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Results 6351-6400 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
6351 Washington, George Schuyler, Philip George Washington to Major General Philip Schuyler … 1778-11-20 Fredericksburg [ New York ] November 20–21, 1778 . Discusses details of proposed Canadian...
6352 Roberdeau, Daniel Franklin, Benjamin From Daniel Roberdeau to Benjamin Franklin or John … 1770-02-27 ALS : American Philosophical Society I have been for weeks past meditating a Voyage to London,...
6353 Madison, James Jefferson, Thomas From James Madison to Thomas Jefferson, 29 June 1807 1807-06-29 a free use of their harbors & waters, the means of refitting & refreshment, of succour to their...
6354 Washington, George [Diary entry: 17 March 1769] 1769-03-17 17. Executing Leases to those who had taken Lotts—being at Captn. Ashbys. GW had cut up his...
6355 Madison, James Protection of the Frontier, [16 May] 1794 1794-05-16 The Committee of the Whole took up the report of a select committee to which had been referred a...
6356 Tazewell, Littleton Waller Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Littleton Waller Tazewell, 31 … 1825-03-31 In acknowledging the receipt of your favor of the 13 th Inst, I cannot fail to offer you my very...
6357 Editorial Note on Franklin’s Accounts, 1782 1782-01-01 One new account begins during the period covered by this volume. XXXI. Jacques Finck’s Accounts...
6358 Jefferson, Thomas Jones, Thomas H. From Thomas Jefferson to Thomas H. Jones, 11 January … 1807-01-11 Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to mr Thos. H. Jones, and his thanks for the sample of...
6359 Jefferson, Thomas Fenwick, Joseph From Thomas Jefferson to Joseph Fenwick, 13 March 1792 1792-03-13 In consequence of your favor of Oct. 28. which did not come to hand till Jan. 14. I took measures...
6360 Jefferson, Thomas David, Jean Thomas Jefferson to Jean David, 13 January 1816 1816-01-13 Your favor of Jan. 1. is recieved. you intimate in that a thought of going to the Patomac to...
6361 Girard, Stephen Madison, James To James Madison from Stephen Girard, 11 March 1802 1802-03-11 The Inclosed is copy of a Memorial which I have delivred to the Secretary of State in the year...
6362 Ussieux, Louis d’ Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Louis d’Ussieux, [before 19 … 1780-03-01 Printed invitation: American Philosophical Society L∴R∴L∴ des Neuf Sœurs, Est convoquée pour le...
6363 Dumas, Charles William Frederic Adams, John C. W. F. Dumas to John Adams: A Translation, 6 June … 1781-06-06 According to the orders in your letter of the first of this month, I sealed the letter you sent...
6364 Jefferson, Thomas Gallimard, M. To Thomas Jefferson from Gallimard, 2 July 1788 1788-07-02 Trévoux en Dombes, 2 July 1788 . Asks TJ’s advice and protection in moving with his family to the...
6365 Joyeuse, Jean-Baptiste-Xavier Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Jean-Baptiste-Xavier Joyeuse … 1777-08-19 ALS : American Philosophical Society L’interêt que j’ay toujours pris, Monsieur, aux succés des...
6366 Wolcott, Oliver, Jr. Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Oliver Wolcott, Junior, 25 … 1791-11-25 Applications are frequently made respecting accounts which remain dependg in this Office, on...
6367 Adams, John Quincy [May 1785] 1785-05-01 Mr. Jarvis came out and dined with us at Auteuil. In the afternoon, Mr. Jefferson came out; he...
6368 Washington, George General Orders, 6 October 1779 1779-10-06 All the non commissioned officers and privates in the brigades at and near this post who are...
6369 Trenor, Peter Washington, George To George Washington from Peter Trenor, 26 October 1794 1794-10-26 I take the Liberty of annexing you Duplicate of what I had the Honour of writing your Excellency...
6370 Phillips, Samuel, Jr. Washington, George To George Washington from Samuel Phillips, Jr., 8 … 1783-02-08 In the Year 1779 the enemy made a lodgement on the banks of Penobscot river about an hundred...
6371 Peyton, Craven Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Craven Peyton, 5 January 1826 1826-01-05 In riding to Edge Hill yesterday I met with Capt. Meriweather & If—I am not much mistaken he is...
6372 Paterson, John Washington, George To George Washington from Brigadier General John … 1777-12-04 The bad State of our Army at present, destitute of Clothing and many other Necessaries the...
6373 Washington, John Augustine Washington, George To George Washington from John Augustine Washington, 11 … 1777-05-11 Letter not found: from John Augustine Washington, 11 May 1777. GW wrote his brother Jack on 1...
6374 Capel & Osgood Hanbury Washington, George To George Washington from Capel & Osgood Hanbury, 20 … 1768-06-20 We have now before us thy favor of 5th May the contents of which are duly noticed—The Insurce on...
