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Results 631-640 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Agreeable to your request have proceeded—at Coryell; the river is C15 L75 wide and five and a half feet Deep—at Smiths where they attempted crossing last winter—is C7 L25 wide—at Samuel Pettets 2 mils below; the water is five and a half foot Deep—and at Pool’s Cove is the narrowes place only C6 L75 —this and Smiths are the most Likely to cross if they pass on brid⟨ge⟩s—the fording places below...
I have received the Commissions your Excellency has been pleased to honor me with—appointing me Surveyor of the Customs—and Inspector of the Revenue for the Port of Saybrook—I accept them with gratitude and to the best of my ability shall faithfully discharge the Trust reposed in me I am Excellent Sir most respectfully your Obedient Servt. RC ( DNA : RG 59, MLR ); addressed: “His Excellency...
When my Son departed for Russia, I enjoined upon him to write nothing to me, which he was not willing Should be published in French and English Newspapers. He has very Scrupulously observed the rule. I have been equally reserved in my letters to him: but the Principle on both Sides has been to me a cruel privation, for his correspondence when Absent, and his Conversation when present has been...
I had the Honor of receiving your letter on the subject of some seamen Citizens of the U. S. stated to have been impressed by some of the ships of his Britannic Majesty’s Squadron at Halifax. I beg leave to inform you that I will immediately forward the Depositions concerning them to the Admiral of that station who I have no doubt will pay the proper attention to their Cases. With the Highest...
Enclosed are proceedings of Courts Martial which have been acted upon. The Proceedings in the case of Morris Gerry have been acted upon in General orders. I have caused search to be made for them in the Office of the A General—They are not there, nor are they in my office—I conclude therefore that they have been forwarded to you ( Df , in the handwriting of Thomas Y. How, Hamilton Papers,...
On Thursday October 26. 1775. The Subject again brought on the Carpet, and the same discussions repeated, for very little new was produced. After a long discussion in which Mr. John Rutledge, Mr. Ward, Mr. Lee, Mr. Sherman, Mr. Gadsden, Mr. Dyer, and some others had spoken on the same Side with me, Congress resolved that a Committee of five members be appointed to take into Consideration, the...
I heartily & Sincearly Congratulate on the triumph of Republicanism over the Administration party it gives Pleasure to nearly all the people of this Country (those holding offices under the General Government & a few others excepted) it is said that many complaints will be made against the Marshall of this State , should he be removed as it is a pecuniary office no doubt many applications will...
638[Diary entry: 12 August 1770] (Washington Papers)
12. Rid to Belvoir after Dinner to see Sir Thos. Adams who was sick there. Adams’s frigate, the Boston , returned to Hampton Roads without him, while he tried to recover his health at Belvoir. He rejoined the vessel in early September and sailed her soon afterwards to Halifax, Nova Scotia, where he died in October ( Va. Gaz. , P&D, 6 Sept. and 18 Oct. 1770, and R, 1 Nov. 1770).
From my own knowledge of Majr. Harris’s charactor and services, and from information received from many officers of distinction, I have no doubt of the correctness of the accompanying narative, and I think his claim to rank, as stated by Genl. Ripley, no more than he is clearly entitled to. His highly respectable standing in society, added to his faithfull and distinguished services, form such...
This will be handed you by Mr. Jesse B. Harison of Lynchburg. He offers himself as Successor to Mr Long, in the Professorship of Ancient Languages: & if satisfied by the concurring opinions of the Visitors separately expressed, that his appointment will take place, intends to embark immediately at his own expence for Germany, in order to avail himself of the peculiar opportunities there found...