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Results 6351-6400 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
6351 Andrews, Samuel Adams, John To John Adams from Samuel Andrews, 12 March 1782 1782-03-12 Your Exellency will permitt me to Lay my presant Situation before you being perswaded you will...
6352 Staphorst, Nicolaas & Jacob van (business) Adams, John To John Adams from Nicolaas & Jacob van Staphorst, 22 … 1782-05-22 Since we doubt whether they have Sent your Excellency already Some Prospectus of the Loan, we...
6353 McHenry, James Adams, John To John Adams from James McHenry, 4 August 1798 1798-08-04 The more I contemplate the detail of organizing the twelve regiments of Infantry, to be raised;...
6354 Staphorst, Nicolaas & Jacob van (business) Adams, John To John Adams from Nicolaas & Jacob van Staphorst & … 1790-10-11 We beg leave to introduce to your Excellency’s acquaintance, the Bearer M r. Joseph Ceracchi...
6355 Digges, Thomas Adams, John To John Adams from Thomas Digges, 12 December 1780 1780-12-12 All your favours to the 27 ultimo and particularly that with a disagreeable inclosure came safe...
6356 Copley, John Singleton Adams, John To John Adams from John Singleton Copley, 11 November … 1783-11-11 Mr: Copley presents his compliments to M r: Adams, has seen Lord Mansfield and been informed that...
6357 Gordon, William Adams, John To John Adams from William Gordon, 7 August 1777 1777-08-07 This day 7-night I transmitted under cover to Mr. Hancock a number of anniversary sermons,...
6358 Jenings, Edmund Adams, John To John Adams from Edmund Jenings, 25 September 1782 1782-09-25 I did not receive any Slips by the two last Posts. I am particularly obliged to your Excellency...
6359 Adams, Abigail Adams, John Abigail Adams to John Adams, 27 May 1776 1776-05-27 What can be the reason I have not heard from you since the 20 of April, and now tis the 27 of...
6360 Gerry, Elbridge Adams, John To John Adams from Elbridge Gerry, 12 October 1779 1779-10-12 I have received from Mr. Lowell your Accounts and Vouchers, and shall deliver them to the Board...
6361 Adams, John Quincy Adams, John John Quincy Adams to John Adams, 22 July 1797 1797-07-22 Three or four days after the date of my last Letter, which was from Maassluys, and while I was...
6362 Adams, Abigail Adams, John Abigail Adams to John Adams, 26 January 1777 1777-01-26 Tis a Great Grief to me that I know not how to write nor where to send to you. I know not of any...
6363 Butler, Pierce Adams, John To John Adams from Pierce Butler, 25 December 1794 1794-12-25 I had the honor on my arrival in this City the 22d. Inst, to receive Your letter, Covering a...
6364 Boylston, Ward Nicholas Adams, John To John Adams from Ward Nicholas Boylston, 30 August … 1824-08-30 Your affectionate Letter of 24th Ultimo, I had the pleasure to receve and would have acknowledged...
6365 Genet, Edmé Jacques Adams, John Edmé Jacques Genet to John Adams: A Translation, 25 … 1780-02-25 I will not fail to inform the Count Vergennes of the letter with which you have honored me. I...
6366 Frye, Joseph Adams, John To John Adams from Joseph Frye, 25 August 1775 1775-08-25 I have taken leave to Send you Enclos’d herewith, a brief account of the Several Stations in...
6367 Wells, Nathaniel Adams, John To John Adams from Nathaniel Wells, 1 February 1801 1801-02-01 The Honble Daniel Davis Esqr has been lately appointed Solicitor General of this State and...
6368 Livingston, Robert R. Adams, John To John Adams from Robert R. Livingston, 9 January 1782 1782-01-09 I write merely to put you on your guard against any Falsehoods the Enemy may think it necessary...
6369 Bicker, Hendrik Adams, John Hendrik Bicker to John Adams: A Translation, 1 October … 1780-10-01 I am much chagrined to hear that the visit you made at my suggestion was not more successful. The...
6370 Knox, Henry Adams, John To John Adams from Henry Knox, 4 September 1791 1791-09-04 I wrote you last Week informing you of the sickness of your steward and his Children. I have now...
6371 Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams, John From Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams to John Adams, 21 … 1822-07-21 My Brother much as usual. The impossibility of hastening the cure of his very painful desease in...
6372 Stockdale, John Adams, John To John Adams from John Stockdale, 16 March 1793 1793-03-16 You have most probably heard long before this, that I have printed “ Letters to Paine ,” by your...
6373 Pickering, Timothy Adams, John To John Adams from Timothy Pickering, 6 October 1798 1798-10-06 This morning I received a letter from the American Consul at Naples. Unfortunately it is without...
6374 Riley, James Adams, John To John Adams from James Riley, 4 July 1817 1817-07-04 as A tribute of respect and Esteem for the Eminent virtues of one of the principal Fathers of my...
6375 Grasse, Alexandre-François-Auguste de … Adams, John To John Adams from Alexandre-François-Auguste de … 1798-02-24 Your Predecessor George Washington Granted to me little While ago after my arrival in this...
