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Results 6451-6500 of 184,431 sorted by author
I received yesterday your important letter of the 7th. The form of a proclamation—is sufficient I believe for the purpose; and I have signed it, that it may be compleated and published at a proper season without loss of time. I am glad the heads of departments did not form a definitive opinion on the very important question, whether it will be expedient to renew the commerce without a...
64521773 June 8th. (Adams Papers)
Parson Turners Sermon, the spirited Election, Parson Haywards Artillery sermon, the 17 Letters, Dr. Shipleys sermon, the Bp. of St. Asaph, before the Society for propagating the Gospell, discover the Times to be altered. But how long will the Tides continue to set this Way?
Epitomy No. 1. Oct. 22. 1797. On the 5th. verbally informed Talleyrand, of their arrival. On the 6th. Major Rutledge carried a Letter of that date to Talleyrand On the 8th. They made their first Visit to Talleyrand, at one, not at home at 3 called again. Engaged with Portuguese, who soon retired. They were admitted and presented a Copy of their Credentials. T. employed about a report. In a few...
I thank you for your Thanksgiving Fast Sermon which I have repeatedly read, with much pleasure. It is a Model for Sermons on Such Occasions. Phylosophy Morality and Divinity, appear in it, in So much Harmony, that I could almost Subscribe it as a Creed: Yet I would not Subscribe it in Obedience to human Authority, much less would I pass an Act of Uniformity to compel a Nation to Subscribe it....
Yours of 13 is received. I did approve of Mess rs Pullers paying the Account of M r Baker, the Broker, amounting to £105. 13s: 6d s t. — The Account appeared to me very high. But I could not do any otherwise than Submit it to the Judgment of Mess rs Pullers, who thought it could not be done for less. I have drawn an order, besides, within a few days upon Messieurs Pullers, for Seventy five...
I return you the commissions for Maxwell Armstrong & Alexander Nelson signed according to the recommendation, inclosed in yours of the first of this month which I here enclose I am Sir your humble servant MHi : Adams Family Papers, Letterbooks.
Your favour of Aug. 28th has been duly received and highly esteemed. I say with you, the Will of eternal Wisdom and Benevolence, be done.— I wish to know, where the Anecdote of Sir William Keith is to be found. I have my doubts whether any History of America would “sell well.” Gordons, Ramsays, Warrens, even Marshalls I believe have not been very lucrative. No Party has been quite satisfied...
1779 December 22. Wednesday. Drank Tea at Senior Lagoaneres. Saw the Ladies drink Chocolate in the Spanish Fashion. A Servant brought in a Salver, with a number of Tumblers of clean clear Glass full of cold Water, and a Plate of Cakes, which were light Pieces of Sugar. Each Lady took a Tumbler of Water and a piece of Sugar, dipped the Sugar in the Tumbler of Water, eat the one and drank the...
9 February 1772. Printed: JA, Diary and Autobiography Diary and Autobiography of John Adams , ed. L. H. Butterfield and others, Cambridge, 1961; 4 vols. , 2:54–56 . Printed ( JA, Diary and Autobiography Diary and Autobiography of John Adams , ed. L. H. Butterfield and others, Cambridge, 1961; 4 vols. , 2:54–56 ).
6460August 15th. 1765. (Adams Papers)
I hope it will give no offence, to enquire into the Grounds and Reasons of the strange Conduct of Yesterday and last Night, at Boston. Is there any Evidence, that Mr. Oliver ever wrote to the Ministry, or to any Body in England any unfavourable Representations, of the People of this Province? Has he ever placed the Character of the People, their Manners, their Laws, their Principles in...
I nominate Robert G. Guerard of South Carolina to be Collector for the District of Beaufort and Inspector of the Revenue for the Port in the Place of Robert Hazard Wigg who has declined his appointment. DNA : RG 46—Records of the U.S. Senate.
I have no Remembrance of the “Address to a Provincial Bashans” I should conjecture that Governor Bernard was meant by the Bashans. The Author I know not. It is possible it might be Doctor Benjamin Church. It might be from One of Several Other Poets of that Age. But it never Attracted the Attention / of your humble Servant OClWHi .
