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I received Yours of the 22 d Yesterday. I have already written You that the President and I are both well Satisfied with what you have done respecting help— I forwarded to you the Ways , and Means in a Letter of April 17 th the receit of which I wish to learn as soon as possible. I have never lost any thing by post, and hope that what I then inclosed went safe— a vessel is now here going to...
The Morning after I received your very short Letter I determined to have devoted the day in writing to my Friend but I had only just Breakfasted when I had a visit from Monsieur Rivers an officer on board the Langudock who speaks English well, the Captain of the Zara and 6 or 8 other officers from on Board an other ship. The first Gentlemen dined with me and spent the day so that I had no...
upon the 12th, our dear Thomas reachd Quincy to my no small Joy! I am as happy in his company and Society, as you have been before me, and I bless God that he has returnd to his Native Country, an honest sober and virtuous citizen I hope he will continue an honour and a comfort to his Parent’s tho it is allotted them to experience different sensations with respect to one, of whose reformation...
I received Your Letters of December the 30 & Jan ry 1 st accept my thanks for them. the Letter inclosed for Mr Black, mr Brisler deliverd with his own Hand to him. he wept at receiving it. said he would write to his Brother. Mr Brisler says there are two persons in his store, a young Man & a Lad. he has a Housekeeper Since I wrote you last my Little Friend has been again to visit me. I sent a...
Judge Blodget is here again, and offers to take Letters to you. he says he call’d and that you was not at home, nor My Dear Cousin Betsy for whose Health I feel not a little anxious— how is she? has she a fever? has she a cough? would not a journey serve her? has she been bled? I hear from you but seldom. You would write oftner if you was a little more careless. I mean if you did not attend so...
I did not receive your Letter of August the 14th. untill this very Evening; I was much gratified to find I had done what you directed, before your Letter reach’d me. That is, that I had bought a wood Lot. Concerning this purchase I have already written to you; but least that letter should not arrive, I will repeat, that the Lot I have purchased is a part of 27 acres which belonged to Samuel...
I received your Letter of July 12. I am inclined to think your last determination will prove a judicious one. I most sincerely hope it will. The President expects to leave this city next week. we shall go Northward for a Month or two. I could have wisht that my Health would have permitted me, to have visited the new city at this season; but the Heat is so great that I dare not make the...
I know not where this will find you whether upon the road, or at Phylidelphia, but where-ever it is I hope it will find you in good Health and Spirits. Your Journey I immagine must have been very tedious from the extreem heat of the weather and the dustiness of the road’s. We are burnt up with the drouth, having had no rain since you left us, nor is there the least apperance of any. I was much...
I received on saturday Your kind favour of Feb’ ry accept My thanks for the orations. I send you in return Major Jacksons, which was very handsomely deliverd, and is as highly spoken of as any amongst the Multitude. I think it will not lose by a comparison with any which I have read, and I already have enough for a vol’ m . Messengers is the Wildest Raphosody of any I do not esteem the whole;...
Mr jenks is suddenly obliged to return to America and I have only time to write you a few lines, to inform you of my Health. I yesterday heard that Captain Davis is arrived at Plimouth. By him I hope to hear again from all my Dear Friends. I have written you lately by mrs Hay who went to Newyork and by Captains Cushing and Lyde, all of whom I hope will arrive Safe. In the political World...
641Sunday July 18th. (Adams Papers)
This Day about 2 oclock made land. It is almost a Calm, so that we shall gain but little. We hope to land at Portsmouth a tuesday; this is doing very well; I have great reason to be thankfull for so favourable a passage. The mate caught a shark this morning but he got away, after receiving several wounds with a harpoon. I believe I could continue on Board this Ship 8 or ten days more, and find...
Tomorrow will compleat three Months Since our dear sons saild, and this moment I have received a Letter from Town with this agreable intellegence, “on Sunday Evening the 14 Captain Joy arrived from England. just before he saild from the Downs, a ship came too about 2 miles a head, of him. the Pilot who came on Board Captain Joy told him she was the ship Alfred in 32 days from Boston.[”] tho I...
I inclose to you the Cupons of Feb ry and June. 2 for that Month and 20 for Febry. 21 in one paper and 8 in an other. you will convey them in the best manner to Holland and direct new obligations to be taken for the interest, drawing upon them however for the amount of what you pay to Mrs Copley on my account. I mentiond to you or Thomas a Watch. you may purchase one for me, but the cost of...
If our wishes could have conveyed you to us, you would not have been absent to Day. Mr. Cranch and my Sister have been here, where they hoped to have found you. We talk’d of you, they desire to be rememberd to you, and wish you well thro the Distemper. Mr. Cranch told me that the Deacon with his children design for Boston next Saturday and that they propose going by water—that the Deacon would...
Yesterday in high stile with his Carriage and four, His Honor the Lieut Govenour made me a visit. this is the first notice I have received of his Gaurdianship. he desired I would inform the President that he had been here, as he had promised him that he would take care of me. I told him I should certainly comply with his request; the seeing me for the first Time, since the loss of Mrs Gill,...
