Thomas Jefferson Papers

Notes on Personal Finance, 5 July 1805

Notes on Personal Finance


July 5. after taking up my 2 notes of May to bk US. & Col. = 3600. & payg Colston 400.

 I have in bank US. 702.33
10. Disct. bk Col. 1583.20
Lemaire 600
Daugherty 127 .831
US King 115 .42
US Davis 34 .86
<Maine 12 >
US Jones & Howell 253 .33
US Peale 60 .
US Stewart 40 .
<Maine 12 >
Lenox 62 .08
Claxton 81 .35
Frithey 5 .
Maine 12
Maxwell 17 .50
Barnes 164 .675
Lilly 280 .
Burwell2 70
Coxe 12 .50
Pic 7 .
Smith 36 .
Perry 50
Monto. 240 .
2285 .545

bk US Jones & Howell 253 .33
Peale 60 .
Stewart 40 .
cash 150
503 .33

Lemaire 600
Daugherty 127 .83
Lenox 62 .08
Claxton 81 .35
Maxwell 19 .50
Burnett & Rigden 35 .
Coxe 12 .50
Pic 7 .
Smith 36 . 933 .93
stage office 7 .635
Maine 12
Barnes 164 .675
Burwell 70 . 246 .675
Lilly 280 }
Perry 50 402 .595
Monto. 72 .595
1583 .55
1583 .20

Carpenter 87 .52

MS (CSmH); entirely in TJ’s hand; on same sheet as notes of “Money operns,” July-September, at 30 Sep.; with multiple emendations.

These two complementary lists record TJ’s calculations of expenses that he expected to pay during July. After calculating the cash he would have on hand as of 10 July when he was to receive a discounted note from the Bank of Columbia, he drew up a list of expenses, the total of which almost matched his cash reserve. Properly added, the expenses in the top section would have totaled $2,269.545, but TJ’s emendations make it impossible to determine which figures he used to arrive at his total. In the second section he appears to have compiled a list of payments as he made them, although as with the first list, alterations rendered some of his calculations inaccurate. Perhaps because he made the first payments, beginning with that to Jones & Howell, out of his account with the Bank of the United States, he did not add their total to the figure of $1,583.20 that he calculated at the foot of the document. TJ added the check marks next to payments he had arranged by 13 July. The payment to James Maxwell was for footwear. That to Burnett & Rigden was for earrings, part of a set of gift purchases. TJ did not make payments on two of the listed expenses, to Thomas Main for hedgethorns and to Thomas Carpenter for a tailor’s bill, until October and February, respectively. He made all other payments in July. It is uncertain what expenses were included in the Monticello (Monto.) line item (MB description begins James A. Bear, Jr., and Lucia C. Stanton, eds., Jefferson’s Memorandum Books: Accounts, with Legal Records and Miscellany, 1767-1826, Princeton, 1997, The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Second Series description ends , 2:1157-60, 1165, 1173; TJ to Dolley Payne Todd Madison, 6 July).

1TJ first wrote “124.25” before altering the figure to read as above.

2TJ first wrote “Higginb.” before altering the name to read as above.

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