Your thirteenth Letter Inquiry is, “Of what Resources might America hereafter Still make Use of?” There are many Resources, yet untried, which would certainly be explored, if America Should be driven to the Necessity of them. 1. Luxury prevails in that young Country, not withstanding all the confident assertions of the English concerning their Distress, to a degree, that retrenching this alone...
In your 4th page, you give Us your Opinion “that the moral Efforts of Mankind, towards political Improvement, have been restrained and disappointed, by the erronious Opinion, that Monarchy Aristocracy and Democracy or mixtures of them constitute all the Elements of Government.” And you proceed to State, that “it will be an Effort of your Essay to prove, that the United States have refuted the...
I have your favour of March 12 before me. The Choice you exult in, may not be considered as a favour, by the Chosen and by his Father and Mother So much as it is by you. The President, though by no means unfriendly to the chosen or his Friends was, with great Reluctance in duced to this Appointment. The appointment of Lincoln I did not disapprove, because I have known him for forty years, and...
You have always been too good to me & I regret that I have never been able to make you any returns, your last favor to me is the most gratify in g of all because it shows that your kindness to me is not extinct, In answer to your question you may undoubtedly send any volume to me by mail free of expence, I shall be happy to receive it, though I cannot read it, I may have some of it read to me...
I have not yet received your Memoirs of Billerica—they must have rested somewhere in the Post Office—or have been taken out of the Mail This letter however is intended to make a particular inquiry—a suspicion has darted into my head that the late learned ingenious scientific public Spirited and benevolent Count Rumford—was a descendant of your Billerica family of Tompsons—his Name was Thomson,...
May your anticipations of another Visit to Quincy be reallised! Much good may your Theological Studies do you! I have been reading an Abridgment of Scheffmachers Demonstration of the necessity of a Sovereign Judge of the Faith upon Earth from the Doctrine of the Trinity. He Says the New Testament flatly contradicts itself: affirming with equal perspicuity and Energy that J. C. is, and that he...
From early Youth I have heard it lamented among Men of Letters that We had no neither a natural History of this Country, nor any Person possessed of a Taste for such Inquiries. The Science in general was not So much desired as a particular Examination of the Beasts Birds, Fishes Trees Plants Flowers Fossills &c peculiar to North America. Mr. Hutchinson, at the close of the first volume of his...
Can you give me any News of the Millenium? Is it to commence Soon enough for me to entertain a hope that I may live a thousand Years longer? I want to Study the Chaldaic Language and all its Dialects and all the Books that are written in them. I want to read all the Christian Fathers and ecclesiastical Historians. I want to learn the Chinese Language, and to Study all the Asiatic Researchers....
Inclosed is a Copy of a Letter, recd this morning from Col. Smith. I am at present at a loss to judge of it.—Will you be so kind without favour or affection, to give me, your candid opinion of it.—Whether his request can be granted in the whole or in part without injustice to other officers. And whether it is consistent with the military Ideas. I pray your Answer as soon as possible. I am, Sir...
Yours of 6 May, from Bourdeaux, I have received. The Negotiations on foot among the maritime neutral powers, are very favourable to America and her Allies, and they ought to convince England, a Posteriori, of which a very simple Proscess of Reasoning a Priori, might have made clear to them, many years ago, on it, that it is the Interest of all the Maritime Powers, to Secure the Independance of...
Yesterday, Tuesday when the Levee Room began to be thin Brisler came running in, with the delightful sounds “Sir, Mr Adams is up Stairs.” I was not long in mounting the escalier and had the high Pleasure of embracing my dear son Thomas after an Absence of four years & an half.— We had a very happy Evening and he has had a good nights rest after the fatigues of his Voyage & Journey. He seems in...
6474[February 1765] (Adams Papers)
This Sodality has given rise to the following Speculation of my own, which I commit to writing, as Hints for future Enquiries rather than as a satisfactory Theory. The Desire of Power Power Dominion, that encroaching, grasping, restless, and ungovernable Principle in human Nature, that Principle which has made so much Havock and Desolation, among the Works of God, in all the Variety of...
After Spending a Day and a Night at East Chester with our Children there and another at Newyork with our Children there I came to this City on Fryday night after a cold ride of 80 miles from Elizabeth Town. There are great Complaints of Want of Water for grinding, for Cattle and for Families through the whole Country. Yesterday I dined with the President in Company with John Watts the King of...
