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Results 62851-62880 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
According to former assurances I now inclose you four hundred and seventy dollars in Pennsylvania...
The desire, Sir, of making you acquainted with what I deem’d it important you should know, made...
I have received your two letters of the 7th. one of the 10th. two of the 11th. 3 of the 12th. one...
I received last night your letter inclosing the draught of a bill relative to the articles of...
Cases, every day, occur to shew the immense inconvenience of being obliged to resort, for all...
I acknowledge the receipt of yours of the 4th. instant giving leave for Lieut Levingston to...
I have been honored with —— of the 17th. Inst. and now enclose a list of materi als which I have...
I have the Honor of informing you that I arrived this afternoon from the command on which I was...
I shall defer settling the relative Rank of the Captains only, untill all the officers of your...
At an interview I had some time since the honor of having with you I obtained a partial promise...
Since I had the honor to receive my appointment, as Cadet in the 15th Regiment, I find my pay and...
I am much incommoded by the Conduct of Store keepers, who have built small Houses, near the...
Mar. 19. same subject . Dexter maintained that the Com. law as to crimes is in force in the...
Mr. Chapin, Agent for Indian Affairs, has informed me, under date of 6th ulto, that “the...
I have understood that the late Commander in Chief was forming some system to arrange the...
Fort McHenry [ Baltimore ] March 18, 1800 . “During my command at this post I have had frequent...
The proper measure of the pace is a matter of primary importance in the Tactics of the Infantry....
I have received a copy of a letter from Col. Hamtramck to G. Wilkinson which contains the...
Inclosed are the Proceedings of a General Court Martial held at Union Camp of which Major Fondy...
It is my intention that the Recruits the different detachments under your command may have...
I have just received a Copy of a letter from Colonel Hamtramck to General Wilkinson, containing...
The auther, sensible of the rank which you hold in the literary world, presents you with due...
John Dickinson accepts with many Thanks the Copy of the late Resolution of the Legislature of...
I have the pleasure to transmit you a copy of the report of a Committee of the House of Delegates...
Mr. Parkyns has done himself the Honor to pay his respects to Mr. Jefferson, and shall esteem...
I have received your Poem in imitation of the manner of Ossian, on the Death of Washington and...
The papers from the Accountant of the War office, which accompany this, are referred by the...
The inclosed Letter will be handed to you by Mr. Van Flick, as the Bearer alluded to in the...
62879General Orders, 17 March 1800 (Hamilton Papers)
[ New York ] March 17, 1800 . Presents regulations concerning the construction and repair of...
62880General Orders, 17 March 1800 (Hamilton Papers)
[ New York ] March 17, 1800 . Announces “Regulations respecting soldiers allowed to be taken from...