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Results 6451-6500 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
6451 Adams, John Adams, Abigail John Adams to Abigail Adams, 17 February 1794 1794-02-17 We have done nothing hitherto, but prevent our Countrymen from plunging blindfold into a War,...
6452 Adams, John Adams, Abigail John Adams to Abigail Adams, 17 February 1794 1794-02-17 I this day rec d your favours of the 8. and 12 th. but how this last could have leaped to this...
6453 Adams, Abigail Adams, John Abigail Adams to John Adams, ca. 20 February 1794 1794-02-20 The post of the last saturday was the first for a long period, which faild of bringing me a...
6454 Adams, Abigail Cranch, William Abigail Adams to William Cranch, 23 February 1794 1794-02-23 I received your kind Letter last evening. I should be glad of two shares if you would part with...
6455 Adams, John Adams, Abigail John Adams to Abigail Adams, 23 February 1794 1794-02-23 The Birthday was celebrated Yesterday with as much Joy affection and Festivity as ever, and as it...
6456 Otis, Mary Smith Gray Adams, Abigail Mary Smith Gray Otis to Abigail Adams, 23 February 1794 1794-02-23 I am quite ashamed my dear M rs Adams that I have so long neglected writeing to you, indeed I can...
6457 Adams, Abigail Adams, John Abigail Adams to John Adams, 26 February 1794 1794-02-26 Not receiveing any Letters on saturday evening I was so impatient that I sent James to Town on...
6458 Adams, Abigail Adams, John Abigail Adams to John Adams, 28 February 1794 1794-02-28 I yesterday received your favours of the 17 th of this Month. I was attending at the sick Bed of...
6459 Adams, John Adams, Abigail John Adams to Abigail Adams, 2 March 1794 1794-03-02 The Senate were obliged to Spend the whole of the last Week, in a Solemn Tryal of the Election of...
6460 Adams, John Adams, Charles John Adams to Charles Adams, 2 March 1794 1794-03-02 What! are my venerable Old Friend Gates, and my respectable old Acquaintance Osgood, and my...
6461 Adams, John Quincy Adams, John John Quincy Adams to John Adams, 2 March 1794 1794-03-02 You will doubtless hear before this reaches you, the event of a Town-meeting which was called...
6462 Adams, Charles Adams, John Charles Adams to John Adams, 5 March 1794 1794-03-05 I have this moment received your letters to the third instant. In answer to the queries...
6463 Adams, Abigail Adams, John Abigail Adams to John Adams, 8 March 1794 1794-03-08 Half an hour ago your kind Letters of Feb ry 23 & 25 were brought to me. I was at my station the...
6464 Adams, Abigail Smith, Abigail Adams Abigail Adams to Abigail Adams Smith, 8 March 1794 1794-03-08 I received your kind letter of February 12th, as well as one, by Mr. Storer, of February 2d. I...
6465 Adams, John Adams, Abigail John Adams to Abigail Adams, 8 March 1794 1794-03-08 Your Favours of Feb. 26 and Feb. (blank) arrived not till last night. They deserve my best Thanks...
6466 Adams, Charles Adams, John Charles Adams to John Adams, 9 March 1794 1794-03-09 I had the following conversation with a gentleman on thursday last How comes it that you vary so...
6467 Adams, Abigail Smith, Abigail Adams Abigail Adams to Abigail Adams Smith, 10 March 1794 1794-03-10 Although the scenes in which I have been engaged for six weeks past, have been very different...
6468 Adams, John Adams, Charles John Adams to Charles Adams, 10 March 1794 1794-03-10 Your Letter of Yesterdays Date has given me much Pleasure. I recognize in it, my own son. Your...
6469 Adams, John Adams, Abigail John Adams to Abigail Adams, 11 March 1794 1794-03-11 I received Yesterday your kind Letter of Feb. 28. and March 1.— I can never be sufficiently...
6470 Adams, Charles Adams, John Charles Adams to John Adams, 12 March 1794 1794-03-12 The Samaneens were a sect of Philosophers of India They embraced the doctrine of Butta or Budda...
6471 Adams, John Adams, Abigail John Adams to Abigail Adams, 12 March 1794 1794-03-12 I have all along flattered myself with hopes that I might with Propriety have taken Leave of the...
6472 Adams, John Adams, John Quincy John Adams to John Quincy Adams, 13 March 1794 1794-03-13 This morning I had the Pleasure of your Letter of the 2 d of this month. The Town meeting did...
6473 Adams, Abigail Adams, John Abigail Adams to John Adams, 14 March 1794 1794-03-14 This Letter will not bear you so melancholy tidings, as from the close of my last, I apprehended....
6474 Adams, John Adams, Abigail John Adams to Abigail Adams, 15 March 1794 1794-03-15 I know not how to throw off, the Lassitude that hangs upon me.—weary of a daily round, which to...
6475 Adams, Abigail Adams, John Abigail Adams to John Adams, 17 March 1794 1794-03-17 I received your two kind favours last Evening of march 2 d & 8 th . the seasons I belive have...