6375 Commissioners for Indian Affairs Washington, George To George Washington from the Commissioners for Indian … 1779-06-05 Your Excellency’s Letter of the 28th covering the Acts of Congress of the 17th & 22d we had the...
6376 Leib, Michael Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Michael Leib, 8 March 1804 1804-03-08 At the request of Mrs. Heister, I send you Gros’s moral philosophy. This work was transmitted to...
6377 Coxe, Tench Madison, James To James Madison from Tench Coxe, 14 January 1815 1815-01-14 I have the honor to respectfully to represent to you, that the Governor of Pennsylvania has been...
6378 Madison, James Griffith, Robert Eaglesfield From James Madison to Robert Eaglesfield Griffith, 26 … 1806-12-26 There being no witnesses to the execution of the enclosed official bond by Mr. Patterson, it is...
6379 Adams, John [Wednesday July 31. 1776.] 1776-07-31 Wednesday July 31. 1776. The Board of War brought in a report, which was taken into...
6380 Destouches, —— Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from ——— Destouches, 14 July 1781 1781-07-14 ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ai l’honneur de vous adresser la lettre cy jointe du Cap...
6381 Ellicott, Andrew Simmons, William Andrew Ellicott to William Simmons, 25 December 1815 1815-12-25 I have enclosed a copy of my dissent to Genl. Swift, against Captn. Partridge’s breaking up the...
6382 Duane, William Madison, James To James Madison from William Duane, 27 August 1805 … 1805-08-27 § From William Duane. 27 August 1805 . “Francis Brueil, a French merchant connected with the...
6383 Washington, George Memorandum, 8–9 July 1755 1755-07-08 N.B. The 8th of July I rejoined (in a covered Waggon) the advanced division of the Army under the...
6384 Peale, Charles Willson Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Charles Willson Peale, 2 July … 1824-07-02 It was my intention to have paid you a visit when I left Philad a I had proposed to myself to...
6385 Law, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Thomas Law to Thomas Jefferson, 1 October 1813 1813-10-01 Enclosed I submit to your perusal, what I trust will be deem’d worth the trouble— If after a...
6386 Cosway, Maria Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Maria Cosway, [27 November … 1786-11-27 Ho scritto due volte senza aver ricevuta una lettera da lei doppo la prima quale trovai all mio...
6387 Joel, Beesly Edgar Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Beesly Edgar Joel, 15 August … 1784-08-15 You will pardon the liberty I take in addressing your Excellency, when you are informed of the...
6388 Adams, Abigail Smith Peabody, Elizabeth Smith Shaw From Abigail Smith Adams to Elizabeth Smith Shaw … 1811-11-08 I recieved your Letter by the last Mail inclosing one for your daughter, who left me last week,...
6389 Clinton, George Washington, George To George Washington from George Clinton, 24 November … 1793-11-24 I have recently received a Letter from the Secretary of War dated the 12th and also another dated...
6390 Jefferson, Thomas Madison, James From Thomas Jefferson to James Madison, 12 [i.e. 13] … 1802-08-13 The post having made it night before his arrival yesterday and my mail extraordinarily...
6391 McHenry, James Enclosure: Regulations Respecting Extra Allowances to … 1798-12-19 In all cases where officers are detached on services, which oblige them to incur expences on the...
6392 Innes, Harry Washington, George To George Washington from Harry Innes, 5 December 1789 1789-12-05 I have the hono’r to acknowledge the receipt of your very polite Letter of the 30th of September...
6393 Little, Charles Washington, George To George Washington from Charles Little, 15 December … 1786-12-15 I would have complyed with my promise: given your Execellencey; before this time, but have been...
6394 Ross, James Washington, George To George Washington from James Ross, 2 February 1798 1798-02-02 In consequence of your letter of the 22d Ulto I lodged your bonds in the Bank of Pennsylvania &...
6395 Alexander, Eli Jefferson, Thomas Memorandum from Eli Alexander, [ca. December 1794?] 1794-12-01 A computation of the corn it will take for the stock from now till April 1 or for one Hundred...
6396 Taylor, Robert Madison, James To James Madison from Robert Taylor, 25 December 1824 1824-12-25 I saw Mr. Harrison at court. He declined submitting the whole controversy between you to...
6397 Coxe, Tench Adams, John To John Adams from Tench Coxe, November 1793 1793-11-01 I have the honor to inform you that I have been engaged thro this week in attempts to provide for...
6398 Mason, George Washington, George To George Washington from George Mason, 21 August 1755 1755-08-21 I fully intended to have waited on You this Evening at Belvoir, but find myself so very unwell...
6399 Brown & Jones Madison, James To James Madison from Brown & Jones, 29 August 1808 1808-08-29 We take the liberty of enclosing Tobias Lears third bill on you, at thirty days sight for Three...
6400 Jefferson, Thomas Madison, James From Thomas Jefferson to James Madison, 10 January 1791 1791-01-10 Will you be so good as to let me know how much I am in your debt for travelling expenses and the...