I have suffered a great deal of Anxiety on your Account, having heard of your severe sickness. But am very glad to learn that you are better. I hope you will remember to whom you are obliged for your Restoration to Health, and that you will be sensible of the kind Care of your Mamma in your Illness and thankfull for it. Your excellent Grandmamma, it is to be feared, took the Distemper which...
I have your favour’s of the 12th and 16th: of the month. The letter of President Washington concerning J Q A. is at your discretion to make what use of it you please. All the communications concerning the other Gentleman made or to be made I confide to your sacred confidence. The great regard I had for your Grandfather and for your Grandmother, who was a beloved Sister of my Mother, and for...
I have received your obliging Letter and a dozen Copies of the “Pensees.” I am much obliged to you Sir, for these Copies, and for an excellent Preface, which is worth more than the Book. I Should be glad to pay for a Couple of Dozens more of these Pamphlets. They come out, in the critical Moment to do good, if ever. If the Impression they make now should not be deep, it will sink deeper e’er...
64791760. Oct. 17. (Adams Papers)
In the Beginning of May 58 Mr. Lambard, the Plantiff, gave a Lease of a House and Barn and Land in Germantown mentioned in the Writ to the Defendant Mr. Tirrell, and this Lease you will have with you. You will find by it, that Tirrill was to give illegible initial &c. the same Rent, that is sued for, in the present Action. In May 1759, i.e. at the End of the Year, Mr. Lambard went into the...
I resume with Pleasure my long neglected Pen upon this opportunity by Mr. Belcher to inform you that I am still alive, and well; that I am removed from Worcester to Braintree where I expect to live and die; and altho’ I have for a long time neglected to write you, I have never forgot to think frequently of you and to wish you all the Happiness that you deserve; no small Quantity truly! The...
I am so delighted with the idea of an Old Colony memorial; and so perfectly satisfied with the design and execution of the first number dated Saturday May the 4th. 1822—that I pray you to admit your my name among your subscribers and accept the inclosed Bill as my subscription for the first year— I have no disposition to Vilify the character of the illustrious William Penn, or to depreciate...
Your Triplicate of March 5. No: 5. Triplicate 22d. May. No. 6 Duplicate. 29th. May No: 7 and Duplicate of 30th May No: 8. together with the dispatches for Mr: Dana came to hand yesterday. The judicious enquiries in that of March. 5th. are chiefly answd. in the enclosd: pamphlett, wh: I have caused to be printed, in order to be sent into England, Scotland and Ireland, as well as America. You...
I was yesterday favoured with your agreable Letter by Captn. Price, for which as well as a former Letter I acknowledge myself much obliged to you. In such a Period as this, Sir, when Thirteen Colonies unacquainted in a great Measure, with each other, are rushing together into one Mass, it would be a Miracle, if Such heterogeneous Ingredients did not at first produce violent Fermentations....
I had Yesterday the Honour of your Letter of 25. September, and I beg leave to thank you, for your kind Congratulations on our little Success at the Hague.— I wish to have it in my Power to congratulate you Soon, upon a good Peace.— But, every Thing within my Observation, is disposing itself, both on the side of France and England for another Campaign So that I cannot give much Encouragement...
I have received your favor of the 13th and thank you for your zeal for the honor of my “defence”. That work, which was begun on the 4th of October 1786 & finished on the 26th of December 1787, was written in haste. It was not the fruit of twenty years labor, like Montesquieu’s & Gibbon’s, and as it was written in haste, may be supposed to have marks enough of inaccuracy. I am not yet sensible...
The Bearer of this Mr. Winslow Warren, is the Son of my Friend Major General Warren of the Massachusetts. He is, on all Sides of Families the most ancient and honourable and meritorious of that Part of America. And the Young Gentn. himself is amiable and has Merit. I should be vastly obliged to you, if you would shew him Brussels. Pray shall We have the Pleasure to see you here in a few days?...
Chicanery has been So often concerted in nocturnal caucusses in this Country by both parties, that there is nothing very novel, however surprising and disgusting it ought to be, in the corrupt Election of one of your Councillors. A fortunate Scruple of Conscience which finally turned the Majority in favour of him whose right it was, may have important Consequences. Many a Nation has been Saved...