6476 Adams, John Adams, Abigail John Adams to Abigail Adams, 17 March 1794 1794-03-17 Your favour of 8. March is just put into my hand.— My beloved Mother is very near my heart and...
6477 Adams, Thomas Boylston Cranch, William Thomas Boylston Adams to William Cranch, 19 March 1794 1794-03-19 My last Letter to you was of such a nature, that I can easily persuade myself no matter arose out...
6478 Adams, Abigail Adams, John Abigail Adams to John Adams, 22 March 1794 1794-03-22 Yours of March 11 th reachd me yesterday I have the satisfaction to anounce you our Parents Life,...
6479 Adams, Thomas Boylston Adams, Abigail Thomas Boylston Adams to Abigail Adams, 23 March 1794 1794-03-23 I have neglected writing to you longer than usual, that I might have it in my power to give you...
6480 Adams, John Quincy Adams, John John Quincy Adams to John Adams, 24 March 1794 1794-03-24 I received on Saturday your favour of the 13 th: Inst t: Our Supreme Court closed their session...
6481 Adams, Abigail Adams, John Abigail Adams to John Adams, 26 March 1794 1794-03-26 our two Tenants are come, and I have occupation enough. I have set them to clear the manure out...
6482 Adams, John Quincy Adams, Thomas Boylston John Quincy Adams to Thomas Boylston Adams, 27 March … 1794-03-27 I received yesterday your very laconic favour enclosing a draft upon the bank for 500 dollars...
6483 Adams, Abigail Adams, John Abigail Adams to John Adams, 28 March 1794 1794-03-28 I last Evening received Yours of March the 15 and 17th together with the Money you remitted. it...
6484 Adams, John Adams, Abigail John Adams to Abigail Adams, 31 March 1794 1794-03-31 I have scarcely a moment to acknowledge the Rec t of your favour of 22 this instant put into my...
6485 Adams, John Adams, Abigail John Adams to Abigail Adams, 1 April 1794 1794-04-01 Cheesman has at length arrived and I have rec d my Trunk in much better order than I expected....
6486 Adams, John Adams, Abigail John Adams to Abigail Adams, 3 April 1794 1794-04-03 The Post of the day brought me, your kind Letter of 26. Ult. The more I am charmed with your...
6487 Adams, John Adams, John Quincy John Adams to John Quincy Adams, 3 April 1794 1794-04-03 I have rec d your favour of the 22 d I believe it is, and am glad to hear that the People of...
6488 Adams, John Adams, Abigail John Adams to Abigail Adams, 5 April 1794 1794-04-05 The Weather is cooler And the Minds of Men are calmed by the inclosed Communication. But A Sourd...
6489 Adams, John Adams, John Quincy John Adams to John Quincy Adams, 5 April 1794 1794-04-05 The Old Debtors to British subjects, united with the over Zealous Friends of France and the...
6490 Adams, John Adams, Abigail John Adams to Abigail Adams, 7 April 1794 1794-04-07 Your favour of the 28 th. Ult. arrived this morning. before this time I hope you have received...
6491 Adams, Charles Adams, John Quincy Charles Adams to John Quincy Adams, 10 April 1794 1794-04-10 I received your favor of the 18 ult o inclosing the money you was so kind as to procure for me. I...
6492 Adams, Abigail Adams, John Abigail Adams to John Adams, 11 April 1794 1794-04-11 You I presume are so much occupied and fatigued with the duties of your station that you can get...
6493 Adams, John Quincy Adams, John John Quincy Adams to John Adams, 12 April 1794 1794-04-12 I received this morning your favour of the 3 d: inst t: We still hold tolerably firm to the text...
6494 Adams, John Adams, Abigail John Adams to Abigail Adams, 15 April 1794 1794-04-15 Upon the receipt of your excellent Letter of the fifth of this month I Yesterday sent for our son...
6495 Adams, Abigail Adams, John Abigail Adams to John Adams, 18 April 1794 1794-04-18 Your Letter of April 5 th an 7 th reachd me last Evening, and they fill me with more...
6496 Adams, John Quincy Adams, Thomas Boylston John Quincy Adams to Thomas Boylston Adams, 18 April … 1794-04-18 M r: Newcomb has executed a power of Attorney, authorising you to receive his interest due. I...
6497 Adams, Abigail Adams, John Abigail Adams to John Adams, 19 April 1794 1794-04-19 A memorable day in our Annals, which is all I shall say of politicks here. the season is very...
6498 Adams, John Adams, Abigail John Adams to Abigail Adams, 19 April 1794 1794-04-19 Senate has been three days in debate upon the Appointment of M r Jay, to go to London. It has...
6499 Adams, John Adams, Abigail John Adams to Abigail Adams, 22 April 1794 1794-04-22 I rec d. Yesterday your kind favour of the 11 th. I have not been able lately to write you so...
6500 Adams, John Adams, John Quincy John Adams to John Quincy Adams, 23 April 1794 1794-04-23 If the combined Powers are exhausted by their Exertions The French must be no less distressed by...