6376 Lovell, James Adams, John To John Adams from James Lovell, 14 October 1779 1779-10-14 I inclose to you a Peice of Intelligence perhaps altogether new. The uti possidetis offered by...
6377 Tufts, Cotton Adams, John Cotton Tufts to John Adams, 26 September 1782 1782-09-26 Yours of July 2d. I received being the first, since you left America. I rejoice at the Success of...
6378 Smith, Benjamin Adams, John To John Adams from Benjamin Smith, 27 December 1798 1798-12-27 In August last I had the honour of lodging in the Post Office at Wilmington, an Address from the...
6379 Adams, John Adams, John From John Adams to John Adams, 26 May 1816 1816-05-26 It gives me much pleasure, to hear that you have a Taste for Numbers, because this quality or...
6380 Sydney, Mr. Adams, John To John Adams from Mr. Sydney, 16 November 1796 1796-11-16 I have ventured to put into the Hands of a Gentleman on his Departure for America a Letter of...
6381 Stearns, William Adams, John To John Adams from William Stearns, 1 May 1776 1776-05-01 The Necessity of the present address must be my apology for making it. I am engaged as Counsel...
6382 Davis, Thomas Terry Adams, John To John Adams from Thomas Terry Davis, 10 February 1800 1800-02-10 By the Treaty of peace between the United States and the Indian Tribes North West of the River...
6383 Bondfield, John Adams, John To John Adams from John Bondfield, 23 June 1781 1781-06-23 I had the Honor to pay my respects to you the 17th. March since which I am not favord with a line...
6384 Stoddert, Benjamin Adams, John To John Adams from Benjamin Stoddert, 18 April 1799 1799-04-18 I am honored with your letter of the 10th. on the subject of Mr Parker: and there being room for...
6385 Chavagnes, Bidé de Adams, John To John Adams from Bidé de Chavagnes, 2 March 1780 1780-03-02 Jay receu la lettre que vous m’avez fait lhonneur de mecrire a l’honneteté que je vous connois...
6386 Barbé-Marbois, François de Adams, John To John Adams from François Barbé-Marbois, 18 October … 1780-10-18 Je viens de recevoir la Lettre que vous m’aves fait l’honneur de m’écrire le 1. du mois de mars...
6387 Adams, Abigail Adams, John Abigail Adams to John Adams, 10 December 1795 1795-12-10 I have rejoiced in the fine weather which has attended you through your journey, and the good...
6388 Parish & Thomson Adams, John To John Adams from Parish & Thomson, 18 April 1783 1783-04-18 We had the honour to write to Your Excellency, under date the 4 Ins t. , & now beg leave to give...
6389 Fitch, Eliphalet Adams, John To John Adams from Eliphalet Fitch, 19 August 1783 1783-08-19 The polite Attention you were pleased to shew me at Paris, and the Civility I received, thro’...
6390 Hodshon, John Adams, John From John Adams to John Hodshon, 26 April 1782 1782-04-26 Mr. Hodshon is desired to make the necessary Enquiries, and as soon as he will give me under his...
6391 Cunningham, William Adams, John To John Adams from William Cunningham, 22 October 1808 1808-10-22 Anxious as I am for the due appreciation by the publick of the merits of Mr. J.Q.A. the...
6392 Marshall, John Adams, John To John Adams from John Marshall, 23 August 1800 1800-08-23 I receivd by yesterdays mail your two letters of the 11th inst. & that which coverd the...
6393 Genet, Edmé Jacques Adams, John Edmé Jacques Genet to John Adams: A Translation, 9 May … 1780-05-09 I have the honor to send you enclosed a London Evening Post of 6 May, but I must ask you to...
6394 Jeffreys, George Washington Adams, John To John Adams from George Washington Jeffreys, 15 July … 1817-07-15 A Society has been established at this place for the promotion of agricultural and rural...
6395 Pickering, Timothy Adams, John To John Adams from Timothy Pickering, 24 July 1799 1799-07-24 There is in the Aurora of this city, an uninterrupted stream of slander on the American...
6396 Stoddert, Benjamin Adams, John To John Adams from Benjamin Stoddert, 12 October 1809 1809-10-12 Until within a few Days, I had only seen detached parts of your letters, published in the Boston...
6397 Peale, Rembrandt Adams, John To John Adams from Rembrandt Peale, 17 December 1800 1800-12-17 I take the liberty of addressing a few lines to your Attention; when it must otherwise be much...
6398 Bradford, Alden Adams, John To John Adams from Alden Bradford, 3 March 1819 1819-03-03 In your letter to me of Octo. last, for which I beg you accept my very respectful...
6399 Boylston, Thomas Adams, John To John Adams from Thomas Boylston, 23 December 1782 1782-12-23 The happy moment is now arrived, the strugle is at an end. America is recognizsed free &...
6400 Tudor, William Adams, John To John Adams from William Tudor, 4 May 1776 1776-05-04 I was much oblig’d by the little Essay you sent me and more so by the Letter which accompanied...