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The inclosed letters from Cathcart & Mellimelli explain the unexpected & perplexing determination of the latter with respect to the Franklin. The least evil left to our choice has been thought to be that of chartering a vessel at Boston. Cathcart has accordingly been instructed to do so. It has been thought proper also to take advantage of a vessel going from Alexa. to Boston, for sending the...
As you mentioned your intention of reinvesting the proceeds of the late Sale in lands, I have thought the following Ideas might be worthy of Consideration. Mr. Church will have, as soon as the papers are completed, in my hands engagements equal in ready money to near 19000 Drs. if the Sale when adjusted includes all his share of the lands under Patterson’s & Stroud of which I have no...
Books sold to Colo. Monroe s Chastellux Felicité publique. 2.v. 13. 6  Helvetius de l’homme. 3.v. 13. 6. Gravina l’esprit des loix Romaines 3.v. 19. Barbeyrac discours. 2.v. 10. Vicat Droit naturel. 2.v. 15. Felice. droit de la nature 18. Certitude de Mahometisme 13. 6 Oeuvres de Mably. 4.v.
[ Philadelphia, August 30, 1790. On September 23, 1790, Hamilton wrote to Smith : “I duly received your letter of the 30th Ultimo.” Letter not found. ]
In consequence of the death of Colo. Innes it is probable that a variety of characters will receive recommendations to you to obtain an appointment so respectable & important as that which is now vacant by his decease. I have seen the name of Colo. William Davies mentioned with particular respect as being every way qualified to fill that office with advantage to his country; &, indeed, as...
Title—a bill supplementary to the act &c strike out the first 11. sections. leave Sect. 12. 13. 14. properly amended add And be it &c that whensoever the two houses of Congress shall be assembled for the purpose of having the certificates of the electors of the several states opened & counted, the names of the several states shall be written on different & similar tickets of paper & put into a...
I have had the honour to receive your Letter dated the 14th instant and have lost no time in obtaining the best information in my power, on the several questions therein stated. The malady with which the City is afflicted, has been progressive, from the time of your departure, untill Monday the 14th instant, at which time it had nearly extended through the City—Several small remissions have...
64816th. Tuesday. (Adams Papers)
Stay’d at home all day. Mr. D. went to the court Comedy to see a Russian play. Stormy windy weather.
I had the pleasure of receiving your Letter from Paris of the 18 th. March just before I embarked from Ireland for America— but had not the pleasure till my Arrival here of being informed that you were appointed Minister to the Court of London where we are told that you are removed with your Family & where I expect this to meet you Since my Arrival which was in May I have postponed writing to...
Since my arrival here I have written you two or three hasty letters—being constantly involved in Business or Company from wh. it would not be here very practicable or perhaps prudent to retreat, I have been able to write but very little—The Convention this moment adjourned and I am writing in their Chamber—a Question being about to be put on the mode of adoption which you have seen, we moved...
The Governor & Council present their respectful compliments to the President of the United States & request the Honor of his company with his suite to Dine on Tuesday next at the Coffee house in State Street at 3 o’Clock P.M. L , DLC:GW . For background to this letter, see GW to Betty Lewis, 12 Oct. 1789, n.3 , and to John Hancock, 23 Oct. 1789, n.1 . On 25 Oct. the dining arrangements were...
The Representation and Petition of Jacob Liles of the County of Wake in the State of North Carolina respectfully sheweth: That the Affidavit which he has the honour of submitting, herewith enclosed, contains, as far as he knows, is informed or believes, a true Statement of the facts therein set forth:—That he had a son of the name of Lamb, a minor whom he sent to his Grandfather residing in...
I have not received a Line, nor heard a Syllable from you Since my Arrival, but I know your incessant Application to things of the first Moment, and therefore presume you have good Reasons. Our Ennemies are Still in a Delirium: and are pleasing themselves with Hopes that Clinton will be more bloody than How. Nothing is so charming to their Imaginations as Blood and Fire. What an Heart must...
