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Results 6451-6480 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
6451[Diary entry: 14 July 1767] (Washington Papers)
14. Clear and not very warm. Wind Southwardly.
6452[Diary entry: 15 July 1767] (Washington Papers)
15. Clear with the Wind at South Wt.
6453[Diary entry: 16 July 1767] (Washington Papers)
16. Began to cut my Timothy Meadow which had stood too long.
6454[Diary entry: 16 July 1767] (Washington Papers)
16. Warm & woud have been Sultry but for a pleasant breeze fm. S.W.
I have before me your esteem’d favours of the 21st July & 22d Sepr the former Acknowl. the receipt of mine ⅌ Roger ⟨in⟩ Totness. my loss as you kindly wished by the former was not mitigated by Insurance, being so very fine a Ship I was imprud. enough to risque her, was sorry you had it not in your Power to Assist the Totness. the five hhds you Shipt me ⅌ Pollard Came in most miserable order. I...
ALS : New-York Historical Society; transcript: New England Historic Genealogical Society I should sooner have answered your kind Letters of last Year, but postpon’d it from time to time having mislaid the Print I intended to send you, which I have now found and send herewith. I am glad to hear of the Welfare of you and your Family, which I hope will long continue. My Love to them all. It gives...
6457[Diary entry: 17 July 1767] (Washington Papers)
17. Very warm with the Wind at So. West. In the Afternoon a fine Rain.
6458[Diary entry: 18 July 1767] (Washington Papers)
18. Clear. Wind No[rth]wardly.
6459[Diary entry: 19 July 1767] (Washington Papers)
19. Ditto—Do. Do. and Cool.
6460[Diary entry: 20 July 1767] (Washington Papers)
20. Cloudy & Cool. Wind Eastwardly with a little light Rain.
Please to send the following Shoes &ca and apply to Messrs Cary & Co. for the amount. For Geo. Washington &ca For Mastr Custis & to him chargd 1 pr dble Campaign Boots pr Mea[sur]e 6 pr strong Shoes } For a boy 14 yrs old—the last were too smal 2 pr Neat Pumps 1 pr Do Do Shoes 1 pr Strg Calfskin Slippers 6 pr Womans bla: Callimanca pr Mea[sur]e to be broader in the Soles & not so strait over...
Inclosd is a Measure for Breeches, by which please to send me a pair of black silk Knit ones—I shoud be glad also to have sent me a Sartout great Coat fashionably made of good Cloth —I presume you have my Meas[ur]e & therefore have sent none but in case you shoud be at a loss, make it to fit a person Six feet high and proportionably made, & you cannot go much amiss. let the Breeches have cool...
By this Conveyance you will receive Invoices of such Goods as we want for this and York River, & having your favours of the 19th July, 22d of August 4th of Septr, 17th Novr 31st of Jany and 6th of March past all lying before me I am enabled to answer such paragraphs as may respectively require it. If the Facts then respecting the Freight of Captn Boyes’s Ship last year are as he represented...
Invoice of Goods to be sent by Robert Cary Esqr. & Co. for the uses of George Washington—Potomack River—Virginia —Vizt 6 Strong & Secret padlocks—middle size 1 Steel Slay—proper for Weaving Sale Cloth No. 3  1 pr Weavers pickers 1 pr Ditto Shears 4 pr Clothiers Cards 6 pr Course Wool Do 4 frying Panns—viz.—2 large—1 middle Size—& 1 very small 2 Iron Skillets—1 to hold 2 Quarts—the other 3...
AL : University of Pennsylvania Library Joseph Sherwood’s respects to Benjn. Franklyn Esqr., Sherwood has applied to the Plantation, and Secretary of States Office (where the Patents &c. are Recorded) both of whom Absolutely refuse to give Copies, being as they say totally unusual and Extra Official; Sherwood has Perused and Considered the Papers very Attentively, and from his own Ideas of the...
6466[Diary entry: 21 July 1767] (Washington Papers)
21. Rainy & Misty all day. Wind Eastwardly. Gd. very wet.
6467[Diary entry: 22 July 1767] (Washington Papers)
22. Cloudy & warm first part of the day with Rain in the Aftern.
6468[Diary entry: 23 July 1767] (Washington Papers)
23. Warm and pleasant, growg. Weathr.
6469[Diary entry: 24 July 1767] (Washington Papers)
24. Very warm and still.
6470[Diary entry: 25 July 1767] (Washington Papers)
25. Finishd Ditto. Sowed Turnep seed from Colo. Fairfax’s in sheep pens at the House. Sowed Winter Do. from Colo. Lees in the Neck.
6471[Diary entry: 25 July 1767] (Washington Papers)
25. Cloudy & warm the first of the day—with Rain for some hours in the Afternoon.
Since mine of the 28th of June, last year, I have been favour’d with your two Letters of the 27th of March, first of July, and 21st of October in the past, and Sixth of April in the present year. Had any thing material occurd—(worth giving you the trouble of a Letter)—I shoud not have been silent till this time; and even now, I have but little to say. The Accounts Currt transmitted by Necks...
6473[Diary entry: 26 July 1767] (Washington Papers)
26. Waggon to be down.
6474[Diary entry: 26 July 1767] (Washington Papers)
26. Cloudy with Rain now & then but not hard. Wind Southwardly & warm.
6475[Diary entry: 27 July 1767] (Washington Papers)
27. Began to Sow Wheat at the Mill with the early White Wheat wch. grew at Muddy hole.
6476[Diary entry: 27 July 1767] (Washington Papers)
27. Warm & Clear. Also calm.
AL : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Joseph Sherwood’s respects to Benjn. Franklyn Esqr., Sherwood has Inclosed a Draught of a Case to be laid before the Attorney General, as clear as Sherwood is able to do it, with the materials he has got, Sherwood desires his Friend Franklyn will give it an Attentive Perusal and Amend it as Occasion shall require, Sherwood will call in Craven Street in a...
6478[Diary entry: 28 July 1767] (Washington Papers)
28. Began to Sow Wheat at Muddy hole with the mixd Wheat that grew there. Also began to Sow Wheat at Doeg Run of the red Chaff from Home. Also sowed Summer Turnep behd. Garden.
6479[Diary entry: 28 July 1767] (Washington Papers)
28. Ditto—Ditto in the forenoon. Afterwards Rain.
6480[Diary entry: 29 July 1767] (Washington Papers)
29. Sowed Colo. Fairfax’s kind in Flax Gd. joing. sheep pens.