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Results 641-670 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I must plead a lapse of 50 years as an apology for not recollecting in my answer to yours on the...
I wrote you a few lines last evening in answer to yours of the 22d. Resuming my search for the...
I take the liberty of thus obtruding on your notice two fugitive newspaper Essays, in which I...
I have this moment only recd. yrs. of the 22d. I regret the delay as you wished an earlier answer...
I have recd. yours of the 19th. inclosing some of the S. C. papers. There is in one of them some...
For some time past I have abstained from writing to you purely because I believed you might not...
I have recd. yours of this morning. I am glad to receive your confirmation of the merits of the...
(re recommendation for Richard Chapman as cadet at West Point) The enclosed Papers I received...
J. Madison, with his respects to Governour Southard, thanks him for the copy of his very able...
I have recd. Sir, your letter of the 3d: Mr. Harding in an error in supposing it my intention to...
It is a great sacrifice & disappointment to us to pass so near you, without having it in our...
Yours of the 28th. Ult: with the accompanying newspaper came duly to hand. I had noticed the...
The enclosed will give you a juster idea of the real state of things at the Head Quarters of...
J. Madison, with his respects & regards to Mr. DuPonceau thanks him for the Copy of his...
I have already delayed several days longer than I intended, the acknowledgment of the receipt of...
$400 I promise to pay to Dolley P. M. & Mary E. Cutts four hundred dollars, being the sum recd....
J. Madison, with his respects to President Quincy, acknowledges the receipt of two Copies of his...
Thinking on this subject last night in bed, it occurred to me that the most effectual way to keep...
The Copy of "Dermot MácMorrogh or the Conquest of Ireland" which I owe to your politeness, has...
I return you many thanks for the warm cap which came safe to hand a few days ago: It is as...
I have just recd. your letter of the 5th. Inst: informing me that I have been elected an honorary...
I return the little Volume on Cholera passed to me thro’ Docr. Dunglison. It attracts respect &...
I have recd. yours of the 8th. with the little volume on Cholera forwarded at the request of Mr....
I have recd. the 2 copies of your Pamphlet on State Sovereignity &c. The enfeebled state to which...
Mr Trist requested me to forward to you the accompanying Treatise on Cholera by the delegates,...
We are authorized to inform you that you are elected an honorary member of the Phi Gamma Alpha...
In my late letter on the subject of the pork I intended, but omitted to ask the favor of you to...
J. Madison with his respects to Mr Blair, informs him in answer to his letter of the 25, that the...
I enclose you a paper containing a letter ascribed to you. I beg the favor of you to inform me by...
I have received your favour of the 24th. ultimo—and thank you for the pamphlets accompanying it,...