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Results 631-640 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
I. Printed in The Pennsylvania Gazette , October 19, 1752; also copy: The Royal Society. II. Printed in Joseph Priestley, The History and Present State of Electricity, with Original Experiments (London, 1767), pp. 179–81. Franklin was the first scientist to propose that the identity of lightning and electricity could be proved experimentally, but he was not the first to suggest that identity,...
ALS and AL : American Philosophical Society In the Inclos’d you have all I have to say of that Matter. It prov’d longer than I expected so that I was forced to ad a Cover to it. I confess it looks like a Dispute but that is quite contrary to my Intention. The Sincerity of Friendship and Esteem were my motives nor do I doubt your scrupling the goodness of the Intention. However I must confess I...
Draft: New-York Historical Society I now send back to you Wilson on Electricity for the use of which I am much obliged. My youngest son the only one I have with me hopes to be able to make Electrical experiments tollerably well. Mr. Wilson I think is on the true scent of the cause of Electricity though it be plain he is not sufficiently informed of the nature of that elastic fluid which he...
Printed in Benjamin Franklin, Experiments and Observations on Electricity (London, 1769), pp. 234–5. I am favoured with your letter of the 2d instant, and shall, with pleasure, comply with your request, in describing (as well as my memory serves me) the water-spout I saw at Antigua; and shall think this, or any other service I can do, well repaid, if it contributes to your satisfaction in so...
ALS : Yale University Library Your Favours of Augt. 26. with the Books for the Library Company, &c. came safe to hand; and all turn out right; excepting that D’Argens Philosophy of Common Sense is not come, but another thing of his instead of it. The Life of Boerhave sent is an old and small Book; what we intended was a new Life lately published in (I think) 4 Vols. 8vo. Condamine’s Figure of...
Copy: Public Record Office In 1745 Arthur Dobbs, long an advocate of a search for a northwest passage, prompted Parliament to offer a prize of £20,000 to any subject of the King who, in an English vessel, should sail from Hudson Bay to the South Sea. He then, in 1746–47, sponsored an expedition. Two accounts of it were published—one by Henry Ellis, later governor of Georgia, in 1748; and the...
MS not found; reprinted from Jared Sparks, ed., A Collection of Familiar Letters and Miscellaneous Papers of Benjamin Franklin (Boston, 1833), p. 27. I congratulate you on the news of Benny’s arrival, for whom I had been some time in pain. That you may know the whole state of his mind and his affairs, and by that means be better able to advise him, I send you all the letters I have received...
ALS : New York Academy of Medicine Reflecting yesterday on your Desire to have a flexible Catheter, a Thought struck into my Mind how one might possibly be made: And lest you should not readily conceive it by any Description of mine, I went immediately to the Silversmith’s, and gave Directions for making one, (sitting by ’till it was finish’d), that it might be ready for this Post. But now it...
Document not found: commission as adjutant for southern district, Williamsburg, 13 Dec. 1752. For background to this document, see GW to Dinwiddie, 10 June 1752, n.2 . On 6 Nov. 1752, some months after Lawrence Washington’s death, the governor and council “finding by Experience the Insufficiency of one [adjutant], fully to discharge a Business of so much Importance,” created four military...
MS not found; reprinted from American Journal of Science, and Arts , V (1823), 160–2. I received your affectionate letter of the 1st. and am surprised to find that my letters do not of late get to your hand. I do not keep copies, but I remember well, that in one I acknowledged the receipt of the select transactions, and in another I complained of the long delay of your fourth Essay, and...