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Results 631-660 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
631 Mercereau, John Washington, George To George Washington from John Mercereau, 28 April 1777 1777-04-28 Agreeable to your request have proceeded—at Coryell; the river is C15 L75 wide and five and a...
632 Wolcott, George Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from George Wolcott, 16 February … 1804-02-16 I have received the Commissions your Excellency has been pleased to honor me with—appointing me...
633 Adams, John Madison, James To James Madison from John Adams, 28 November 1814 1814-11-28 When my Son departed for Russia, I enjoined upon him to write nothing to me, which he was not...
634 Erskine, David Montagu Madison, James To James Madison from David Montagu Erskine, 22 … 1806-11-22 I had the Honor of receiving your letter on the subject of some seamen Citizens of the U. S....
635 Hamilton, Alexander Stoddert, Benjamin From Alexander Hamilton to Benjamin Stoddert, 4 June … 1800-06-04 Enclosed are proceedings of Courts Martial which have been acted upon. The Proceedings in the...
636 Adams, John [Thursday October 26. 1775.] 1775-10-26 On Thursday October 26. 1775. The Subject again brought on the Carpet, and the same discussions...
637 Barbour, James Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from James Barbour of Kentucky, 9 … 1801-02-09 I heartily & Sincearly Congratulate on the triumph of Republicanism over the Administration party...
638 Washington, George [Diary entry: 12 August 1770] 1770-08-12 12. Rid to Belvoir after Dinner to see Sir Thos. Adams who was sick there. Adams’s frigate, the...
639 Dearborn, Henry Madison, James To James Madison from Henry Dearborn, 17 October 1815 1815-10-17 From my own knowledge of Majr. Harris’s charactor and services, and from information received...
640 Madison, James Breckinridge, James From James Madison to James Breckinridge, 27 November … 1827-11-27 This will be handed you by Mr. Jesse B. Harison of Lynchburg. He offers himself as Successor to...
641 Madison, James Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from James Madison, 4 August 1806 1806-08-04 The inclosed letters from Cathcart & Mellimelli explain the unexpected & perplexing determination...
642 Coxe, Tench Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Tench Coxe, 25 September … 1794-09-25 As you mentioned your intention of reinvesting the proceeds of the late Sale in lands, I have...
643 Jefferson, Thomas Monroe, James List of Books Sold to James Monroe, [10 May 1784] 1784-05-10 Books sold to Colo. Monroe s Chastellux Felicité publique. 2.v. 13. 6  Helvetius de l’homme. 3.v....
644 Smith, Thomas Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Thomas Smith, 30 August 1790 1790-08-30 [ Philadelphia, August 30, 1790. On September 23, 1790, Hamilton wrote to Smith : “I duly...
645 Smith, Samuel Stanhope Adams, John To John Adams from Samuel Stanhope Smith, 14 August … 1798-08-14 In consequence of the death of Colo. Innes it is probable that a variety of characters will...
646 Jefferson, Thomas Section of a Bill for Settling Disputed Presidential … 1800-01-01 Title—a bill supplementary to the act &c strike out the first 11. sections. leave Sect. 12. 13....
647 Wolcott, Oliver Jr. Washington, George To George Washington from Oliver Wolcott, Jr., 20 … 1793-10-20 I have had the honour to receive your Letter dated the 14th instant and have lost no time in...
648 Adams, John Quincy 16th. Tuesday. 1782-07-16 Stay’d at home all day. Mr. D. went to the court Comedy to see a Russian play. Stormy windy weather.
649 Jackson, Jonathan Adams, John To John Adams from Jonathan Jackson, 10 August 1785 1785-08-10 I had the pleasure of receiving your Letter from Paris of the 18 th. March just before I embarked...
650 Jay, John Washington, George To George Washington from John Jay, 17 July 1788 1788-07-17 Since my arrival here I have written you two or three hasty letters—being constantly involved in...
651 Massachusetts Legislature Washington, George To George Washington from the Massachusetts … 1789-10-24 The Governor & Council present their respectful compliments to the President of the United States...
652 Liles, Jacob Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Jacob Liles, 12 April 1808 1808-04-12 The Representation and Petition of Jacob Liles of the County of Wake in the State of North...
653 Adams, John Gerry, Elbridge From John Adams to Elbridge Gerry, 27 November 1778 1778-11-27 I have not received a Line, nor heard a Syllable from you Since my Arrival, but I know your...
654 Adams, John Copley, John Singleton From John Adams to John Singleton Copley, 16 November … 1792-11-16 Your polite and obliging Favour of April the 10th I duely received at this Place and I pray you...
655 Smith, Isaac Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Isaac Smith, 8 February 1800 1800-02-08 I have the painful Task to inform you that my Son Charles Smith Lieutt. in the first united...
656 Washington, George [Diary entry: 8 September 1773] 1773-09-08 8. Clear, calm, and warm.
657 Conway, Françoise-Antoinette-Jeanne Langlois du … Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from the Comtesse Conway, 27 March … 1779-03-27 ALS : American Philosophical Society Je ne puis vous exprimer Combien je suis fachée d’être La...
658 Hamilton, Alexander McHenry, James From Alexander Hamilton to James McHenry, 4 January … 1800-01-04 Such progress has now been made in recruiting the sixteenth regiment that the appointment of a...
659 Adams, John Adams, Abigail John Adams to Abigail Adams, 30 April 1796 1796-04-30 I am not surprized at your Anxiety expressed in your Letter of the 25 th. which I rec d...
660 Barlow, Joel Madison, James To James Madison from Joel Barlow, 19 December 1811 1811-12-19 As an additional apology for detaining the Frigate as well as for believing that an answer...