Alexander Hamilton Papers

To Alexander Hamilton from Elias B. Dayton, 19 March 1800

From Elias B. Dayton, 19 March 1800

Elizabeth Town 19. ⟨——⟩


I have been honored with ⟨——⟩ of the 17th. Inst. and now enclose a list of ⟨materi⟩als which I have furnished for the canton⟨ment⟩ to the last of February to which time my ⟨—⟩ have been made up & forwarded to the War Office.

I had before procured Colo. Smith’s certificate that the articles were furnished by his orders & forwarded it, with my accounts, to the office of the Accountant, who has suggested the necessity of obtaining your authority for the supplies before my accounts could be finally passed.

I am sir respectfully Your most o⟨b⟩dt. servt

E. ⟨——⟩

Major Genl. Hamilton.

(ALS, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress), enclosing "Materials furnished for the Cantonment near Green Brook previously to the 1st. March 1800, by Elias B. Dayton Contractor" (AD, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress). In the left margin of the letter from Elias Dayton, there is an "X" mark just below the line in the second paragraph beginning "of the Accountant, who has suggested...."

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