I duly received, his Britannic Majestys Declaration and the List of Papers presented to Parliament with the kind Letter you did me the Honor to write me on the twenty Second of June. With great Sincerity I thank you, Sir for this instance of your polite Attention to me, and for a great number of others of a like kind, during your Embassy in England. I was then So Situated that I could not...
In compliance with your Directions, I do myself the honor to inclose to you, a List of all the Draughts of money, which have been made by me, whether on a public or private account since the first day of August 1785. Sometime ago, I transmitted to M r. Barclay according to the Resolutions of Congress, all my Accounts up to that Day, —after the Examination he made a settlement of them and...
I beg your acceptance of the inclosed Pamphlets—the long Dissertation on the Agriculture of massachusetts is by the same hand that wrote the Address the Honble. Josiah Quincy, my friend and Neighbour—whom I greatly Esteem—though his Politicks have not been always approved—by his, and your, friend / and humble Servant— OrHi .
Let me thank you kindly and cordially for your Letter of the fifteenth. Such is the melancholly Lot of Humanity, that I cannot pretend to promise Immortality to Liberty or to Virtue in any nation or Country of great numbers and large Extent from any Constitution of Government within human Contrivance.— All I can say is that it appears plain to me that every great Nation must have three...
My Office at Boston will miss me, this day. It is the last day of Arresting for July Court. What equivalent I shall meet with here is uncertain. It has been my Fate, to be acquainted, in the Way of my Business, with a Number of very rich Men—Gardiner, Bowdoin, Pitts, Hancock, Rowe, Lee, Sargeant, Hooper, Doane. Hooper, Gardiner, Rowe, Lee, and Doane, have all acquired their Wealth by their own...
I request the favour of you to insert the foregoing Letter in the next Anthology. It is a material Document in the Life of Washington, as well as in mine and my Sons. As I was bitterly reproached for promoting my Son, though I never did promote him, but only removed him with the same Rank and Appointment from Lisbon to Berlin, Washingtons Letter ought to have been considered as a Justification...
6494Tuesday [12 June]. (Adams Papers)
At Colledge, a Clowdy morning, heard Dr. Wigglesworth Preach from the 20 Chapter of exodus 8, 9 and 10th. Verses. Morning prayers were said regularly in Holden Chapel in the Yard ( Morison, Three Centuries of Harvard Samuel Eliot Morison, Three Centuries of Harvard , 1636–1936, Cambridge, 1936. , p. 94) Rev. Edward Wigglesworth (1693–1765) , Harvard 1710, was Hollis professor of divinity (...
6495[Monday March 18.] (Adams Papers)
Monday March 18. Order of the Day again. Mr. Harrison reported no Resolution.
If I am not humble I ought to be, when I find myself under the necessity of borrowing a juvenile hand to acknowledge your kind favour of the 19 th     I have read your university report througout throughout with great pleasure, and hearty approbation; Of Tracy ’s report I have read as much as I could, the Translation appears to me an original written with all the purity, accuracy, and...
One trouble never comes alone! At our Ages We may expect more and more of them every day in groups, and every day less fortitude to bear them. When I saw in Print that You was gone to the Springs, I anxiously Suspected that all was not healthy at Monticello. You may be Surprised to hear that your favour of the 7th has given me hopes. “Imposthume, general Eruptions Colliquative Sweats,”...
In your Letter of 5th. March, You ask “whether this Power has entered into any Treaty with France since the War, and whether any such thing is in Contemplation?” They have made no Treaty; but a Convention concerning Re-captures, which You must have seen in the Papers. The East India Company have concerted Operations with France in the East Indies; and the Prince, by the Resolution of the...
Among the Votaries of Science, and the numerous Competitors for Fame and Estimation, Utility seems to have been remarkably neglected. The Utmost subtlety of Wit, and all the labours of pertina­ cious Industry have been employed by Mathematicians to demonstrate little, unimportant Geometrical Niceties, or in searching for Demonstrations of other Propositions, which there is not the least...
Mr. G erry arrived Yesterday, and brought me yours of August 17. and soon afterwards the Post came in, with yours of the 25. of Aug. Am happy to find you, in so good a Way, and am glad to learn that Horses and a Man are coming. I want them much. But our Affairs having taken a Turn at Long Island and New York, so much to our Disadvantage, I cannot see my Way clear, to return home so soon as I...