Winter has caught you on the Road I presume, for a colder Day than this we seldom have in Jan’ ry You will want to hear how the Farming goes on. the Letters inclosed which I received last evening have put it all out of my Head, and almost put out My Eyes to read. no other than the printed Duplicate has come to Hand. I send you both yours and mine, both of which are important at this time when...
The weather was so cold yesterday that we had fires in our Rooms. I suppose you have weather of a similar kind. we have had frequent showers and yesterday a fine rain. The House have at length got through the answer to the speech, 3 weeks debating whether, they should use the term indignation, or sensibility. the answer as reported and as finally agreed to, is a very handsome one, as well as a...
A few lines by way of remembrance every week tho I have nothing new to write you if I may judge you by myself are very acceptable. I long for a wedensday which to me is the happiest day of the week. I never fail of a pacquet, tis soon read, and then the next wedensday is thought of with the same Solisitude— The last post brought me yours of july 16, 18 and 20th. You have often of late mentiond...
I congratulate You my Dear Louissa, that our loss is to be your gain. Mr Adams leaves us on twesday for Washington, where I hope he will arrive in Safety, and have a joyfull meeting with his family. I know from frequent experience how painfull it is to be thus Seperated— I hope when he returns next Spring that You will be able to come with him, and that we may make Quincy an agreable residence...
I am situated at a small desk in an appartment about 2 thirds as large as your own little Chamber; this appartment opens into my lodging Chamber which is handsome and commodious, and is upon a range with 6 or 7 others all of which look into the Garden. My Chamber is hung with a rich India patch, the bed, Chairs and window curtains of the same, which is very fashionable in this Country, two...
This is the memorable fourteenth of August. This day 12 years the Stamp office was distroyd. Since that time what have we endured? What have we suffer’d? Many very many memorable Events which ought to be handed down to posterity will be buried in oblivion merely for want of a proper Hand to record them, whilst upon the opposite side many venal pens will be imployd to misrepresent facts and to...
Although I have not yet written to you, be assured Madam, you have been the subject of some of my most pleasing thoughts: the sweet communion we have often had together, and the pleasant Hours I have past both at Milton, and Braintree I have not realized in Europe; I visit, and am visited; but not being able to converse in the language of the Country, I can only silently observe Manners and...
I have received a good deal of paper from you; I wish it had been more coverd; the writing is very scant but I must not grumble. I know your time is not yours, nor mine. Your Labours must be great, and your mouth closed, but all you may communicate I beg you would. There is a pleasure I know not whence it arises nor can I stop now to find it out, but I say there is a degree of pleasure in...
On the 23 d of June I wrote You a Letter, and one to your Father, addressing it to him in Philadelphia, and in his absence to be opened by You. I was much mortified to find it returnd again to Quincy, not So much for what it containd, as the appearence of my having neglected to write to you; Your last Letter found me upon a bed of sickness wholy unable to write. the Hot weather brought on a...
I last Evening received your of the 15 th and our son the Remittance, which he went directly to pay but mr smith Says the Sum is this currency, whereas mr Brisler expressly wrote me that it was Philadelphia currency and after nameing the sum in pounds, was so particular as to calculate the sum in Dollers. Captain Eames has saild for Philadelphia so that mr smith must wait unless he will credit...
My early rising still continues, and I am writing by candle light. it is a week this day since you left me. I have rejoiced in the fine weather for your Sake. it has sometimes been cold and Blustering, but the Air has been pure and bracing. on saturday Night we had a plentifull Rain Succeeded by a fine day. I presume you reachd N York yesterday. I hope you found all our Friends well tho I have...
I received your Letter of June 20th with one for mrs Adams which I shall forward in a few day’s. I am Sorry to learn that your Health & spirits are depressed. I know well that want of Health mars every other enjoyment. You must Call Reason & Philosophy to your Aid, nor let the untoward occurrences of Life too much depress you. “Man wants but little here below, nor want that little long” are...
I have this moment received your Letter of June 25th. I wrote to you by the post of twesday, and told you that from a Letter received from mr Adams I thought it would be impractable for Thomas Welch to go out. I now inclose you the Letter and you must judge what is best to be done mr Adams will undoubtedly give Thomas his Board if he goes but you see the expences of his going to him, and of...
I have not wrote you so soon as I should have done, if I had known where to have directed to you, but your kind favours of july 6 and 10 which reachd me yesterday leaves me no longer at a loss. I will not leave you any longer in Suspence with regard to your worthy parent who has happily recoverd from the small pox. I omitted writing before not being willing to tell you that he had so...
Yours of Feb ry 27. March 1 st came to hand on Thursday. I regreet that Congress are like to Sit so long, for tho my Neighbours are Some of them pleasd to flatter My Vanity, by asscribing to me a knowledge of Farming. I have really very little pretentions to their enconiums. I find myself embarresed in the terms of leasing the Farms. I have endeavourd to abide as near as I could by Your...