Your polite and obliging Favour of April the 10th I duely received at this Place and I pray you to accept of my best Thanks for your very elegant and acceptable Present of a Print of the Death of Lord Chatham, a Masterpiece of the Fine Arts which does as much honour to America which produced the Artist as it does to great Britain which produced the Statesman. Nor am I less Sensible of the...
I have the painful Task to inform you that my Son Charles Smith Lieutt. in the first united States Regt. departed this Life on the 30th. last, and has left me childless, being the last of five whom I have lost . May your Children live to close their Parents Eyes, but may it be long—very long before they are called upon to perform that melancholy Duty. His Servant Nathan Bunting was induced to...
656[Diary entry: 8 September 1773] (Washington Papers)
8. Clear, calm, and warm.
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je ne puis vous exprimer Combien je suis fachée d’être La Cause innocente, du désagrement que vous èprouvés, pour avoir voulu m’obliger en La personne de mr mullens; ce n’est que d’aprés ses instances que je vous ai engagé à reparer Les pertes qu’il a faites dans sa traversée, et lorsque je lui ai remis La petite lettre de change de votre part je lui ai dit...
Such progress has now been made in recruiting the sixteenth regiment that the appointment of a Surgeon is for it becomes indispensible. I know not whether I have proposed to you any person as qualified for the post. If I have, or there be any suitable Character before you I would recommend that an appointment immediately take place. Col. Graves urges that the vacancies created by the...
I am not surprized at your Anxiety expressed in your Letter of the 25 th. which I rec d Yesterday. The Conduct of certain Mules has been so gloomy and obstinate for five Months past as to threaten the most dangerous Effects. The Proceedings of Boston N. York & Philadelphia now compared with their intemperate folly last July or August is a curious Specimen of Negotians with foreign Courts &...
As an additional apology for detaining the Frigate as well as for believing that an answer somewhat satisfactory is to be given to my note of the 10th. Novr. I ought perhaps to state to you more fully than I have done in my official letter what past at the diplomatic audience to which I there alluded. It was on the 1st. of Decr. the anniversary of the Coronation. The court was uncommonly...
Copy: the Royal Society The Aurora Boreales , tho’ visible almost every Night of clear Weather in the more Northern Regions, and very high in the Atmosphere, can scarce be visible in England but when the Atmosphere is pretty clear of Clouds for the whole Space between us and those Regions, and therefore are seldom visible here. This extensive Clearness may have been produced by a long...
The undersigned, Councilor Pensionary of the City of Amsterdam, has the honor to inform all the gentlemen who find themselves duely commissioned by the congress of the United States of America, that he finds himself authorized by the burgomasters of the city to declare in their name that, assuming the said congress will not enter into any agreement with the English commissioners that would be...
663General Orders, 26 December 1780 (Washington Papers)
Varick transcript , DLC:GW .
I have but little news to write you. Every thing of that kind you will learn by a more accurate hand than mine; things remain much in the same situation here that they were when you went away, there has been no Desent upon the sea coast. Guards are regularily kept, and people seem more settled, and are returning to their husbandry.—I feel somewhat lonesome. Mr. Thaxter is gone home, Mr. Rice...
Baltimore, January 26, 1791. “… there is an expedient (which I have some reason to suspect has been practised in this District) to elude the necessity of navigating ships by Masters Citizens of the United States , in order to entitle them to the privileges of American Bottoms, against which I do not discover any provision. It is thus. A Citizen, Owner of a ship, has her registered in due form,...
I thank you for the use of the enclosed papers, which I have copied, and now commit to the first mail after my return to this place. I shall endeavor to make myself master as well of your plan for schools, as of that for Colleges, before the period at which these subjects will be taken up in the House of Delegates . If you could conveniently spare the time, I think it would be of great benefit...
