mr Chapmans Son he is a very promising Youth in every Respect and is extremely anxious to obtain an education I remain Dr Sir with great Respect and Esteem yours

Reuben Conway

RC (ViU).

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