I have the honor to enclose you Major Newton’s letters from the 4th to the 11th instant inclusive. In all cases of sealed letters coming from the Squadron, addressed to persons residing in Norfolk, I have informed him that he would be authorized to open them, with the consent of the persons to whom they are addressed, and after having examined them, to deliver or withhold them according to the...
It is entirely owing to circumstances apart from my own intentions, that I have deferred the pleasure it gives me to acknowledge the receipt of materials for a biographical sketch of yourself intended for the National Portrait Gallery furnished by a friend of your selection—The document thus furnished is very satisfactory, and leaves nothing to regret; but it’s brevity , a fault which we have...
ALS : Library Company of Philadelphia Inclosed I send the Account of Charges in Solliciting your Act, amounting to £36 15 s. 0 d. The Act itself with the Royal Approbation engross’d on Parchment, I sent you per Mr. Wells, and hope it will get safe to hand. I am, with great Esteem, Dear Sir, Your most obedient humble Servant Addressed: To / Samuel Preston Moore Esqr / Philadelphia / Per favour...
Your Excellency I doubt not is anxious to hear of the enemy’s situation; they are from every account at Westover with some Corps advanced on the road leading to this place who appear to be under arms as I am. I have about 300 men tolerably well appointed about 40 the best of which are advanced under the command of Cap. Selden within sight of their advanced posts. Genl. Nelson I suppose you...
I Received yours of the 9 th nov. in which was inclose d Three pounds on acc t of money advance d for nails for you also your directions to have the cellars Clean d out &c by Phill. but as he is to go away at Ch r istmast he will not have the Chance to do it as M r
I nominate Philip Burr Bradley of Connecticut, to be Marshal of and for the Connecticut district, continued, the legal term of his former appointment having expired. LS , DNA : RG 46, Third Congress, 1793–95, Senate Records of Executive Proceedings, President’s Messages—Executive Nominations; LB , DLC:GW . For Bradley’s original nomination to this position, see GW to U.S. Senate, 24 Sept. 1789...
Had I really been disgusted and mortified at my Treatment by Congress which in fact I was not, but was Satisfied as Soon as it was explained to me, the mortification would have been more than compensated by the Commissions I received on the fourth of November, 1779 unquestionably the more confidential Commissions that Congress had ever issued. The Commission to General Washington as Commander...
I am much obliged to you for your judicious Letter of Oct r. 15. you have described the Causes of the present Evil with Accuracy, and the Cure is equally obvious. I mean a partial Cure— as far as the difficulty arises from Property having been thrown by the Course of the War into Hands, unable to hold it, there is no remedy but time & the Course of Law, in this respect, the present times...
^ Resolv [ ed ] ^ Whereas it is no less consonant to Reason than confirmed by the Experience of Ages almost all Nations, that military operations whose Success often depends on the proper use of critical Moments & Contingencies not be foreseen, should never be encumbered ^ delayed or perplexed ^ by Plans drawn in ^ by or Consultations with ^ large Assemblies by
We enclose you a list of the Squares actually devided, of those certified ready for division, and a Copy of Majr Ellicott’s Return of those marked out but not yet certified for Division, as well as a Copy of Majr Ellicott’s Letter to us—From the Two last you will perceive that there is at least an Uncertainty whether we shall much longer have Majr Ellicott’s services, he has however shewn such...
I do myself the honor to enclose Warrants for Jno. N. Canon—Boatswain & David Loring—Gunner— Should you approve their appointment these Warrants will require your signature— These gentlemen have been in the frigate President, her last cruise—& are highly recommended by Commdre. Dale & Capt. Barron. I have the honor to be, with the greatest respect Sir, your most obt servt. RC ( DLC ); in a...
This will be handed to you by Mr. Altson [ sic ] of S. Carolina, who proposes to call at Monticello on his return from a Northern tour. He will probably be made known to you by other introductions; but those which he has brought to me, as well as a short acquaintance with him make me feel an obligation to add mine. He appears to be intelligent, sound in his principles, and polished in his...
679[Diary entry: 31 January 1786] (Washington Papers)
Tuesday 31st. Thermometer at 42 in the Morning—40 at Noon and 34 at Night. The morning was a little cloudy but the weather soon cleared with a brisk No. Wester which occasioned a great change in the air. Planted a few pine trees in my Wildernesses.
The Cook I wish to dispose of, is at present under inoculation—As soon as he recovers, & is perfectly out of the way of communicating the disorder, he shall come down to Mount Vernon—You are perfectly welcome to keep him, till you have had a satisfactory trial of him—If he pleases you, I am sure we shall not disagree about his price. I have here about fifty bushels of Rye, but it is not yet...
Your favour of 21st instant came to my hands Yesterday: and I now comply with your request as far as in my power. The report of the Committee of Council at Quebec to Lord Dorchester was sent early in the last Spring by a Gentleman of Glasgow to a friend of mine, as an authentick paper transmitted to the British Ministry. It seems Canada is now divided into two Provences, and the part of it...
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to Colo. Gamble and takes the liberty of putting under cover to him a letter to Mr. Mewbern of Richmond, with a request to have it handed him if be arrived from London, or if not, to let it lie by, till his arrival. Th:J. thinks he must be arrived as he sailed from London Aug. 30. He has the pleasure to inform Colo. Gamble that after the great rains which...
By the last Inspection Returns of the Army, I find, that the Men in general are possessed of but one Shirt each, and that in a short Time they will be totally destitute of that necessary Article, unless a Supply is immediately provided. I wish therefore to point & fix your Attention immovably to this Subject. Let every Exertion be used, and every Resource be tried, for procuring such a Supply...
To the Senate of the United States. The considerations which led to the nomination of a Minister Plenipotentiary to Russia, being strengthened by evidence since received of the earnest desire of the Emperor to establish a diplomatic intercourse between the two Countries, and of a disposition in his Councils favorable to the extension of a commerce mutually advantageous; as will be seen by the...
Enclos’d is a Return of the Recruits enlisted since last—Charles Laurance deserted from W Point May 7th 1796 deliver’d himself to Me on the Eastern shore Octr 2d 1799— I am with respect sir Your Obt. servt. ( ALS , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress), enclosing a return of Maryland recruits, September 2, 1799 ( DS , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress). A note on the cover reads: "Leave...
Since my last of the 5th. instant a triplicate of which is here inclosed I have received yours of the 30th of August last. I have only time to inform you that I have directed the sum of 1,250.000 florins to be drawn upon our Commissioners in Amsterdam immediately; which will leave a sum in their hands sufficient to face the Interest and other payments falling due up to the 1st. of March next...
By the inclosed Resolves of Congress you will find that we are become more dependent upon your vigorous Exertions for the Amelioration of our Currency than you perhaps expected when you left Philadelphia. We think it of so much Importance that you Should be early apprized of the measures determined upon respecting Bills of Exchange that we do not chuse to omit this good Opportunity of...
I have the honor to acknowlege the receipt of your letter of the 29th. of August; the contents of which shall be executed. I have just received by the post accounts of the specific supplies furnished by this state; copies of which I shall prepare to be transmitted to you by the next post, as I am to return the Originals, which are for the inspection of the legislature. I hope to add to these...
Philadelphia, 10 Nov. 1791. After examining the enclosed papers relating to the land purchase of John Cleves Symmes on the Great Miami River, he thinks it proper to lay them before Congress, to demonstrate not only the foundation of Symmes’s larger claim but also the “expediency of providing some speedy and regular mode of deciding this and other questions of a like nature which might arise...
As one of the representatives from this town in the General Assembly of this State, I take the liberty to address you on the subject of Mr Ellery , our present Senator, I was not at the last Session of the General Assembly owing to professional avocations, and I regret extremely that I was not, that at least, I might have given the Testimony of my vote, against the Injustice that has been done...